I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I want to be a hero who can connect dimensions Chapter 999

"It's not crumbs, it's just to fill up the loophole you left." Jon coughed twice and corrected.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with his approach.

Could it be that he really wanted him to stay and help?

Even if he wanted to, he didn't have the time, so he could only exit in this way.

This is not a crumb, but a necessary sacrifice!

Jon thought that such a statement would make Sakura Kyoko understand that he didn't disdain him, but he didn't expect it to make her even more excited.

"Yes! That's it! Teach me!"

Sakura Kyoko seemed to have discovered a new world, with a look of 'How can you take it for granted that this is not crumbs? ’, patted Jon’s arm and laughed.

Then the red hair, who hadn't woken up from the excitement brought about by success and others, was tousled by Jon and pushed aside.

He still has important things to do next!

The contract with Tan Rito has been reached, so it is time to test whether it is possible to use Kamen Yashi's ability to go to the world of Kamen Rider Build.

"I hope so..." Jon said to himself.

As his words fell, the aurora curtain appeared in front of him again, and then the figure of Men Yashi walked out of it.

"I thought you would solve this problem soon, but now it seems that I overestimated your ability, Evol." Kamen Yashi, who appeared in the world of Kamen Rider Ex-aid again, seemed to be trying to get back He said as if he lost face last time.

Jon chuckled at this, then raised his legs and said lightly:

"Even for some picky customers, I try to do my best, so I hope you can do the same as me, um~ this is a necessary reminder as a customer."

This answer made Monyashi show a displeased expression.

"It's cooperation! We are now a cooperative relationship!" Men Yashi spread his arms and reminded: "You took the initiative to come to me to establish a cooperative relationship!"

"So we are each other's customers, aren't we?" Jon shrugged. "I have already said that even if I face the most critical customers, I will meet each other's needs. Now it's your turn."

"Tsk... I can't see it at all..." Mon Yashi clicked his tongue.

He always felt that this guy liked to target him, and it happened to be the kind of target without malice.

Did he offend this guy somewhere?

After thinking about it, Menyashi still couldn't find the memory of offending the other party in his memory.

After all, except for the brief communication in the other party's world, his contact with the other party is limited to the experience in Ikari Shinji's world.

Before Menyashi could come up with a reason, he heard Jon continue to speak.

"How? Did you find it?"

Although he looked relaxed, Jon still cared very much.

This can be said to be the best way he can think of.

Then, he got an answer from Men Yashi.

"Of course, who do you think I am." Men Yashi said to himself.

The second he came back to this world, he was already looking for that feeling, and the bickering with this guy in front of him was just a boredom.

"I have found it. If you want to go, I can take you there now."

Unceremoniously picked up the black tea that Jon had just made, Monyashi drank it, and then commented on Jon's craftsmanship.

"The water temperature is not high enough, and the water quality is not good..." Men Yashi looked professional, but then changed the subject and asked casually: "But are you really ready? Actually your The opponent is not just that Evolto, right?"

Men Yashi naturally understands the power that Jon possesses, no matter how bad it is, there is also Douzhen who treats all human beings like a child, but from now on, this guy doesn't seem to have any intention of asking Douzhen for help.

Just like what he said just now.

He seems to often serve all kinds of picky customers, but this sentence has some other meanings in the eyes of Men Yashi.

The Evol in front of him seldom seeks help from others, and even Kamen Yashi has a doubt, if the other party can't find other ways to go to the world of Kamen Rider Build, then after that world, will they come back again? Also won't meet.

So Mon Yashi wanted to know the answer to a question.

"Can you tell me what Kamen Rider Build World means to you?" Kamen Yashi asked seriously.

And this sentence also made Sakura Kyoko focus on Jon.

She belongs to the optimist, especially after getting out of her original destiny, she never thought about those complicated problems again, because in her eyes, no matter what difficulties arise, this stupid subordinate will solve them perfectly.

Likewise, she didn't take the initiative to ask Jon about his past before meeting her.

Sakura Kyoko felt that it was unnecessary, she felt that it was enough for this idiot subordinate to remain the idiot subordinate she knew.

But now she heard something else from Men Yashi's tone.

As for what it tasted like, Sakura Kyoko couldn't tell, which made her feel a little frustrated, as if she didn't know Jon as well as Kato Yashi, a person who had only met a few times.

Jon didn't avoid answering Men Yashi's question, because it wasn't something he needed to hide.

"That's where it started."

"Will it be the end?" There was a trace of seriousness in Toyashi's tone that he didn't even notice.

"End? Mr. Toya, my journey will not end so easily." Jon smiled at Mr. Toya, "As long as you don't stop, the road will continue to extend. I hope that Mr. Toya will start again in the future." Remember this as you embark on your journey, and never stop."

Men Yashi noticed that Jon seemed to have a hint of malice when he said this sentence, but he also felt that it was his own illusion. After all, this sentence sounded like there was no problem at all, but before he planned to continue asking some questions At some point, Jon stood up from his seat.

"Then let's go and have a look. Although it is said to be the place where I started, I have never been there once." Jon greeted Hongmao and Qiao Jiu, and prepared to leave this world.

Then before Men Yashi used the ability of the Aurora Curtain, Jon spoke another sentence that was inexplicable in Men Yashi's ears.

"Compared with black tea, I'm actually better at making coffee. If I have a chance in the future, I can invite you to taste it."

"Then remember to notify in advance, my schedule is very tight." Monyashi said, then waved his hand.

The aurora curtain appeared again.

Next stop, Kamen Rider Build World! (Divided into volumes, there are 3 chapters ahead)

Kamen Rider Build World.

Even though a long time has passed, people in this world still cannot forget the fear brought about by that incident.

In that battle that took place in another world, the impact of the scene where the earth was melted into a magma ball by a single blow was undoubtedly terrifying, far exceeding what was brought about when the "Enigma" system was activated for the first time Panic!

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