I Want to be a Superstar

Vol 3 Chapter 828: NBA new protagonist battle!

On March 15, 2009, the Seattle Supersonics, who had drifted outside for a week, finally returned to Seattle.

After leaving Denver, the Seattle Supersonics defeated the King and Sun back-to-back on March 13 and March 14, respectively.

After defeating these two teams, Seattle's supersonic record also became 47 wins and 18 losses.

The 47-18 Seattle SuperSonics are still seventh in the West.

The Suns ranked eighth in the West are now 46-20, while the Rockets, ranked ninth in the West, are 47-21.

The Timberwolves, sixth in the West, are now 48-18.

The competition for the last four in the West is still quite fierce.

Although the supersonic speed and the Timberwolves have now opened a little distance from the sun rocket.

But the distance between the four teams has not been completely pulled apart.

Of course, from this ranking, the Timberwolves and Supersonics seem to be stable.

The eighth battle between the Sun and the Rockets in the west is in a heated phase.

Of course, although the competition for places in the Western Conference playoffs is still quite fierce.

However, the focus of public opinion in the United States is no longer on these four Western teams.

Now the focus of the entire league has jumped from the fierce Western playoff competition to the discussion of the Spurs and Heat who is the strongest team this season.

In recent times, the performances of the Heat and Spurs are indeed quite incredible.

The performance of James and Bowen is also quite eye-catching.

In the latest league's strength list, the Heat and Spurs not only topped the first and second.

In the latest league MVP rankings, although O’Neal still ranked first and Yees also ranked second, but the third Kobe has been replaced by Bowen, Kobe not only failed to hold the third, but even fell directly to the first. The fifth position, now the fourth position in the MVP rankings, is either someone else, or James, who has recently been either a 40+ triple double or a 30+ triple double in the league.

Seriously, James' recent performance in the NBA, if it weren't for his too many black spots, there was absolutely no problem over Bowen.

In fact, the gap between the top five players in this year's MVP, O'Neal, Yers, Bowen, James and Kobe is extremely small.

Five people have their own advantages and disadvantages in this year's MVP competition.

O'Neill's record is the best, but the data is not so good, and the data of the strong dialogue is really a bit of a crotch, and the abuse of vegetables is really fierce. Of course, it is not that O'Neill has no performance against the strong team, but is relatively bright less.

As for Yesi, Yesi ’s strong dialogue is really fierce. This season ’s masterpiece is really one after another, but relatively speaking, the record is really a bit behind, the seventh record in the west, Even with one of the best possible data and best performance in NBA history, it is difficult to beat the MVP.

As for Bowen, Bowen ’s data is not very good, but the performance of the strong contest is really strong, second only to Yers, a few contests with Yers, that is really respectable, after the All-Star , Bowen is even being robbed of MVP every day by all-stars who were once the team of Yao. Although the all-stars of the team of Yao were beaten fifty-eight, it ’s miserable, but Garnett, Pierce and others The position and sound volume in NBA are also really strong.

So do n’t look at Bowen ’s poor data, but it ’s really not far behind MVP ’s selection.

Because in addition to the data, Bowen's reputation, record, and performance in the strong dialogue are perfect!

In addition, the fourth James, James's data is very strong, and the performance of the powerful dialogue has also been continuously improved. In addition, the record is also very good. In addition to prestige, James' MVP selection is not too far behind.

As for Kobe, Kobe is not the first in terms of data, reputation, record and strong dialogue, but all options of Kobe can be ranked in front!

If O'Neill, Yers, Bowen and James all have their biggest flaws, Kobe really has no flaws and is very balanced.

Would it be a surprise for such a balanced player to get the MVP?

Of course not so surprising.

Originally, after the end of the All-Star, the league's MVP public opinion this season is O'Neill and Kobe sharing MVP public opinion.

But who makes the current NBA change quickly?

Now the public opinion in the NBA seems to have James and Bowen competing for the regular season MVP.

This kind of public opinion is also really shocking to many people.

Bowen is actually okay. With Bowen ’s current ‘prestige’, that ’s really honorable.

The key is the recent rise of James.

It really makes some people feel a sense of ruin.

You know, although James has kept pace with Bowen recently, the Heat are still a stronger team than the Spurs!

James has a greater chance of winning than Bowen.

James' chance of being shaped as the NBA protagonist this season is also greater.

So many black spots.

James has recently relied on his strong performance, there is a meaning to reverse the world and prestige.

However, this is not a big deal in the NBA.

In the NBA, this is a fairly realistic place.

As long as you are strong enough, even if you have more black spots, you can wash it.

Now James looks pretty strong.

James has also watched these recent games.

I have to say that now James' performance on the offensive end really coincides with his teammate in 2016.

It even overlaps completely!

Even though James's mood and feelings are very complicated for James now, it can't be said to be complicated, but it should be said to be special.

But for the strength of James, Yees is very recognized.

James is arguably the strongest opponent that Yers met in the league.

In the past three seasons, the opponent Yesi was least willing to meet was James.

Fast enough, strong enough, coupled with good offensive and defensive skills, he is a nightmare for all guard players in the league.

Every time Kobe encounters his headache, it's no surprise.

Doesn't he need O'Neill or someone undercover to beat James every time he meets James?

Without the help of O'Neill and others, he had no way to **** the title of the Son of Heaven from James in the first two seasons.

This is the former James.

Now James is more powerful than James in his first two years.

Similarly, the current James is more powerful than the one he saw in 2016.

James in 2016 was very powerful, but that was James in 2016 after all.

At that time, James, the technology has almost reached its peak, but at that time, James has also reached the age of 32.

Even if James's body was maintained well, James' body at that time was already old.

But what about the James that Yeh saw recently?

The offensive skills have reached the level of 2016.

And his body has maintained the peak of 24 years old!

This is quite terrible!

A 24-year-old James with a 32-year-old James offensive skills and a 24-year-old James' body and defense!

Yers was actually able to understand why so many multimedia experts now tout James.

Even many coconut flour experts are touting James.

Not because of anything else, but strong!

Now James is strong!

"If it's not Yes, I think that even if Jordan is now in the NBA in the pinnacle, maybe it is only the second in the league with James."

"Guys, I'm not kidding. Except for mental or psychological factors, I don't think Michael is better than James."

"I can swear by my personality and the title of Michael's greatest partner. Everything I say is serious."

"I can tell you very clearly now that Michael is not necessarily stronger than James!"

This is the original words of Pippen, who is competing with Barkley and not fifteen, the second coconut flour.

Let a coconut powder expert comment on James like this.

Unless Pippen really hates Jordan, otherwise, it is that James is really strong to the extent that Pippen has to recognize.

Yes, of course, I don't know which kind Pippen belongs to.

He doesn't know who James and Jordan are strong.

He did not compete with Jordan at the top.

However, the current James can indeed be called the strongest of all the players he has seen.

So now the public opinion in the United States will fix the protagonist of this season on Bowen and James.

With the end of the regular season, the playoffs are coming.

The topic of who is the NBA protagonist this season has also begun to be discussed.

In the previous three seasons, Yes was the protagonist of the NBA.

But in this season, James and Bowen have the posture of coming up.

If Yers can't lead the team to the least finals, no matter how many difficulties he has encountered this season, it is a step backwards for the most golden championship in the history of last season.

Even Yesi reached the finals with supersonic speed but failed to win the championship, it is a regression.

Now that it has regressed, there is naturally no way to compete with the protagonist.

Therefore, the protagonist of this season will surely be the final winner of this year.

From now on, the league's most likely winners this season are the Spurs and Heat, James and Bowen.

James has super teammates like Wade, but Wade is James' biggest fan.

Bowen has super giant teammates like Duncan, and Duncan is also Bowen's biggest fan.

This is quite interesting.

As for whether it is the protagonist of the NBA, Yees actually does not matter.

It's just that although Yes doesn't matter, there are a lot of so-called people.

Recently, with the super power of the Heat and Spurs, changes in public opinion have caused dissatisfaction among many people.

Among them, the supersonic players are one of the most dissatisfied.

Because of their lagging behind, Yes was excluded from the protagonist's discussion.

Especially for Ibaka, after returning to Seattle at supersonic speed, Ibaka, who had been working very hard, became even harder.

In addition to Ibaka and the supersonic players who are unfair for Ye Siming, the other is the University of Washington players.

Especially Yies' good apprentice, Curry.

Curry just took the University of Washington with a year-round victory and won the P10 league championship.

Now the NCAA is going to have a crazy March contest. As the No. 1 seed, the University of Washington is likely to win the NCAA Championship this year.

And it is not an ordinary championship, it should be a victory!

This season, the University of Washington is likely to once again create a miracle of victory.

Curry, the protagonist of Romar coach, is the only magical season.

Curry's mind is not in the NCAA tournament at all.

Instead, he is more concerned about the NBA than the NCAA.

"Master, I now feel that both the NBA and NCAA are very utilitarian."

Do you know now?

Looking at Curry, who was sitting beside him and watching the stars in the sky, Yesi shook his head slightly.

"I know that the master is not the same thing as those other people. The master is not the kind of person who loves the nickname. Master, I can actually understand the mood of the master. I am actually the same person as the master. I don't love the name. "


Looking at Curry, who scratched his head embarrassedly, Yesi was speechless.

Is this boasting me or boasting myself?

"Master, I ’m not boasting. If Clay or dream catcher or someone else took MOP from my hands in this year ’s NCAA, I ’ll stand by and applaud them, and it ’s the most sincere applause. That one, Master, do you believe it? "

"I believe."

Yesh nodded without any hesitation.

Curry was very happy.

He could see how much he trusted him most.

"So, I believe that as long as it is justified, if someone else takes the honor from the master, the master must also be blessed, but James, is he justified in taking the honor from the master?"

"Does he deserve to be compared with the master?"


Looking at the increasingly excited Curry, Yesi was silent.

After a while, Yesi spoke.

"There is nothing right or wrong in this world. At all times, victory and strength are everything."

"You don't need to be upset with me. If I'm stronger than him, I can always win. The things that belong to me will naturally belong to me."


"As for right and wrong, that is just an excuse for the weak. I do n’t want me to be weak, nor do I want you to be weak."

Yesh stood up, patted Curry on the shoulder, turned and walked into the villa.

"Right or not, that is just an excuse for the weak ..."

I also don't want you to be a weak man looking for excuses ...

Curry watched the stars in the sky a little fascinated.

It took a long time for Curry to recover.

"It's wrong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I'm persuading the master to fight for my reason, how can the master be convinced ?!


"The master said it seems more reasonable than me ..."

Curry continued to count stars outside the villa.

And inside the villa.

Yesi looked at the confidence uploaded from his mobile phone, and his face showed a surprised expression.

This person rarely finds him actively.

"Bruce, don't look at your phone anymore. The reporters are here. Conquer Seattle. How could you be the less protagonist!"

Bowen put away his phone, confidently, calmly, and firmly walked down the bus proudly.

For a while, the click of the spotlight masked the cool night tonight ...

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