I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 998

This was the first thought that popped up in Kujo Kiriya's mind when he learned of the "true" identity of the talented player Kyoko-sama.

The dangerous zombie mode represents Dan Lidou's will to restart human life countless times, while the block system represents Evol's will to let the talented player Kyoko create a world where everyone can be happy.

No matter which system it is, it will definitely not achieve the current effect if it is taken alone, but when the two are combined into one, it really brings changes to the world!

Not just changes in the physical world! It also makes human beings start to seriously think about what kind of spiritual world human beings need to have in order to match such a material world!

It is precisely because of the combination of the two that the ethics of the world did not reject their talents, but actively began to approach them!

But the two are different. If Tan Lidou has left ethics far behind, then Mr. Evol is still influenced by human ethics, so he leaves the right to choose to human beings.

If such a world is not recognized, then the genius player Kyoko-sama in people's eyes will die, but if such a world is recognized, then the genius player Kyoko-sama will still be alive.

The power of choice rests with human beings, but the talented player Kyoko-sama, who everyone and even the game administrator wants to save, finally hopes that they can play the most perfect ending.

This is the meaning of the existence of Magical Girl Chronicles!

The game administrator must also hope that Master Kyoko can be resurrected, otherwise he would not have made such a game at all!

But it is precisely because they want to revive Master Kyoko, so they must not rashly enter such a world!

Because in this way, wouldn't Master Kyoko's efforts become meaningless?

"Not only do we want a perfect world, but we also hope that Kyoko-sama can be reborn in a perfect world!" Kujo Kiriya expressed everyone's thoughts.

"Before that, everyone will wait with Kyoko-sama! So Mr. Evol, are you willing to wait with us?"

If possible, Kujo Kiriya would like to pull this game master into CR, and then work together to create a better world, but...

"I hate brats who demand too much sometimes."

[Kamen Rider Build! 】

The Kamen Rider Build legend knight cassette was activated again, and this action also represented in the eyes of everyone that the game administrator finally rejected the player's proposal.

"If I insist on making the world like this now, you will definitely stop me, right?"

[Gashat! 】

The cassette was inserted into the faulty drive, and this also forced Baosheng Yongmeng to grab the Zhuanwan cassette in his hand again.


[Buggle Up! 】

When the game icon representing Kamen Rider Build appeared, Kujo Kiriya also understood what was going to happen next.

"What a willful administrator, you keep saying that the right to choose is given to humans, but in the end you force other people to choose the result you want? Yongmeng, I leave it to you." Kujo Kiriya said .

But the strange thing is that Mingming ruthlessly taunted the game administrator who said his words and deeds differently, but Kujo Kiriya silently turned around and didn't choose to look.

[Rabbit Tank! 】

[Genius! 】

The posture that once beat him so helplessly that even invincible players could not defeat appeared again, but Kujo Kiriya had no intention of transforming at all, and even stopped the Hana family and Kagami Hikaru .

"It's enough to leave it to Yongmeng, and only Yongmeng can bear the will of the other party. We can't do it."

The Hana family and I Jing Feicai didn't understand the meaning of Kujo Kiriya's words at the first time, but when a voice rang in their and other people's ears in the next second, they showed astonished expressions.

Because this voice is...

【Game Over! 】

They looked at where Baosheng Yongmeng was in disbelief, but what they saw was Baosheng Yongmeng piercing Jon's body with the blade in his hand.

Without blood, only data spills over.

And Baosheng Yongmeng seems to have already expected such a thing to happen, just like Kujo Kiriya.

"Sorry, Mister Evol, I won't keep you waiting too long."

"I can't help it, who made Xingzi a brat who is afraid of being lonely..."

With two clicks, the data that made up Jon's body disappeared completely, and then the two game cassettes fell into Baosheng Yongmeng's hands.

Magical Girl Chronicles replay cassette and Kamen Rider Build Legend Rider cassette.

And this scene silenced everyone.

it's over.

All the players and the "Destroyer" were resurrected, but at the end the scene where the game master named Evol took the initiative to become the "Destroyer" made them uncomfortable.

They fulfilled the expectations of the game administrator Kronoko and recognized that this is a game that can bring happiness to everyone.

They also understood the talent of the game administrator Tan Lidou, and understood what kind of changes his talent could bring to the world.

But they failed to fulfill the expectations of the last game master.

At the last moment, the game master lied.

The choice still rests with them.

Because they are not yet qualified to step into the world he created, so he chose to become a "destroyer" to accompany Master Kyoko.

The sound of Game Over not only means the end of the game for the game master who was not cleared by the players in the end, but also means that the world has begun to return to normal order.

The game field began to recede, and the cubes began to gradually return to normal matter, and even the damage caused by the battle had returned to its original state!

Players can even feel that there is something extra in their heads, as if they are worried that they will not be able to change back to a normal state of mind in a short time after the end of the game.

Baosheng Yongmeng stared blankly at the two game cassettes in his hand, then smiled.

In fact, everything is still not over, but everyone needs to work hard next.

"Tan Lidou, are you going to resurrect your mother?" Baosheng Yongmeng looked at Tan Lidou who was staring at the sunrise on the other side, and asked.

"Now is not the time." Tan Lidou looked around at the players and replied.

Although these people are still far behind by his talent, but because these people are trying hard to keep up with his footsteps, he should slow down a little bit.

But while the players were deeply moved, the Kyoko-sama they were talking about was excited.

"Hey~! What a scumbag! Can you teach me?"

Sakura Kyoko, who had changed from a pixelated character to a normal one, bumped Jon with her elbow and teased.

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