I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 869

She subconsciously wanted to refute something, but in the end she couldn't say a word. She led the door warrior along the way, passing through the huge underground space created by NERV to protect the second apostle Lilith from being attacked. Huge buildings touched by other apostles.

With the gradual opening of the innermost special mechanism door, the secrets that NERV headquarters has been hiding from ordinary people in this world are gradually exposed to the two of them.

"This is what NERV has been protecting, the second apostle Li..." Katsuragi Miri looked serious and wanted to introduce to Kato Yashi the one in front of him who was nailed to the cross by a scarlet spear, as if he had been cut off Seeing the strange white creature on the lower body, but before she finished speaking, her eyes widened suddenly.


In the most hidden area of ​​the NERV headquarters, there is already an unexpected visitor!

It was the mysterious young man who appeared on the battlefield before and prevented Unit 6 from killing Monyashi!

When she saw this figure standing in the void and watching Lilith, Katsuragi Misato panicked for a moment, and then she saw the other person turned her head.

"Do you think man was born because of it?" "Do you think man was born because of it?"

When these words came out of Toma's mouth, Katsuragi Misato was taken aback.

She didn't understand why this mysterious being who could destroy part of Unit 6's body without warning would ask such a question.

Although I don't know much about existences like Lilith, Katsuragi Misato also knows that this second apostle is the origin and end of all life in this world.

Are you curious?

Katsuragi Misato remembered the previous conversation between Monyashi and Evol, they are not from this world, so will this third party be the same?

After thinking of this possibility, Katsuragi Misato wanted to answer, but Monyashi spoke first.

"Who knows what you're talking about." Mon Yashi looked disinterested. He thought he could see something interesting when he came to the most secret central dogma area of ​​NERV, but that's it?

Even if he saw Douzhen again, Monyashi didn't have any sense of urgency, but took a few glances at Lilith's body in front of him.

"Humans are human beings. Don't you think it's weird to be associated with something like this? Of course, I personally don't like to hear this statement."

"Why?" Dou Zhen asked.

"The reason is very simple." Men Yashi showed a disgusted expression on his face, "This thing is too ugly."

Misato Katsuragi found this answer inconceivable, but what made her even more inconceivable was that this mysterious third party showed an expression of approval after hearing this sentence, and even said something that shocked her.

"That's right, human beings shouldn't lower their identities to be associated with such things, your cognition is correct."

After leaving these words, Douma disappeared in place, just like Katsuragi Misato didn't know how the other party came to this most hidden area, and the way he left has surpassed Katsuragi Misato's cognition.

But when Katsuragi Misato was about to report what happened here to Ikari Gendo, he was stopped by Monyashi.

"What position do you think he stands in to say this?"

This sentence made Katsuragi Misato startled, and did not understand the meaning of Kadoyashi's words.

Seemingly seeing the doubts on Katsuragi Misato's face, Monyashi leaned against the metal wall, glanced at Lilith not far away, and changed his words:

"Do you think he said this from the perspective of a human being, or from the perspective of the apostle you mentioned, or... a higher-level perspective?"

Although a choice was given, Katsuragi Misato was still puzzled.

"So to change the question, what kind of thinking do you think your commander, Ikari Gendo, invited me over to let me see something like this? You must know that I am the destroyer of the world. Doing so will offend me. Evol."

Katsuragi Misato still couldn't answer this question.

She subconsciously felt that it might be that Ikari Gendo wanted to pull the powerful Katoyashi into NERV to fight against the apostles, and her position of being more inclined to Katoyashi compared to Evol also made her subconsciously want to see this This result, so there is no doubt.

"It seems that the fact that you have memories related to me is also being used..." Mon Yashi wrote lightly.

He has realized that the commander of the NERV headquarters has his own conspiracy, but unfortunately...

The guy made some mistakes in his judgment.

If he is really the kind of person who will do anything for power, then he will definitely choose to cooperate with the other party to defeat Evol.

"Use?" Misato Katsuragi had a surprised expression on her face.

"Yeah, not only using you, but also using me." Men Yashi's tone was calm, "It's up to you to decide how to tell the other party what happened here, but before you do that, I need to remind you."

Katsuragi Misato subconsciously clenched the communicator in her hand.

Obviously, she couldn't fully believe what Kato Yashi said, after all, as the commander of NERV, Ikari Gendo's ability was recognized by everyone.

So she felt that no matter what Men Yashi said next, she couldn't fully trust him, because the other party might want to use him in this way.


"Compared to me, you should trust Evol more."

When the words she said to Ikari Shinji before rang in Katsuragi Misato's ears, she froze in place.

She should trust Evol more than Monyashi?

Believe the fact that Evol said that Katoyashi is the destroyer of the world?

Katsuragi Misato thought it was ridiculous to say this sentence from Monyashi!

After all, a big battle broke out between the two yesterday. If the mysterious third party hadn't stopped it, Men Yashi would have died!

Is this really how one should view an enemy?

"That's probably what it means. The power to judge this matter is in your hands."

After leaving these words, Monyashi turned around and walked towards the way he came, leaving Misato Katsuragi standing there alone in a daze.

Is the right to judge in your own hands?

Katsuragi Misato gritted her teeth.

But from another point of view, if she really believed in Katoyashi and even more in Evol, wouldn't she be trusting Katoyashi in disguise?

Picking up and putting down the communicator in his hand, Katsuragi Misato finally caught up with Kadoyashi without contacting Ikari Gendo immediately.


Meanwhile, the moon.

"It seems that you have recovered a lot?" Jon, who was sitting on the shoulder of aircraft No. 6, crossed his legs and looked at Kaoru Nagisa who was sitting on the moon and looking at the earth, and said.

"Yes... Lord God." A smile appeared on Zhu Xun's face, "After experiencing that punishment, I realized that my wisdom is not enough."

"Really..." Jon showed an interested smile, and then asked: "In your eyes, human beings...that is, LILIN, can be regarded as the thirteenth apostle. If you want to obtain all wisdom, you must What do you think if you need to be downgraded from the first apostle to the thirteenth apostle?"

"Are you downgraded?" Zhu Kaoru looked at his palm, with a thoughtful expression on his face, and then he smiled.

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