I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 867

Ikari Gendo subconsciously felt that it was impossible. In his script, apart from Nagisa Kaoru, only the first machine with the soul of his wife could show such a posture when the synchronization rate with his son Ikari Shinji reached the highest. !


There is also a possibility!

"Could it be a human being from another world who has completed the completion of a certain concept?"

Ikari Gendo came to such a conclusion, but what he didn't know was that the object of Dou Zhen's words was not Jon, but Men Yashi and the knights he turned into cards.

In short, after Douzhen appeared, the battle between Jon and Men Yashi also came to an end.

Although Men Yashi didn't know Douzhen, he also understood Douzhen's deep meaning after hearing this sentence.


"I said it... I hate being judged the most." Mon Yashi pointed to Douzhen on the sea, and then pointed to Unit 6.

Even if it was this mysterious guy who rescued him from the No. 6 machine before, Men Yashi would not give up his plan because of this.

But just before he was ready to give E... Bah! This is Ultraman!

Almost got scammed! Gumen told him that Ultraman belonged to the Giant of Light!

But just when Mon Yashi was about to teach No. 6 a lesson, he had an expression of surprise on his face again.

Because it was holding a spear, the restraints on its left arm, chest, and side of its head had been shattered, revealing the body of the Giant of Light below. It seemed that Unit 6 had given up the idea of ​​continuing to fight with him, and slowly flew towards the sky.

"You've saved a dog's life this time, Decade..."

Unit 6, whose halo slowly rose above its head, was like a god at this moment, attracting everyone's attention to it, and the words that came out of its mouth immediately silenced everyone.

"Your appearance will only bring destruction to this world, and I will not let you go."

After leaving this sentence, a distorted wormhole appeared above the head of Unit 6, and then disappeared into it.

The battle is over.

But the impact of this battle on people will not fade away so easily.

They subconsciously looked at the location of the mysterious young man who had rescued Monyashi before, but found that the other party had disappeared on the sea.

Only Menyashi was left.

There is no No. 6 machine, no Cassius gun falling from the sky, and no attacking apostles.

It seemed that everything that happened just now was just their illusion, and the only blood that could prove the existence of the apostles had perfectly integrated with the bloody ocean.

Until this time, people had the opportunity to think carefully about what Evol, who was driving the No. 6 machine, did during the process from appearance to departure.

From the very beginning when he took the initiative to eliminate the apostles, and then asked Kato Yashi, the "destroyer of the world", to get out of this world, he did not do anything harmful to human beings, as if he was protecting human beings.

But Men Yashi is also protecting human beings!

Such a sense of contradiction makes people wonder which side to trust for a while.

Shinji Ikari, who was just about to set off in the NERV headquarters, was greatly relieved when he learned that the battle was over and Monyashi was rescued.

He felt that the pilot of the No. 6 aircraft must have misunderstood something. How could Mr. Monya be the destroyer of the world!

After coming out of the plug, Ikari Shinji breathed a sigh of relief.

But just as he was about to leave here, he saw Asuka who had already closed his eyes and waited at the exit.

"Hey! Second Generation Quan..."

After hearing footsteps, Asuka opened her eyes and looked at Shinji Ikari's bandaged hands.

"Do you really think that man can be trusted?"

Ikari Shinji nodded without hesitation.

"What's the reason?" Asuka frowned and asked.

"Because Chief Monya went to fight the apostles for us." Shinji Ikari replied without thinking.

But this reason does not satisfy Asuka.

"That's it?"

With a beautiful frown, Asuka turned around and was about to leave. She also just came out of the No. 2 machine insertion plug, and just stayed here to wait for Shinji Ikari.

But before she really left, she spoke again.

"Aren't we also fighting the apostles for the sake of others? I don't believe you and those who go through the back door."

"It's different." Shinji Ikari shook his head and replied, "We are fighting for others, and Chief Monya is fighting for us."

There is a big difference between the two in Ikari Shinji's eyes.

He himself drove EVA because he was needed, and even came to NERV headquarters only because his father needed him to drive, not for any other reason.

If you don't want to drive, go back!

This is what his father said to him at the time, and no one considered his thoughts at that time.

But now it's different!

Chief Monya considered his thoughts before fighting with him, and then went to face the apostle alone.

So Ikari Shinji felt that Menyashi could be trusted.

Because at the beginning, he was also very scared! Then I am very envious of Ms. Misato and the others, they only need to stay in the safe underground headquarters and give orders.


"Are you an idiot? Isn't it all the same?"

Asuka gave such an answer, and then chose to leave.

Ikari Shinji seemed to want to say something, but was stunned by Asuka's next sentence.

"But it doesn't matter, anyway, I probably won't see that guy again in the future."

Can't see you?

Ikari Shinji suddenly became nervous.

"Asuka! What does this sentence mean?!"

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