I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 882

However, different from what Monyashi expected, Ikogentang's eyes behind the lens at this moment are completely calm, as if he had already expected that Monyashi would do this.

"Destroyer of the world? I don't know who hated you. I don't know your ultimate goal, but..." Ikarimoto raised his glasses with his right hand and stared at the road leading to the central dogma area. The direction of the elevator.

"A real world destroyer won't take action for those inexplicable reasons."

Lilith's body hidden in the central dogma area is indeed very important, but that's only for the original script.

Lilith has already been divided into two parts, the soul and the body. The purpose is to awaken the two EVAs made of Adam's body. Now that the No. 6 machine has been awakened by the ability of Evol, even if it loses part of it not a problem.

Ikogentang is very sure that Men Yashi absolutely does not know where Lilith's soul is now.

Even if it weren't for the fact that the other apostles had all been dealt with, and Menyashi might attack EVA like Evol, Ikari Gendo would have the idea of ​​letting Menyashi destroy Lilith's body.

As long as Men Yashi and the mysterious third party leave this world, the next direction of this world will return to his control, even closer to his goal than ever before!


Ikogen Hall heard Ikari Shinji's voice, but he didn't pay attention to it at all, but said coldly:

"Prepare, activate the final plan while the opponent invades the core area."

And such words made Ikari Shinji feel like his soul had fallen into an ice cellar.

Of course he knew what the so-called final plan was, which was the countless bombs placed in the central dogma area to prevent the apostles from touching Lilith's body!

And now... such a bomb is about to be used on Mr. Kadoya? !

"Father!!" A heart-piercing roar came from Ikari Shinji's throat, and even made him break through the obstruction of other people and come to Ikari Gentang.

"What are you doing, father!! The apostles and everything, wouldn't it be enough to wipe out all of them?!"

However, from the beginning to the end, Ikari Gendo didn't mean to set his eyes on Ikari Shinji, but stared at the moving light spot on the screen.

Immediately afterwards, Ikari Gendo calmly said words that made Ikari Shinji almost faint.


Ikari Shinji subconsciously looked down at the NERV members, hoping to prevent them from detonating the bombs placed in the central dogma area, but apparently he never thought that such an important authority could not be handed over to these ordinary people.

The executor of the final plan is the deputy who knows the plan of Dingyuantang-Fuyutsuki Kozo!

When this old man with a peaceful face in the eyes of Ikari Shinji took out the controller without hesitation after hearing the order from Ikari Gendo, and pressed the red button in the middle, Ikari Shinji felt that time had stopped at this moment.

Not only him, but everyone else seemed to be frozen in place at this moment.

Why? !

Why did he not hesitate to eliminate the second apostle Lilith now? !

If I chose to do this from the beginning, wouldn't that unnecessary battle be avoided?

At this moment, people really felt the breath of conspiracy!

And the source is the Ikari Hall!

"Don't!" Ikari Shinji was the first to react, for a moment he even forgot the fact that the final plan had been activated, and snatched the controller from Fuyuki Kozo's hand, trying to find the cancel button on it, but found nothing !

This made his hands tremble slightly.


He wants to stop the final project, but he can't even fix a broken Walkman, so how can he figure this out.

Watching the countdown on the controller screen representing the last few seconds until the final plan is about to be launched, Ikari Shinji felt like he was going crazy!

If he could, he would even bet everything on himself to make this kind of time stop!

But this is obviously not an ability that humans can possess.

Looking at the beating countdown, Ikari Shinji felt as if his heart had stopped beating.

3 seconds left...

Looking at the flickering number behind the decimal point of the number 3, Ikari Shinji opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

There are two seconds left.


There is one last second left.

Seeing this, Ikari Shinji closed his eyes in pain, unable to bear to look.

He seemed to be able to imagine in his mind the exclamations that would erupt from the others.

But the strange thing is that this idea appeared in his mind countless times, but it never happened, as if time had really been frozen.

Then, he found that the controller in his hand was picked up by the other palm.

"Son, is there something wrong with this thing?"

A gentle voice sounded next to Ikari Shinji's ear, which made him stunned in place, and opened his eyes at the same time. What made him even more astonished was that the countdown on the controller had really stopped!

Is he dreaming?

When Ikari Shinji raised his head subconsciously, he saw Dou Zhen who had appeared beside him at some point, and what was even more weird...

Ikari Shinji found that not only the countdown on the controller, but also everything around him was frozen.

Ikari Shinji recognized Douma, and recognized him as the person who had rescued Monyashi before. He did not suspect him, especially after seeing the strange situation around him, he subconsciously put all his hopes on On Douzhen's body, he wanted Douzhen to save Monyashi again.


"Help? That child doesn't need help right now." Douma put the controller back into Shinji Ikari's hand and said.

He had already noticed the specialness of this child named Ikari Shinji, so he appeared when he saw Ikari Shinji so sad and painful.

But he still doesn't understand why Ikari Shinji is sad, just like he still doesn't understand the meaning of Jon's plan.

The reason why he always chose to sit and watch was because Jon had promised him.

Doing so can make the human beings in this world happier. Douzhen didn't stay for too long, and left soon, and no one except Ikari Shinji himself realized that someone had appeared here at that moment just now.

Time began to flow again.

Ding Yuantang frowned slightly, because although the final plan was activated, the bomb buried in the central dogmatic area was not detonated.


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