I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1000

Because on the earth that turned into a magma ball, apart from those monsters that are fighting, there is obviously no life anymore!

And at the moment when the last two earths 'collided' together, the figure that melted the earth seemed to be watching everyone in the world they were in, telling people that he would definitely come to this world.

So people are terrified.

Kiryu Zhantu also felt a sense of urgency.

Although I have teamed up with Wanzhang Longwo to eliminate the trio of Blood Tribes who infiltrated the high-level government and attempted to destroy the earth, but judging from the current situation, it is clear that the three Blood Tribes are just pawns!

Who the hell is Evolto? !

In the beginning, Hideo Ino, an adviser to Prime Minister Mido Masamuni of the Western Capital, admitted that he was Evolto, and then threatened him with the Evolto drive with Banjo Ryuga.

At that time, Kiryu Sentu did not suspect him, but the battle in another world told him the truth is obviously not the case!

Why is the one who has the ability to destroy the earth with one blow also called Evolto?

Kiryu Sentu remembered the scene he always dreamed of from time to time while sleeping, and the words spoken from the mouth of the real Evolto.

"We can all be called Evolto."

Kiryu Zhantu never forgot this sentence.

If having genetic factors is Evolto, then wouldn't I be the Wanzhanglong?

Kiryu Zhantu remembered what happened to Wanzhanglongwo before. At that time, Wanzhanglongwo was controlled by Yi NengXiangang, even though he was finally stripped from YinengXiangang by using the ability of genius form, but he lost the ability to transform If it wasn't for Princess Martian who was attached to Ishidong Misora ​​to appear at the last moment to take back the evolution bottle with dragon elements, they would have lost that battle.

So who is the real Evolto?

Why did he appear in another world? And have you returned to this world now?

This is the question that Kiryu Sentu is most concerned about, because he has obtained a lot of data from the strange life forms that appeared next to the damaged "Enigma" system after the "collision" of that world, and the information shown in these data It made him extremely shocked.

What kind of existence is that person called Evolto by Evolto?

This time he still couldn't find an answer, and of course he didn't know that while he was thinking about this question, several guests from other worlds had descended into this world.


"This is the real wall of the sky..."

Waving his hands to disperse the aurora curtain, Men Yashi looked at the towering stone wall in front of him, his tone a little surprised.

But soon, he turned his attention to Jon, with an interested smile on his face.

"Then why don't you go directly to that Evolto's trouble? I declare in advance that if you want my help, don't think about continuing to dictate to me." Monyashi reminded proudly, but Jon's answer immediately followed. Let him be taken aback.

"No, now is not the time."

Looking at the towering sky wall in front of him, Jon stretched, and then sent her and Qiao Jiu back under Red Hair's displeased gaze.

"I don't think that Evolto guy is going to wait."

After the last fight, he has proved that while President E is constantly replicating genetic factors, he is also calculating President E.

Even if he was making it up at the time, with General E's level of caution, he would definitely do something.

In fact, Jon thought that Mr. E would carry Pandora's box and run away overnight after the plan was successful, but the sky wall in front of him proved that Jon was just thinking too much.

And just like what Men Yashi said before, his purpose in coming to this world is not only President E, it must be because of this that President E didn't carry Pandora's Box overnight.


"It's already here, why don't you go and say hello?" Jon smiled at Men Yashi.

Jon's words seemed to be casual, but Men Yashi heard other meanings from it.

"Sure enough, you are also a picky customer."

Men Yashi didn't say much, just opened the aurora curtain again.

But before leaving, Mon Yashi gave Jon another nasty smile.

"But remember, I am the destroyer of the world, and I will do whatever it takes to gain power."

After leaving these words, Men Yashi disappeared directly in place, and Jon also showed a helpless expression on his face.

"It's really a willful guest. It seems that there will be a lot of unexpected factors in the next plan."


Meanwhile, nascita coffee shop.

"It's really distressing..." Mr. E, who has not yet given up his useful status as Ishidong Soichi, said suddenly while wiping the bar counter, and then looked at Wanzhanglong who was practicing boxing against the air and asked:

"Wanzhang, last time you said that you would have good luck if your left eyelid keeps twitching, so did you find any money when you went out?"

The strange question made Wanzhanglong and I stop practicing boxing.

"Yes, manager, did you dance too?"

Mr. E sighed at this answer, and then replied:

"But it's my right eyelid that jumped, so I wonder if there might be some sudden trouble."

This answer made Wanzhanglong and I show an interested expression. After wiping the sweat from my neck and face with a towel, I sat down in front of Mr. E, and skillfully refused the coffee that Mr. E was about to pour for him. Opened a can of coffee.

"But if you think about it carefully, since my left eyelid twitched and I can pick up money, then the store manager, your right eye..." Wan Zhanglong, I took a sip of coffee and looked gloating, as if I was going to say that Mr. E will definitely have bad luck next time. Luck, but before he finished speaking, the expression on his face froze.

Because his right eyelid also jumped!

"It must be just a superstition. How can there be such a coincidence in this world." Wanzhanglong I changed my words dryly, and this sentence also made Mr. E show an expression of approval.

But before they looked at each other and smiled, the door of the coffee shop was opened.

The sound of wind chimes made Mr. E raise his head subconsciously, ready to entertain the rare guests who walked into this remote coffee shop, but before he could say welcome, the words got stuck in his throat, and then his right eyelid began to jerk.

Sure enough... it's not an illusion!

Seeing Jon who came in with a smile on his face, Mr. E's expression froze.

"I heard on the Internet that the manager of this coffee shop is very good at craftsmanship, can I have a cup?" Big trouble!

This was the first thought that popped up in President E's mind after seeing Jon who pushed the door in.

Although he had already realized that he had been tricked by Jon when he brought the genetic factor obtained through replication back to this world, but the speed was too fast!

After he gave up his identity as a guest, a new guest appeared in this world?

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