I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 884

Bang bang bang—!

Accompanied by Katsuragi Misato's roar, several gunshots rang out suddenly.

The person who fired the shot was Mahiba, but Ikari Gendo seemed to have expected it, and opened his palm towards the position where Mahiba was.

But in the next second, people heard a few ding ding dings. It was the sound of bullets falling on the floor, but what was even more unbelievable was the golden polygonal force field unfolding in front of Ding Yuantang.

It's AT force field! AT force field! ! !

When this symbolic power appeared on Ikogentang, even Shinoki, who shot and wanted to kill Ikogentang directly, had a look of astonishment on his face.

How can it be? !

It's not that humans cannot use such power, but that the AT force field possessed by humans is supposed to be very fragile. Even EVA qualified people need to use EVA as a medium to maximize the ability of the AT force field. But at this moment, this point of view that everyone firmly believed in was directly broken by Ikari Yuantang!

"I didn't expect it to be you."

Ikari Gendo looked at Makibo who was still pointing the gun firmly at him, and spoke calmly.

In countless reincarnations, he has seen the other party in the NERV headquarters or other places countless times, and he clearly knows the other party's purpose.

But in the eyes of Ikari Gendo before, a person like Makibo who cannot enter the next reincarnation with memory can only be counted as a pawn, but this time her behavior is beyond the scope of his script.

"I'm curious as to why you behaved like this."

Ikyuantang raised his glasses, and his tone was calm.

"Now you should be preparing to sneak into the NERV headquarters to collect information, why did you suddenly choose to expose?"

The calm words awakened Makibo from the shock that Ikari Gendo was able to use the AT force field, and he was also a little shocked.

It was indeed her original plan to sneak into the NERV headquarters to collect information, but she never told anyone about this plan! I haven't even written down my plan on any electronic products or paper!

"I'm surprised why did I know?" Ikoritang raised his glasses again, "As the only husband, I should treat you well, but unfortunately I don't have much time right now."

After leaving these words, Ikarimoto turned and left.

"Damn it!" Makibo kept moving the muzzle of the gun to point it at Ikari Gendo, but in the end he didn't continue to do useless work.

Under the protection of the AT position, she obviously couldn't do any harm to this guy, and now Lilith has been unsealed!

Seeing the scene of Lilith expanding rapidly on the screen, from being sealed with only her upper body to a height of nearly 100 meters, and her abdomen has begun to show signs of pregnancy, Makibo gritted her teeth and ran towards the EVA maintenance area .

She is afraid!

I'm afraid that NERV's actions will offend those two adults!

She could feel that the shop manager didn't die because he was pierced by two guns of fate, as if telling her that the calculation from Ikarigendo was just a fool's self-righteousness!

Obviously, as long as you do what the store manager wants, that's enough!

As long as all the apostles are wiped out, then this crisis that is enough to threaten the survival of mankind will be easily wiped out!

Obviously, the hope of mankind is in sight, but it was torn apart by this dirty guy named Ikari-do!

Zhen Xibo gritted her teeth, she seemed to be irritated by the fact that Jon did not respond after being pierced through the chest by the gun of fate, so now she wants to make amends!

While running, Makibo directly tore off the clothes on his body, revealing the battle suit that had already been put on underneath.

Her vigorous posture made her look like an agile cheetah at this moment, rushing directly towards the opened insertion plug of No. 2 machine.

While rushing in, Makibo heard the continuous sound of the insertion plug, as if asking whether Asuka was ready, but Asuka sitting on the bridge seemed to have lost her voice. Not sent.

Seeing this, Makibo frowned and rushed forward.

"Lend it to me!"

Makiha grabs Asuka's shoulders, pulls her up, and sits in by herself.

"EVA Unit 2 is ready!"

"Understood, the LCL liquid is starting to inject! Please be sure to destroy the second apostle Lilith!"

The people at the console seemed to have not yet woken up from the rebellion of NERV Commander Ikari Gendo. They did not notice at all that the pilot of the No. 2 machine had completed the replacement, and directly controlled the insertion bolt that would carry the two of them. Send it into the No. 2 machine.

And Asuka only reacted when she heard this voice, looking at Makiha who had already occupied her position, she subconsciously wanted to push her away, but...

"Do you think you can still fight now?"

Asuka was stunned by what Makiha said, and it wasn't until this moment that Asuka realized that her palms were trembling slightly.

Her mind was still filled with the image of the god-like machine No. 6 being pierced by two spears of fate and falling from the sky.

And what Ritsuko Akagi said.

Humans...maybe really guilty!

Obviously, just like what the idiot Quan Erdai said, as long as all the apostles are eliminated, people in this world can live a normal life.

But all this is spoiled!

Destroyed by that man named Ikarimoto!

The gun of Longinus, of course Asuka knew the meaning behind the name of this gun, but before that, how could she have imagined that this gun, like its name, really killed the gods!

From the fact that the gods were killed by human conspiracy and their power was seized, to the release of the seal of the second apostle Lilith and the rebellion of the NERV commander.

Obviously, no matter what it is, it can cause a great sensation! But it happened one after another in a very short period of time, making Asuka so terrified that she even lost the will to continue fighting!

She stared blankly at Makibo operating the No. 2 machine as if she had experienced it countless times, and then asked a question that frightened her out of nowhere.

"Human beings...are they really burdened with sin?"

If Unit 6, which was pierced by the gun of fate just now, really represents a god, doesn't it mean that she is not only burdened with the sin of killing the gods, but also the sin of pushing all human beings into the abyss?

Thinking of such a possibility, Asuka felt her eyes darkened and she was terrified.

In this state, let alone go to fight, it is very rare for her not to be delayed.

Then, Asuka got an answer from Makiha.

"This question, you have to get the answer from God!"

After finishing speaking, Makibo yanked the joystick, controlled the No. 2 machine to leave the airframe transportation platform, and then calmly said under Asuka's astonished gaze: "Leave Lilith to Shinji-kun, now we ...Need to make atonement! That guy from Ikariyuantang cannot be allowed to blaspheme the gods again!"


At the same time, Shinji Ikari stared at Kaoru Nagisa who had been waiting for him in advance after he entered the insertion plug in the insertion plug of the No. 1 machine.

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