I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 883

Could it be the last time Katsuragi Misato took her to see Lilith?


At that time, NERV's monitoring system could be said to be completely concentrated in that area, and afterward, all equipment also showed that it was operating normally.

"Is it time to fight?"

Ikari Gendo remembered the ability Kadoshi used when he was fighting the Eleventh Apostle and the No. 6 machine, and he could disintegrate the body of the Eleventh Apostle just by looking at each other.

That is, at that time, he had already dismantled the bomb buried in the central dogma area?

Ikogentang understood the reason, but he didn't panic, because he had already considered such a possibility, but he didn't notice that Ikari Shinji, who was still trembling just now, had blue veins on the back of his hands holding the controller. violently.


"That guy from Ikogentang should have found out by now." Men Yashi chuckled lightly.

When using the power of Ultimate Sora before, he had already dismantled all the bombs placed in the central dogma area. Although he was confident that he would not be in danger if he didn't do so, he didn't want to stand in a The center of a giant firework.

The knight card he just obtained was constantly flipped in the hands of Men Yashi, but unlike other knight cards, there was no logo on the back of this knight card, only a cloud of fog.

"Are you angry, Evol..." Katoyashi stared at the fog on the back of the knight card, and said this sentence suddenly.

He suddenly regretted that he hadn't asked the other party's name before.

"Then let's start..."

The Decade driver on his waist was pulled away by Katoyashi.

"At least this time, you need to use your true attitude to complete such a plan."

Walking in the dark passage, Katoyashi tapped his fingers on the edge of the knight card, as if he was showing the power he had just acquired to Ikari Gendo, who was paying close attention to the situation here.


Knight card inserted!

[Kamen Ride! 】

Even though the logo on the back was still a cloud of fog, and even though it had nothing to do with the ten logos engraved on the Decade drive, this special knight card was still successfully recognized by the drive.

Drive, close!

[Evol! 】

Accompanied by this sound, a transparent energy conduit unfolded centered on the Decade driver, and red and blue energy began to spread continuously in such an energy conduit, condensing into a black mist in front of and behind Monyashi. Armor surrounded by energy.

Obviously, the transformation has not been completed yet, but such power has seriously affected the equipment installed by NERV in the central dogma area. People can't help but wonder if such power is not restrained by the golden energy gear, but directly exploded If so, what kind of damage would it cause!

And the scene that appeared next far exceeded the cognition of NERV members!

When the red and blue half armor hit the door Yashi with his hands slightly open one after the other, the transparent energy conduit disappeared instantly, allowing these violent energies to directly cover the door Yashi's body and began to gradually fuse !

The red, blue and black energies were forcibly blended together by the golden energy gears, and at the same time, along with Men Yashi's progress, the pure energy turned into substance!

Just like people can't understand the power of Ultimate Sora, they also can't understand the formation principle of the armor on Men Yashi at this moment!

The galaxy-like nebula energy flickered slightly on Men Yashi's body, which also allowed Men Yashi to understand the ability of this form.

"Just in the most basic form, do you already have this kind of power? It's a pity that I didn't meet you earlier, otherwise it would definitely be more interesting."

The corners of Katoyashi's mouth under the mask were slightly raised, and then he put his palm on the last line of defense of NERV.

In the next moment, the nebula energy began to condense in his hands.

"Is it the final line of defense that can withstand the nuclear explosion head-on?" Kato Yashi chuckled.

As Men Yashi's words fell, the final line of defense shattered, but the scene that immediately appeared in front of Men Yashi made his pupils shrink suddenly.

"Ikori Hall..."


"Warning! The system has detected an unknown energy intrusion!"

"Warning! Intruders have entered the central area of ​​the central dogmatic area!"

"Warning! The final line of defense is unknown..."

The ear-piercing sirens from the NERV command system kept ringing in the ears of NERV members, drawing people's attention firmly to the figure on the screen.

Their heads have long been a mess, they can't understand why Monyashi clearly wants to destroy Lilith, but in the end he chooses to kill Evol!

What is this man thinking? !

People can't understand what Monyashi is doing, but there is only one thing they have seen, and that is...

Ikari Gendo, the commander of NERV, can no longer be trusted!

Katsuragi Misato subconsciously clenched her fists, and looked at the figure standing on the high platform with a trace of hostility in her eyes. If she still had a gun around her waist, she would have pulled it out and pointed it at Ikari Gendo immediately. up.

She doesn't know the past between Monyashi and Evol, but judging from the current situation, the battle just now on the surface is meaningless!

This man teamed up with Katoyashi to defeat Evol, and now he wants to kill Katoyashi too!

Katsuragi Misato doesn't think Katoyashi is so easy to defeat, and most importantly...

Since it is ready to eliminate Monyashi and Lilith at this time, why not choose to cooperate with Evol?

This is the hardest part of Katsuragi Misato to understand.

Because since the second apostle Lilith could be given up in the eyes of this man, why did she do such a thing?

Could it be that...

Katsuragi Misato thought of a possibility.

But before she could express such thoughts, the scene on the big screen of the NERV command system made her eyes widen in disbelief.


It is extremely angry!


The picture that appeared on the screen made Misato Katsuragi's eyes split open, because what appeared on it was Lilith who had been unsealed and was growing wildly!

This guy... this guy named Ikari Gendo! Fooled everyone!

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