I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 881

He desperately wants to know what happened to the outside world!

He kept calling the names of Monyashi, Asuka, and Ayanami Rei, but only Ayanami Rei answered him.

And the answer is...

"It's an order."

Other than that, Asuka and Monyashi remained silent.

The reason for Asuka's silence is because the scene where the two spears of fate pierced the No. 6 unit just now had such an impact on her that it even made her feel guilty that humans dragged the gods who came to save them from the altar .

The reason why Men Yashi was silent was the knight card in his hand.

The misty figure has completely solidified, the scarlet visor is like a cobra baring its fangs, and the galaxy-like nebula map on the background and forehead tells Menyashi that he has succeeded.


"Even in the end, do you still want to protect the Fifth Brothers..." Mon Yashi squeezed the knight card in his hand, and then put it away.

He already knew what to do next.


The battle is over.

Obviously the apostles have all been wiped out, leaving only the last second apostle Lilith, but no one is happy.

Even they have begun to doubt the existence of NERV!

Evol, who was driving the No. 6 machine, helped them get rid of the terrible apostle, but in the end, they were killed by human beings with conspiracy!

As if it was the last they heard Dr. Ritsuko Akagi say.

Humans...maybe really guilty!

Is Evol really the first apostle?

No one knew the answer to this question, but the best solution at that time should be to completely destroy the body of the second apostle Lilith!

As a bait to attract the awakened apostles, wouldn't the value of the second apostle be completely lost at that moment?

But the commander of NERV did not choose to do this, but chose to destroy the No. 6 machine.

They didn't know the reason why An Yuantang did this, but that scene undoubtedly tore their original cognition into pieces!

It also makes them start to fear what the meaning of their hard work is!

Katsuragi Misato was also very restless, and the words Ritsuko Akagi said before were still echoing in her heart at this moment.

Humans...maybe really guilty...

She subconsciously clasped her arms tightly, her body trembling.

Then, she heard a commotion not far away.

It was Ikari Shinji who had just come out of the cockpit of the No. 1 aircraft, and he hadn't even taken off his combat uniform yet.

His face was flustered, as if he was looking for someone, and after seeing Katsuragi Misato, he subconsciously rushed towards her.

"Miss Misato, why?!"

For Ikari Shinji, everything that happened before undoubtedly broke him.

In his eyes, since all the apostles have been wiped out, then everyone can return to a normal and happy life!

Obviously he has already planned it, he will go back to his hometown after he doesn't need to drive EVA anymore, and go to that pizzeria to eat authentic Margherita pizza!

But why?

Why did the father destroy the Evol who helped humans?

Obviously without him, more people would be in danger, wouldn't they?

Ikari Shinji is eager to get an answer, but this is something Katsuragi Misato cannot give him, because even Katsuragi Misato himself has begun to doubt whether his idea of ​​helping humans resist the apostles has become a tool for others to use. A tool for realizing ambitions.

"Miss Misato!" Ikari Shinji didn't know what Katsuragi Misato was thinking, but yelled hysterically.

Then his anger was answered, but it wasn't Katsuragi Misato who answered him, but another strange voice.

"Because... this is human greed."

When the voice sounded, Ikari Shinji subconsciously looked to the side, and then saw a girl with wine red double ponytail hairstyle and red glasses staring at him with an indifferent expression.

"It is greed that has created everything that is now, and made the innocent human beings coerced and committed unforgivable crimes."

Ikari Shinji didn't know Shinji Ikari who suddenly appeared in the NERV headquarters, but the words that came out of her mouth made Ikari Shinji tremble.

But before he could say anything again, the shrill siren sounded again!

"Alert! The central dogma area has been invaded!"

Leaning in the elevator descending vertically towards the central dogmatic area, Monyashi calmly turned the knight card in his hand.

He has obtained the power and history of Kamen Rider Evol, but his purpose has not been achieved.

Not only because the five generations of elder brothers and their history have not been recovered, but also because he wants to complete the unfinished work of the other party.

"That kind of ugly guy shouldn't stay in this world." Katoyashi glanced at the weird plants around the elevator, and then looked away.

He could also hear the shrill siren, but he didn't mean to hide what he did.

Ikyuantang wants to use him to reverse the out-of-control plan, and why isn't he using Ikyuantang?

Evol's strength is very strong, especially after being integrated with the No. 6 machine, the strength shown makes him feel very tricky.

Although the strength of Ultimate Kuga can match the opponent, it cannot restrain the opponent's body composed of pure energy.

The only ones that can restrain the opponent are the Longinus gun in NERV's hand and the Cassius gun in Evol's hand.

And now, he succeeded.

At the last moment, he destroyed the arms of Unit 6, allowing Unit 1 to successfully pierce the chest of Unit 6 with the Gun of Longinus, and Unit 0 followed suit with the Gun of Cassius. The chest of machine number six.

This time, he won by despicable means.

However, he will continue to implement Evol's plan!

Thinking of this, Kato Yashi raised his head and glanced at the top of the elevator, as if his sight could penetrate many obstacles and collide with Ikari Gendo.

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