I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 885

He didn't know this handsome young man in front of him, but when he saw him for the first time, he had an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if he had been with him for a long time, and even the slightest movement of the other party would make him feel so familiar. It's like I've seen it countless times.

"Who are you..."

"Finally we meet again, Shinji." Nagisa Kaoru smiled gently, and then stretched out his palm towards Shinji.

"This time, I will give you real happiness."

Central Dogmatic District.

Mon Yashi looked at the huge white creature in front of him, frowning under the mask.

"What the hell is this..."

When meeting Lilith for the first time, Monyashi's first impression was the same as this sentence, but at that time he didn't care as much as he does now.

It was not uncommon to have such thoughts at the time. After all, Lilith's body after being cut in half was like a rice cake, and a large number of miniature leg structures grew out of the cut part, which made him frown.

"It seems that they were all tricked... The gun of Longinus is not another one at all."

In the eyes of Men Yashi, Ikogendo definitely wants to use this second apostle Lilith to do something, otherwise there is no need to cooperate with him to destroy Evol, but now he does not hesitate to lift Lilith's seal again. for what?

Men Yashi doesn't think that Ikogentang is a lunatic, he definitely has a deeper purpose in doing this.

But no matter what, even if he has fallen into the trap of Dingyuantang, Lilith in front of him must not be let go!

And at the same time when Monyashi realized that this was Ikogendo's conspiracy, Lilith's body, who had been lifted from the seal, began to swell again, and her abdomen was also agitating sharply, as if she was preparing to give birth.

But the strange thing is, even though Lilith has been released from the seal, she seems to have no sense at all, crawling on the ground like a baby, and her body is still leaking light yellow LCL liquid.

Originally, this kind of liquid would be directed into the sea of ​​LCL specially opened for it by the central dogma area, but at this moment, it was flowing wantonly along with Lilith's crawling.

"It seems that you were also calculated by that man, but it's a pity..."

Kadoyashi tapped a card with his fingers and inserted it into the drive.

[Final Attack Ride! 】

"In order for human beings to continue to survive, you must be dealt with here, and this is no longer my goal alone."

Drive, close!

[E-E-E-Evol! 】

With the sound of this sound, the bright nebula energy exploded on Men Yashi again, tearing up the surrounding prisons used to imprison Lilith, and at the same time completely lighting up this dark underground space!

And this scene was also seen by Ikari Shinji who drove the No. 1 machine to the central dogma area.

He saw Monyashi who had transformed into a new form, and he also saw Lilith whose body had grown to be dozens of times larger than the original machine, but what made Ikari Shinji even more frightened was...

He saw Lilith's head raised up instinctively after the central dogma area was lit by nebula energy...

On the huge head, there is a face exactly like Ayanami Rei!



At the same time, Ikogentang and Dongyue Kozo have successfully left the NERV underground base.

Looking at the Third New Tokyo City that has been erased and even the special underground armor layer has been exposed to the air, Fuyutsuki Kozo's eyes flashed with shock.

"Is this all in your plan, Ikari."

As a person who has the same goal as Ikyuantang, Dongyue Gengzo can be said to be an important pawn even if he cannot be said to be someone that Ikyuantang absolutely trusts.

Fuyutsuki Kozo knew about the original plan of Ikogen Hall, but with the appearance of Men Yashi and Evol, the original plan was undoubtedly completely destroyed.

But it was precisely because of this that Dongyue Gengzao felt the shock.

From the moment Katoyashi and Evol showed their terrifying power, Ikari Gendo could be said to have fallen into the absolute disadvantaged side, but he managed to pull Evol down from the altar through calculations.

Glancing at the No. 6 machine still standing in the distance, which was pierced through the chest by the gun of fate, and the No. 0 machine which was on standby, a gleam of admiration flashed in Fuyutsuki Kozo's eyes.

"I don't think Lilith, who has been unsealed, can cause trouble for that man."

"I didn't expect this piece of flesh that lost its soul to cause trouble for that man, as long as it can hold him back for a while." Ding Yuantang pushed his glasses and said calmly.

"And now that Unit 6 has successfully awakened, the script needs to be modified appropriately. Lilith's body is no longer necessary, but it should be able to play some role before it is completely wiped out."

In Ikogendo's plan, it is enough to have two awakened EVAs made of Adam's body. Since Unit 6 has been awakened due to factors outside the script, it is meaningless to continue to keep Lilith's body.

There is indeed not only one Longinus gun, but Ikari Gendo still took out the Longinus gun that was used to seal Lilith, because he knew very well that once Lilith was lifted from the seal, she would continue to grow. What will it look like when you wake up.

It was not for Men Yashi, but for his son, and this can also complete some unfinished steps in the script that was cut in half.

"Aren't you worried that Monyashi will dispose of the No. 1 machine?" Kozo Fuyuki frowned and asked.

In the plan, the No. 1 machine is the most important, and there can be no mistakes. Now, Ikogentang entrusts the safety of the No. 1 machine to the hands of Men Yashi, which is a bit irrational in the eyes of Dongyue Kozo.


"Fuyutsuki, what kind of person do you think Monyashi is?" Ikari Gendo suddenly asked after ordering Rei Ayanami to manipulate the zero machine to pull the gun of Cassius from the six machine.

Such a question made Dongyue Gengzao a little confused.

"The same person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his own goals?"

"No, he is a contradictory person." Ikari Gendo watched calmly as No. 0 machine pulled Cassius' gun from No. 6 machine.

"I admit that I am a "destroyer of the world", but I help Shinji because of such a strange reason as "I can't see it anymore". Obviously, I chose to cooperate with me to kill Evol in order to gain power, but after gaining power, I continued. Carry out Evol's unfinished plans. "

Such a description made Dongyue Gengzao astonished, but before he could say anything, a roar suddenly appeared and interrupted the communication between him and Dingyuantang.

"So... the most damned guy is you! Ikari Gendo!"

After driving the No. 2 machine and ejecting it from the underground base to the surface, Shinji directly rushed towards the No. 0 machine, which was about to pull the gun of Longinus from the No. 6 machine.

But in a state of rage, she didn't notice, and Ikogentang didn't show any surprise expression for her appearance.

"Li, get rid of her." Ikari Gendo ordered coldly, and Ayanami Rei picked up Cassius' gun again without hesitation, and pointed it at the No. 2 machine. "This is... Ayanami?"

When Ikari Shinji saw Lilith's appearance, he instantly felt a terrible chill spreading through his body, making his hands tremble continuously.


"This is not the girl you know..." Zhu Kaoru placed the palm of Ikari Shinji's shoulder lightly, and said softly: "It's just that instinct makes her feel that she should look like this."

Following Zhuxun's words, the attack from Monyashi below fell on Lilith.

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