I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 875

People were in disbelief.

But the next discovery made Ritsuko Akagi, the head of the Technology Development Department, flash a trace of fear in his eyes, and then trembled: "No...this is not a flame..."

Looking at the data constantly flashing on the screen, Ritsuko Akagi accidentally knocked over the coffee cup in hand.

If the flames could have an effect on the apostles, then humans wouldn't be in such a mess!

It's not flames at all, it's...

"It's disintegrating! This apostle's body is being disintegrated! But how is this possible?! Obviously its AT force field has not been destroyed!"

When these words came out of Ritsuko Akagi's mouth, everyone was stunned.

The apostle's body...disintegrating?

How can it be? !

Obviously they didn't do anything!

Could it be the mysterious young man who rescued Men Yashi from before is helping them again?

People subconsciously come up with such thoughts, but...

"No! It's Monyashi! It's the same situation as what happened to the No. 2 fuselage just now!"

Ritsuko Akagi remembered the sudden destruction of the No. 2 unit's restraint device just now, and combined them together.


Such thoughts made her even more frightened!

Because it's not that Men Yashi didn't do anything, but he has already done it!

And the hands-on way is...

Take a look at that apostle!

"How is this possible..." Ritsuko Akagi hugged her head, she felt that her three views had been greatly impacted!

Can you easily kill this apostle just by glancing at it?

If you change the target to a NERV base, can you block the opponent's attack?

It's impossible!

How could such a terrifying ability exist in this world!

Ritsuko Akagi and the others subconsciously wanted to deny this possibility, but the terrifying scene of the apostle in the sky constantly wailing, its body being continuously decomposed, and even the blood disappearing was telling them forcefully...

All this is true!

Even the apostles who can easily destroy the city in their eyes are just weak creatures that will die at a glance in front of more powerful beings!

And it was at this moment that people had a clear understanding of the title "destroyer of the world".

This is not an exaggerated name at all! Based on the strength shown by Monyashi now, he is the real "destroyer of the world"!

The eleventh apostle was wailing in pain, even though he had the instinct to contact the second apostle Lilith, but at this moment such an instinct was defeated by a stronger instinct!


Nothing works!

The moment it was seen by Ultimate Sora, its death has become inevitable, not to mention that after entering such a form, Katoyashi also possesses all the power of Ultimate Sora!

The double gaze caused the Eleventh Apostle's body to be disintegrated very quickly. Even though it was struggling to escape from here, most of its body had already been disintegrated when it returned to the air.

"Is it over..." Ikari Shinji stared blankly at the eleventh apostle who had only part of his body left.

Obviously, he was given a sense of terror that could destroy everything before, but he was defeated just after being glanced at by Mr. Menya.

Then at this moment, Ikari Shinji felt the pain from his arms.

But this kind of labor pain made him feel extremely real! Tell him that the mighty Eleventh Apostle was indeed defeated.

"Even the last apostle was wiped out..."

There was a hint of excitement in Ikari Shinji's tone, but just as he was relieved and was about to continue the topic he hadn't finished with Asuka before, he was interrupted by Monyashi.

"No, it's not over yet." Men Yashi looked at the sky calmly, and the moment after his words fell, a red light appeared from the skyline, and appeared in front of everyone in just a moment , pierced through the last head of the eleventh apostle.

When the sound of crackling and a large amount of blood gushed out from the body of the eleventh apostle, it undoubtedly told people that the core of the apostle was hidden in its mouth, but no one cared about it now.

Because the Eleventh Apostle, who is extremely powerful in the eyes of mankind, can even be said to be the most powerful in history, is just a background board at this moment.

Unit six...

It's coming!

When the spear of Cassius suddenly appeared as it did against the Tenth Apostle before, pierced the apostle's core and then stopped in mid-air strangely, everyone realized that the one who wanted to expel Menyashi from this world Evol also showed up!

The damaged armor has not been repaired after leaving last time, what is still revealed is the body of the sacred giant of light.

Then at this moment, everyone hesitated.


Which side should we support? What happened during this period of time was really shocking, making NERV members feel unreal for a while.

From the desperation brought about by the eighth apostle, the sky angel, who had just been wiped out and the tenth apostle, the power angel, to the astonishment caused by the ninth and twelfth apostle being wiped out the moment they woke up, to the terrifying tenth apostle now. One apostle was wiped out without a fight.

Who would have thought that the apostles, who would cause huge losses every time they appeared before and caused great panic to mankind, would be wiped out as easily as they were chopped melons and vegetables!

That's the end of it all?

Except for the second apostle Lilith, the other apostles have been wiped out, so the crisis facing mankind must have completely disappeared!

Everyone had this thought in their minds at this moment, and then looked at the descending No. 6 machine.

Although many people felt fear when they saw the halo above the head of the No. 6 aircraft descending on the earth at the beginning, judging from the current situation, the driver of the No. 6 aircraft is obviously on the side of human beings!

After all, he wiped out all the remaining apostles with the power of thunder!

Although there seems to be some conflicts with Mr. Monya, maybe this is also a misunderstanding!

Many people had such expectations in their minds, and then looked at the No. 6 aircraft that was slowly landing.

They hope that this is just a misunderstanding, because Mr. Menya is also helping them resist the invasion of the apostles!

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