I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 880

Whatever conspiracy he has! At least you can't watch your friends being bullied!

"If I can't continue to drive EVA, the value of my existence will be gone!"

As if wanting to find the courage to fight against the gods in this way, Asuka let out a loud roar, then pulled out the high-frequency vibration dagger hidden in the body, and followed the No. 1 body towards No. 6. run.

And the next second...

The wind disappeared strangely!

It's not that the No. 6 machine stopped such a shock wave, but...

"What a strange reason..."

The voice of Katoyashi rang in Asuka's ear, and at this time Asuka realized that Katoyashi had reappeared on the shoulder of No. 2 machine at some point, and that dark and terrifying figure also appeared.

"Don't treat me as a vehicle, you bastard!" Asuka complained, and then subconsciously looked at the location of Unit 6.

The halo is still huge, and the light wings are still dancing wantonly in the air, but the shock wave erupting from the No. 6 fuselage disappeared without a trace before reaching them!

This made Asuka realize that everything was done by Monyashi.

While gritting her teeth and leading Monyashi towards the location of Unit 6, Asuka gritted her teeth even more and asked:

"Hey! He walks like a guy with epilepsy. Is that guy really the first apostle?"

"The answer to this question lies in your own heart."

While wiping out the shock wave from Unit 6 with the power of Ultimate Kuga, Katoyashi once again inserted a card into the Decade drive that had been moved to the side of his waist.

[Final Attack Ride! 】

Such a voice made Asuka silent, but it made Shinji Ikari feel flustered.

He couldn't observe the battle situation outside, and because of the activation of the puppet system, he couldn't even feel whether the No. 1 machine was injured or not! Can only rely on intuition to judge the outside situation.

And Monyashi, who showed terrifying power before, is obviously invincible in Ikari Shinji's eyes!

"Stop, Mr. Monya! If you are really worried that Mr. Evol is the first apostle, wouldn't it be enough to just eliminate Lilith?! Stop now! Tell my father and Ms. Misato about this! "

"Mr. Monya!!"

Ikari Shinji was yelling in pain, and then he got a response from Monyashi.

But in such a voice, Ikari Shinji heard a completely different feeling from before.

It's called a heavy feeling!

"But I also have reasons to kill Evol, boy."

As the sound fell, Monyashi slapped the Decade driver with his right hand.

【Ku-Ku-Ku-Kuuga! 】

In the next second, when Katoyashi and Ultimate Sora jumped from the shoulders of No. 2 aircraft, people seemed to see the second and third suns appearing in the sky!

At this moment, even the space seemed to be distorted by this terrifying temperature, making the images detected by the NERV equipment blurred.

They saw Kato Yashi kicking towards the No. 6 machine with a terrifying speed. Although the No. 6 machine reacted in time at the end and wanted to block the terrifying attack of Kato Yashi, the huge body was facing the door. Yashi Toki is full of flaws!

Immediately afterwards, under the incredible eyes of everyone in NERV, the arms of No. 6 unit were completely torn apart by Kadoyashi's attack. Although there was a tendency to recover the next moment after being torn apart, it was destroyed by No. 1 who was charging ahead. The machine seized the opportunity, roared and pierced the gun of Longinus into the chest of machine No. 6!

Represents the aura of divinity...

Broken. Did you make it?

When everyone in NERV saw the scene where the gun of Longinus in the hands of Unit 1 pierced into the chest of Unit 6, causing the halo on the head of Unit 6 to begin to shatter, they all swallowed subconsciously.

They found that even the "light" that made up the body of Unit 6 began to dim, and gradually transformed into the same body exposed under the broken armor of Unit 1, but in the next second, it seemed to be revived, and it was reborn. A force emerged, which seemed to be resisting the force from the spear of Longinus.

This scene made them speechless.

Is this... really the enemy they should defeat?

It was obviously attacked by the first machine, but the pilot of the sixth machine did not pour out his anger on Ikari Shinji, it was purely to destroy the existence of EVA.

If he really wanted to contact Lilith to trigger the third shock, why would he let humans go so easily?

Also, Ikari Shinji's last words undoubtedly told them the most correct solution. If it is really the fear of the third impact, wouldn't it be the best solution to completely eliminate Lilith now?

They subconsciously looked at Ding Yuantang, but what they saw was still the indifferent eyes of Ding Yuantang, and...

"Machine zero, use another gun."

This sentence made the NERV members fearful, especially when the zero machine picked up the Cassius gun that the sixth machine dropped to the ground because of the torn arm, and then used the fate of the machine like the first machine. When the gun penetrated the chest of No. 6 unit, and completely shattered the bright light on No. 6 unit, they even felt the pain!

Then, they heard Ritsuko Akagi's painful sobs.

"Now... humans... may really be guilty..."


When the two guns of fate pierced the chest of No. 6 machine one after another, Jon also felt the power transmitted from the two guns of fate.

This force is interfering with his control of the No. 6 unit. Even the power injected into the No. 6 unit to awaken it into the posture of a giant of light is directly cut off at this moment, allowing the No. 6 unit to return to being a human being. attitude.

"A special attack on the apostles? It's a pity..." Jon sighed regretfully. He quite liked the feeling of driving a huge robot.

But now it's time for the drama of Unit 6 to end.

While thinking this way, a knight system bottle appeared in Jon's hand.

But the second the knight system bottle appeared, it turned into pure energy and floated out of the No. 6 machine.

And the destination is Menyashi.

Of course, only Jon can see this kind of energy, and the picture in the eyes of others is like this...

With both arms severed and two guns of fate pierced across the chest, Unit 6 was forced to withdraw from the light giant form, making this EVA look extremely miserable at the moment, even the eyes on the damaged helmet were scarlet. The light of color has been extinguished!

What went out at the same time was the light on the helmet of Unit 1.

After the backup energy was exhausted and the crisis was resolved, the No. 1 machine also stopped functioning. Even the gun body of the Longinus gun in its hand could not be held tightly, allowing the pierced No. 6 machine to explode. It fell to the ground with a bang.

The tall body did not fall to the ground, but stood on the ground supported by the tail of Longinus' spear.

At this moment, everything seemed to stop.

And such eerie silence made Ikari Shinji even more frightened in the dark cockpit.

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