I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 868

"It's easy to understand, since that guy has already been exposed as the "World Destroyer", he will definitely not return to NERV, after all, he has already been exposed. "

This sentence made Ikari Shinji feel lost, and he only thought of this possibility after being reminded by Asuka.

But just when Ikari Shinji really thought that he would never see Monyashi again and became sad because of this, he saw this man walking in the NERV headquarters again the next day in a suit. figure.

"Yo! Young man, it seems that you are recovering well."

Kato Yashi greeted Ikari Shinji, let Ikari Shinji stay where he was, and then showed a surprised expression.

"Master Monya, you..."

"The current me is not your chief..." Mon Yashi shook his finger and said, "I am a guest invited by your father."

A guest invited by his father?

What's going on here?

Ikari Shinji was a little confused, but soon he realized what it meant.

Like what Asuka said, after being accused by Evol of being a "destroyer of the world", Mr. Katoya planned to leave NERV, but was invited back to NERV by his father as a guest.

Of course, what Ikari Shinji most wanted to know was the meaning of the title "World Destroyer".

"Mr. Motoya, that title must have been invented by the person who piloted Unit 6, right?"

When this question was asked, Ikari Shinji was a little nervous.

He hoped to get an answer he wanted, but...

"No, he's right." Monyashi chuckled, then patted Shinji Ikari on the shoulder, and leaned closer to Shinji Ikari's ear.

"Compared to me, you should trust Evol more, boy~"

After leaving these words, Monyashi stepped over Ikari Shinji's body and walked in another direction.

And this answer also made Ikari Shinji stunned, and it took a long time to react.

Compared to Mr. Kadoya, should he trust Evol more?

Does even Mr. Monya think Evol is doing the right thing?

Shinji Ikari had a flustered expression on his face, and then subconsciously looked in the direction where Katoyashi left, but at this moment Katoyashi had completely disappeared in front of him.

"But how can a person who said such a thing not be trusted..."

Shinji Ikari muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear.


Monyashi didn't know what kind of thoughts his words made Shinji Ikari.

His original plan was to break away from NERV after helping NERV deal with the apostles, but he didn't expect NERV's commander, Ikari Gendo, to invite him.

Men Yashi did not refuse, because Evol is also in this world at the moment, so he can only change the original plan, so he accepted the invitation.

Meeting Shinji Ikari was just an episode, and Monyashi could clearly feel that the people from NERV headquarters looked at him with complicated emotions in their eyes.

Of course, Menyashi himself doesn't care about such things.

Then, he met the people who were already waiting for him.

Katsuragi Misato.

Like everyone else, Katsuragi Misato looked at Kadoyashi with complex emotions.

However, unlike other people who are grateful to Monyashi for taking action against the apostles, but also full of doubts about the status of "destroyer of the world", Katsuragi Misato's eyes are mixed with something else.

She was envious of Men Yashi's ability to fight the apostles.

But soon, she threw such thoughts out of her mind, took a deep breath and said to Kato Yashi:

"I didn't expect that when we meet again, it will be in such a capacity, Mr. Menya..."

As the Chief of Operations of NERV, she quickly adjusted her emotions.

"According to the commander's order, I will take you to the central dogmatic area at the bottom of the headquarters. I hope that Mr. Menya will not do anything to cause misunderstanding during the process."

"This kind of thing doesn't matter at all." Men Yashi shrugged, "I'm not interested in your secrets, if the person who invited me didn't say that I can see the truth of this world, I wouldn't want to come over."

Katsuragi Misato nodded, and then prepared to take Monyashi to the central dogmatic area.

In the process of taking the special elevator to the hidden area, Katsuragi Misato seemed to have received instructions from Ikari Gendo in advance, and began to introduce the situation of the world to Kato Yashi, such as the catastrophe caused by the second impact.

This made Katsuragi Misato a little puzzled, because she felt that Kato Yashi should be very aware of these things.

But before she could finish these words, she was interrupted by Men Yashi.

"Compared to these, I actually care more about whether no one can drive EVA except for those children."

Kazuya looked around curiously.

As the elevator continued to descend, what he saw had changed from cold metal to a large number of strange red plants like subcutaneous tissue, as if this huge underground space was supported by these strange plants.

Then, he asked the question.

This made Katsuragi Misato silent.

She took Ikari Shinji to where they were going next, and the reason was because Ikari Shinji was uneasy about driving EVA.

A few seconds later, she answered Monyashi's question.

"Yes, only children born after the outbreak of the second impact can drive EVA."

"That's an interesting answer, but..." Katoyashi stretched out his right hand from his pocket, propped it on the glass of the elevator, and stared at the ground below which was almost occupied by tree roots.

"Evol is not a child born after the Second Impact."

Men Yashi said calmly.

"So it's just your wishful thinking that only those children can drive EVA. It's better to say that you brought some changes to these new lives after causing the second shock, and then forced them to step on the battlefield. The purpose is naturally yes..."

Katsuragi Misato's body was trembling slightly.

She found that she couldn't refute Men Yashi's words at all, and the conclusion that followed from Men Yashi's mouth made her unable to say a word.

"It is to let you old lives continue."

This sentence made Katsuragi Misato's eyes go dark, as if she had fallen into some terrible abyss, and she didn't wake up until Katoyashi patted her on the shoulder to remind her that the elevator had reached the bottom floor.

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