I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 874

[Blade! 】

[Hibiki! 】

"What do you want to say!" Asuka finally couldn't take it anymore, and manipulated the No. 2 machine and rushed towards the location of the No. 1 machine.

And this sentence also made Katoyashi's fingers swiping on the K touch screen pause for a while, and then continued to slide down.

[Kabuto! 】

[Den-o! 】

[Kiva! 】

"What I want to say is..."

The phone rang on K's touchscreen, even in such a terrifying battlefield, the voice still reached Asuka's ears.

The voice of Men Yashi was also transmitted along with it.

"That's the story."

[Final Kamen Ride! 】

[Decade! 】

While the No. 2 machine was flying towards the first machine, people could clearly see a huge energy card appearing in front of Kato Yashi, and the front of the energy card was surrounded by ten special golden sign!

Then, the Decade logo at the top of these golden logos passed through the energy card first, and was engraved on the top of Menyashi's helmet, condensing a magenta Decade logo.

And with the appearance of this first symbol, Monyashi's original devil-like green eyes turned into a more ferocious scarlet!

And this is just the beginning!

When the remaining nine golden symbols also pass through the energy card, turning into magenta and condensing on the breastplate of Katoyashi, even people in the underground base of NERV headquarters seem to be able to feel the energy coming from Katoyashi. The terrifying power erupting from the warrior!

Such power...

Stronger than the apostles!

At this moment, everyone is staring at the strength shown by Men Yashi!

"Is this the power you... collected from various worlds..." Ikari Gendo watched the figure standing on the shoulder of No. 2 aircraft.

The appearance of Evol has completely torn up his script, and he may not even have the chance to continue reincarnation in the future, so Ikari Gendo chose to contact Men Yashi.

Ding Yuantang is very clear that he and Evol cannot be the same people.

Judging from the opponent's previous performance, they are planning to eliminate all the apostles, and it is estimated that even EVA will not let the opponent go, so Ikariyuantang has no choice.

And he didn't think that Menyashi's power would be weaker than Evol's. Coupled with the mysterious third party whose position seemed to be biased towards Menyashi, Ikari Gendo made such a choice.

But judging from the current situation, he seems to be at an absolute disadvantage next.

Of course, it doesn't matter, the important thing is to achieve the impact you want.

"Let me take a good look. As the destroyer of the world, your power, the spear of Longinus, has been prepared for you, the spear of killing gods, this time...is it really going to succeed? ? Evol? Love? Evolution... Is there still love? What an incredible name."

At the same time that Ikogentang said these words, the door warrior in people's sight also took action again.

As Kadoyashi's fingers clicked on the K touch screen again, the logo attached to the center of his breastplate changed from magenta to gold again, and such golden logos gradually spread toward both sides, replacing the other sign.

【Kuuga! 】

The black flame began to ignite!

[Kamen Ride! 】

The black flame not only ignited on Men Yashi's body, but also ignited out of thin air beside him!

And the moment it appeared, Asuka in the No. 2 machine heard a shrill siren.

"Warning! The No. 2 unit's armor is damaged!"

"Warning! The No. 2 unit's armor is damaged!"

"Warning! The No. 2 unit's armor is damaged!"

Asuka, who was driving the No. 2 aircraft, froze, staring blankly at the flames on the shoulders of the No. 2 aircraft that had already burned the armor.

Especially when she saw another figure with golden thunder coming out of the flames, she felt that everything she knew was impacted.

"What the hell is this..."

[Ultimate! (Ultimate)]

Before this, the NERV people never thought that Katoyashi's strongest power would be presented in this way!

They thought that after joining the battle, Kato Yashi would use a method similar to the one he used when fighting Unit 6, using the power of sound to destroy the apostle's body from the inside out, but they didn't expect Kato Yashi to use a brand new power !


Who is this? !

No one knows what this title means, but at this moment no one will doubt the power possessed by Men Yashi!

Because in the initial battle with Sky Angel, Monyashi had already shown similar power, but at that time he let himself transform into that similar form, instead of summoning an independent individual like now!

And anyone with a discerning eye can see that this figure summoned by Men Yashi is more powerful than the form that Men Yashi transformed into before!

The same scarlet eyes as Monyashi, but the body is a deeper darkness that seems to be able to swallow everything!

When seeing this figure, people couldn't help swallowing their saliva, and then...

They saw Monyashi and the dark figure lift their heads.

There was no extra movement, just raised his head, but in the next second, people heard the painful wailing of the Eleventh Apostle resounding in every corner of the Third New Tokyo City, as if they were experiencing some painful torture.

"Mr. Monya..."

Feeling that the pressure from the apostles had eased, Ikari Shinji breathed a sigh of relief, and then he noticed that Monyashi had appeared near him with the No. 2 machine.

"Don't worry, young man, it will be resolved soon." Monyashi said relaxedly to Ikari Shinji.

Although Asuka wanted to refute Monyashi's words, after hearing the painful wailing of the apostle in front of her and seeing it fly to the sky and try to escape again, she forcibly held back the words go back.

And it wasn't until this time that people noticed that a lot of flames had been ignited on this huge apostle!

The flame passed through the AT force field?

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