I Want To Be a Hero Who Can Connect To the Dimension

I Want to Be a Hero Who Can Connect Dimensions Chapter 1002

Although it is a happy thing that Uncle Blood Diver will not be misunderstood by others again, it will be terrible if Uncle Blood Diver never appears again!

"And I feel that Miss Tong will come to the door directly..." Miss Long began to mutter, and then Xiao Xuan who pushed the door interrupted her thoughts.

Then, she thought of a great idea!

She is going to find Uncle Blood Diver!

Xiaoxuan's teacher must be Kamen Rider Decade!

Jon, who is in the world of Kamen Rider Build, does not know the thoughts and decisions of Dragon Girl and Ba Mami. At this moment, he is sitting on a chair outside the coffee shop, as if waiting for something.

The sky was dark, and the lights in the coffee shop had been turned off, but even so, Jon did not choose to leave, but continued to wait.

A few minutes later, the door of the coffee shop was opened, and Mr. E, who was wearing a straw hat even at night, came out.

After seeing Jon's figure, he said helplessly.

"I said to this customer, the coffee shop has closed, and if you stay here, it will cause me trouble."

But even though he said so, Mr. E chose to pull out a chair and sit down in front of Jon, looking very surprised.

"I thought that even if you wanted to come to this world, little brother, the store manager, it would take a lot of time. It seems that I underestimated you."

As he spoke, Mr. E took out a can of coffee from his pocket.

"Don't you think it's weird to have nothing to do and drink coffee at night?" Jon raised his eyebrows and asked.

This question made the expression on Mr. E's face collapse.

"Very strange indeed..."

Mr. E shook his head and replied, then glanced at the canned coffee in his hand.

"However, in order to brew the same taste as canned coffee, this is the only way to do it."

This answer was a bit strange, but neither Jon nor President E himself cared.

After taking a sip, Mr. E held the coffee can in his hand, then looked at Jon curiously, pretending to be relaxed and said:

"I thought you, shop manager, would directly expand the Meta Field after you came to this world, and lock me in."

This kind of method can be described as completely unsolvable to E, unless he sneaks away with Pandora's Box in advance, but in this way, Killbus will find him again one day.

So he didn't leave Earth immediately.

Compared to fleeing in such embarrassment, he had a better choice, but Jon's early arrival disrupted his plan.

But he doesn't need to worry about it for the time being.

after all...

"It's Killbus, right..." Boss E smacked his mouth with a headache, "Killbus is indeed a crazy guy, if you leave that guy alone, one day he will make the universe into a A big firework and then detonated."

After finishing speaking, President E pretended to look at Jon eagerly.

"So the store manager, are you here to ask me to cooperate and get rid of Killbus, a lunatic? If so, yes!"

Jon smiled.

"Don't show such an expression..." Boss E blamed him, "In the world of the store manager, our cooperation is considered pleasant. We have no communication but the cooperation is very tacit."

Seemingly sure that Jon didn't solve his thoughts now, Mr. E's tone became very relaxed, and then he drank the coffee in his hand in one gulp.

"However, it is very inappropriate for the store manager to make a trip for nothing, so let's tell the store manager about you first."

After throwing the coffee can in his hand into the trash can, Mr. E stood up from his seat.

"In theory, Killbus has the ability to find me at any time, after all, Pandora's Box belongs to him." Mr. E shrugged and said, "As the king of the Blood clan, even if he suddenly said that he has the right to make Pandora I will not be surprised by the ability of the magic box, as for the fact that it has not been found until now, it is probably because it suddenly went to hunt other planets halfway."

"Then it does seem to be a very valuable piece of information." Jon also stood up and was about to leave, but then he heard Mr. E's complaint behind him.

"Remember to straighten the chairs, otherwise, no customers will come to my store, and the coffee beans will be unsalable!"

"That's the best result." Jon smiled, and then left without looking back.

Of course Jon knows that E is always using words to induce him to make choices that are always beneficial to E.

President E at this stage has obtained a large number of genetic factors. If he wants, he may be able to show a powerful posture far beyond the original trajectory at any time, but he has not chosen to leave the earth.

As for what made him stay on the earth, it's easy to guess.

Excluding the black Pandora's Box metal plate that Mr. E has most likely obtained and the ten refined lost full-fill bottles, there is only a parallel world.

But the white Pandora's Box metal plate obviously didn't improve General E's strength much, which made Jon suddenly curious about General E's plan.

He thought about taking direct action to solve Boss E, but in the end he temporarily gave up such an idea.

He can play a villain in order to achieve the most perfect ending, but he doesn't want such an image of a villain to really hurt others.

In the world of Kamen Rider Build, he can't do such behavior, or only in the world of Kamen Rider Build, he didn't think about actively playing the villain.

And unlike the other worlds he's changed the course of, Kamen Rider Build's changes are out of his control, so he doesn't know if it's good or bad for other people.

"Suddenly a little sentimental..."

Jon couldn't help but shook his head, then looked at the sky wall that had appeared in front of him.

He already knew how to lure Killbus over.

If two Pandora's boxes appeared in one breath, then that lunatic should have noticed the situation here.


In the coffee shop.

"Hey! Zhantu, did you listen to me?!" Wanzhanglong looked at Kiryu Zhantu and danced.

"Someone really thinks the coffee made by the manager is delicious!"

When I thought of the scene where the customer drank the coffee in one gulp without changing his expression, Wan Zhanglong felt like, 'Is this world crazy or am I crazy? ’ expression.

"It's not a big deal."

Kiryu and Usagi, who were busy analyzing the data obtained from the evil program, said perfunctorily.

"I think this is really a terrible thing." Ishidong Misora, who was holding a puppet, was also shocked.

She can't imagine that there is really someone in this world who likes her father's coffee!

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