I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1001

Should not be!

Mr. E subconsciously denied such a guess in his mind, and then remembered what Jon had said before.

Alternative world of knights?

What does it mean?

Mr. E subconsciously connected Jon's appearance with this sentence, but he couldn't find any answer for a while.

Looking at Jon who pretended not to know him, but with a hint of teasing in his eyes, Mr. E pinched the bridge of his nose subconsciously.

What a horrible guy.

E always thought this way in his heart, but he didn't show any abnormality.

"Did you hear the news on the Internet? This is really a surprise." Mr. E asked me in Wanzhanglong, "Shop manager, do you want to drive away customers again?" ! ’ started to make coffee, and then pretended to be enthusiastic.

"Actually, I also know that this position is too far away. At first I also believed in the saying 'the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys', but in the end I learned my lesson." Mr. E regretted his original appearance, making Wanzhanglong I just rolled my eyes.

Of course, Wanzhanglong, I don't understand what Boss E meant by saying that he didn't expect Jon to come to his door.

"Actually, this sentence is not wrong." Jon still had a smile on his face, "Of course, there must be a prerequisite, that is, the mellow aroma of the wine can overflow to the outside of the alley, if it only spreads to the entrance of the alley, it will be weak , then it’s useless.”

As he spoke, Jon picked up the coffee cup that Mr. E had placed in front of him amidst Wanzhang Longwo's hesitant expression.

Then drink it in one gulp.

"Sure enough, it's delicious coffee."

Hearing these words, Manjoryu and I showed an unbelievable expression, and I looked at Ishidong Soichi as if I was looking at a stranger.

Could it be that Shi Dong's coffee making skills have improved?

When such a thought appeared in Wanzhanglongwo's mind, he felt extremely itchy in his heart as if a kitten was constantly scratching, and then he made a choice that made him want to slap his mouth after a few seconds.

"Manager, give me a drink too!"


At the same time, Guishi.

When Asami came back, she looked at Sakura Kyoko lying on the floor in a big character shape in astonishment.

"Isn't Jon coming back?"

Seeing that Jon didn't come back together, she didn't even have the desire to teach the guy who ruined her good deed, after all, no one would stop her in this way.

Immediately afterwards, Ba Mami got the reason from Sakura Kyoko.

"Idiots have gone to the world of Kamen Rider Build." Sakura Kyoko turned her face and said angrily.

Obviously they had so much fun playing together before, but that idiot subordinate left her behind again.

Kyoko-sama can help anyway, okay? If it wasn't for the dedication of her lord Xingzi, how could those fat sheep have made such a decision.

It's annoying!

Thinking of what Monyashi said before, Sakura Kyoko became a little irritable. After rolling several times on the floor, she turned over and sat up, looking at Ba Mami who looked thoughtful.

"Mami, I want to beat him!"

"Coincidentally, me too." Ba Mami couldn't help laughing after hearing Sakura Kyoko's words.

She probably understood why Jon didn't come back first this time.

Obviously, I accepted such power to save them, but now I don't bear it with them, it's too much!

No matter how good-tempered she is, she will still get angry!

Sure enough, she still needs to take the initiative!


"Slave of fate..." the dragon girl looked at the picture on the screen and muttered to herself.

Different from the shock brought to her by the silver chariot Requiem and the excitement when Giorno Giobana finally picked up the bug arrow and let the stand-in evolve into a golden experience Requiem, this happened in The story before Bugarati and the others embarked on the journey made the dragon girl even more touching.

Even though this story seems very plain, it is just a small commission accepted by the Bugarati team before they met Giorno Giobana, and it turned the fate of only Bugarati's death into the fate of three deaths.

Is this a misfortune?

Absolutely not!

Even a dragon girl who is not good at thinking can easily come to this conclusion.

This is absolutely no misfortune!

They are definitely not slaves of fate, nor sleeping slaves!

Are Apache and Naranga destined to die because the "Rolling Stone" was broken?

Absolutely not!

From the moment they choose to follow Bugarati to overthrow the boss, they are not slaves of fate!

It's like Mista chose to jump from such a high building and wanted to save Bugarati! It's like Apache left information about Diablo before he was attacked and died by Diablo! It's like the last idea of ​​a sculptor with the double "Rolling Stone".

Bucciarati they are different!

No matter who among them, they will not choose to touch the "rolling stone" and usher in a peaceful death! Even knowing the consequences of this will set foot on a path of suffering!

Dragon girl understands!

This is a theme that Golden Wind has been expressing from the beginning to the end - the golden spirit!

Even if they finally ushered in death as shown by "Rolling Stone", their resistance to fate is not meaningless!

At least the suffering they go through will be translated into hope for someone, somewhere!

"It's like Mr. Bugarati is still alive now! Even if I can't change my own destiny, my companions will definitely be able to do such a thing! Just like the "Rolling Stone" was broken by Mista in the original trajectory, the real "Rolling Stone" must have been smashed to pieces by Uncle Blood Dive! "

The dragon girl suddenly felt that she was on fire, but withered again in the next second.

"But Uncle Blood Diving hasn't appeared for a long time... And... Kamen Rider Ex-aid? Uncle Blood Diving has gone to another world again, so he probably forgot me."

The dragon girl lay on the table with a sad expression on her face.

Since the end of the last European incident, Uncle Blood Dive has never appeared again, which made the dragon girl wonder if her previous actions were wrong.

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