I Want to be a Superstar

Vol 3 Chapter 829: The ultimate battle between the lore **** and the defensive god!

This time the Spurs came to Seattle very, very big.

Seattle has stationed the most NBA reporters and media all year round.

Plus the media and journalists Bowen and Spurs brought with them.

When Spurs and Bowen arrived at the Seattle hotel where they stayed.

The whole hotel is really surrounded by water.

Moreover, outside the hotel, not only journalists and media, but also a large number of fans shouted Bowen's name outside the hotel.

As the Chinese reporter who interviewed the supersonic and Spurs all the time this time, Wang Han saw this scene on the scene, it was really a shock.

At the time of the Christmas War, the battle between the supersonic and the Heat was not as great as it is now!

In particular, in Seattle, a place where the full name is a fan of Yers.

Except for the place where Eastern Washington University has the same brain damage, can players from other teams have so many fans in Seattle?

Listening to the fans who cheered Bowen crazy on the scene, Wang Han was not sure whether they should be called Bowen's fans or Yers' fans or supersonic fans.

Because these people are wearing Bowen's No. 12 jersey, but the color of the jersey is not the black and gray or white of the Spurs, but the supersonic green!

That's right, the jersey they wear is a supersonic jersey, but the name of Bowen is printed on the jersey!

If you do n’t know who is inside, it ’s because Bowen is not a Spurs player, but a supersonic player.

When Bowen broke his leg in the playoffs of the season, the match between Yesi and Bowen really shocked the world and moved the world. That matchup brought Yees the strongest NBA offense. Player reputation also brought Bowen the reputation of the strongest defensive player.

After that round, Bowen was also respected by a lot of supersonic fans and coconut flour.

This supersonic jersey with the name of Bowen No. 12 is the one that Yes wore on the body.

In the NBA, it is the highest honor for players to exchange jerseys with Yes. It means that your courage and strength have been recognized by Yes.

But you can let your number wear on the Yes with a supersonic jersey. Being recognized by Yes is a player you can always be respected by the supersonic. Your jersey can even retire at the supersonic speed. There is only one Bowen!

"What's my respect?"

"When he retires, we will hang his No. 12 jersey high above the Key Arena."

This is what Yers said in an interview after this year's All-Star Game.

Surprisingly for Yees's proposal, the entire supersonic fans and officials have no objections.

As a matter of fact, Yers spoke, but in fact supersonic and Seattle are equivalent to the decree.

And the effect of Yesi's remarks this time is that many supersonic fans and coconut flour, it is really respect Bowen to treat Bowen as a supersonic player to love.

"Bowen is not a Spurs player, he is our supersonic player!"

Wang Han doesn't really know whether these fans who consider Bowen as a supersonic player really love Bowen or are purely for disgusting Spurs fans.

Spurs fans have always been cold on the Internet. From the bottom of their hearts, they look down on most of the league's fans. They feel that only they know the ball best. The rest of the fans who like other teams and players are some of the followers.

On the Internet, fans of coconut flour and supersonics are not afraid, they are afraid of Spurs fans.

No way, when arguing with fans of other teams, coconut flour and supersonic fans release Yes, that is a direct KO opponent, but facing Spurs fans, when the other party releases Bowen, it is really KO can not, Can draw a tie.

Supersonic fans and coconut flour are really online, but they can't beat those spurs fans who are cold and can play.

It doesn't matter if you hit it, you can join.

Of course it was n’t Yes who joined the Spurs. Since Yes said that Bowen will always be worthy of supersonic respect, and he will retire Bowen ’s jersey in the future, that ’s easy.

They can completely misinterpret Yes's words and just say that Bowen is also our supersonic player.

Faced with the disgusting behavior of supersonic speeds and coconut flour, Spurs fans who think they have the highest quality, the highest IQ, and the most ball knowledge are really overwhelmed.

Yes said that Bowen's jersey will hang high above the Key Arena after he retires. That is the ultimate respect for Bowen.

Can't they refuse such respect on behalf of Bowen?

After all, in the history of the NBA, perhaps only Bowen has such treatment, and other players in the NBA may not even have such treatment!

What a privilege!

But since they accepted such respect and kindness, they really followed the robbery behavior that the supersonic fans asked Bowen to join.

You TM are all retired in my home jersey, you are not my person, then what is it?

In short, after being disgusted by supersonic fans and coconut flour, Spurs fans used Bowen to bully coconut flour online.

"Bruce, you are probably the most popular player among all non-supersonic players in Seattle."

Looking at the pieces of supersonic jersey 12 handed over, Duncan joked next to him.

When can he get such treatment on other teams?

When will he be recognized by Yes and become an honorary supersonic player?

Seriously, Bruce can be an honorary supersonic player appointed by Yes, and that is really enviable.

Getting the Yes exchange shirt is the highest way for NBA players to be recognized. Then think about the value of honorary supersonic players who are approved by Yes.

It can be said that in a place like the NBA chasing fame and fortune, the name of the honorary supersonic player on Bruce is the biggest name!

Without those respects from Yes, Bruce cannot become a MVP fan this season!

Although Bruce is only ranked fourth in the MVP rankings, the official MVP rankings take into account the data. This is precisely the most unfavorable for Bruce.

In fact, Bruce's position in the MVP selection is more advanced than his position on the MVP leaderboard.

Judging from the current public opinion in the United States, this year's regular season MVP's biggest favorites are not O'Neill and Yes, it is likely to be Bruce and James!

Regular season MVP ...

Although Duncan is an NBA Grand Slam player who has already got everything.

But when he thought that Bruce could get the regular season MVP, Duncan still seemed to be a dream.

"Bruce, these auras on your back are getting more and more gorgeous, and the gorgeous ones give people an unreal feeling."

Bowen, who was signing the supersonic fans, heard Duncan's self-explanatory sigh, and his pen paused.

"It's not only untrue, but also heavy."

After Bowen said quietly, looking at the number 12 Bowen jersey in front of him, Bowen's pen moved again.

Moreover, it is not only heavy, but also makes people want to stop.

That demon ...

"Master, have you heard? After Bowen and the Spurs arrived in Seattle tonight, there were tens of thousands of fans picking up at the airport, and thousands of fans gathered outside the hotel. The momentum is quite huge!"

Unlike Curry's whisper, Yesi was quite calm.

"Master, I heard that Bowen signed the supersonic jersey with his name for the first time tonight!"

When Curry said this, Yesi, who had been calm, raised his eyebrows slightly.

After looking at the content on the phone and thinking about what Curry just said, Ye Siyou sighed.

"Ambition ..."

"Ambition, what ambition?"

Curry is a little curious, what is the master saying?

Just facing Curry's curious baby's eyes, Yez shook his head and said nothing.

On the other side.

"Bruce, you are really a good idol now."

After signing the name of every fan outside the hotel with a supersonic No. 12 Bowen jersey, Bowen and Spurs finally entered the hotel in the cheers of the fans.

With Bowen standing in the hotel for so long, after so long, no one on the Spurs had a dissatisfied look on his face.

Even Bowen's brain powder like Ginobili now has respect, worship and admiration on his face.

This is my master!

For these Spurs players, this is everything Bowen deserves.

"Compared to Bruce, I feel that James is here without such respect!"

"James wants to be respected in Seattle? Don't be kidding, James is here without being scolded by Seattle fans!"

"Throughout Seattle, only Bruce can get such treatment!"

"So, this year's regular season MVP, since it wasn't O'Neal Kobe and Yes, it should be Bruce's, what's the relationship with LeBron James!

Listening to the words of the teammates around him, Bowen kept frowning slightly with pride and calmness.

James ...

MVP ...

"You said, this year's regular season MVP, which one of the five people? Bowen, James or Yes, O'Neal and Kobe?"

"Hahahaha, man, don't ask me anymore. I know, each of you has an answer in your heart. I don't know who it is, but I know that this year's regular season MVP is definitely the only fierce in NBA history! "

Outside the hotel, with the departure of Bowen and Spurs players, outside reporters also began to leave one after another.

Listening to the words of colleagues around the world, Wang Han also frowned.

In China, Yes is the MVP of the regular season this year.

But in the NBA, Yees's MVP probability may be lower than Kobe.

Yers's data this year is perfect, super perfect!

However, last year Yers took the MVP, and this season's record actually fell, which is very, very unfavorable.

You know, the other four competitors, the record has risen.

The Spurs were fourth in the West last season, and this season, the first in the West.

The Cavaliers were ninth in the Eastern Conference last season, and this season, the first in the Eastern Conference.

Heat, the penultimate Eastern Conference last season, this season, the second Eastern Conference.

The Lakers were fifth in the West last season and third in the West this season.

Only Yes and Supersonic, last season was the third in the West, this season ran to the seventh in the West, although Ibaka took the seventh in the West is very good, but in fact it is indeed a record decline, it ’s true .

After the division in the history of the NBA, it is difficult for the four players to get the MVP, not to mention the players who have already taken the MVP last year.

At that time, Jordan, not because of the retreat of the record, many MVPs that should belong to Jordan were taken by other players?

It is also because this season that it is difficult for Yers to get the MVP, so many other media colleagues began to hype Bowen and James as the MVP hot candidates this season.

According to the Kobe O'Neal of the Lakers and Cavaliers recently returning to good heat dissipation, the heat of James and Bowen did come up.

It doesn't matter whether the final vote was the same as the current popularity.

Now, James and Bowen are indeed the most popular candidates in the NBA this season.

And from the kind of seriousness when Bowen signed the supersonic fans just now, although Bowen is not as strong as James, Bowen is also building for himself. At the same time, although Bowen seems to have no desire, he is just With the honor of MVP in the regular season, which player will truly be unwilling?

Wang Han can be sure that when the sun rises tomorrow, the photo signed by Bowen for supersonic fans tonight will be the front page headline of all sports media in the United States the next day!

Bowen is competing with James,

Bowen and James are not competing for data. Compared with the data, he can never compare with James, who is now in a crazy 30 + 40 + triple-double.

But compared to such prestige and influence, ten James are not enough for Bowen to fight.

Of course, in addition to these comparisons, in the final analysis, whether players can get MVP, the most important basis is the record and performance on the court.

So tomorrow, Bowen and Yes can decide this year's MVP battle, what will the final result be?

If in such a game, Bowen can play a shocking world performance, then the competitive environment in which he and James are at a disadvantage will change.

What will Bowen do for this peerless battle that attracts worldwide attention?

Wang Han was curious.

In order to prepare for tomorrow's supersonic battle that determines many things, what kind of things will Bowen prepare?

Bowen returned to the hotel suite, gritted his teeth, and after hesitating again and again, took out his mobile phone and looked at the name of the 'devil' on the phone. Bowen's hand holding the phone was shaking.

Demon: It's quite easy, more than a thousand people, so soon.

Me: I did it in San Antonio.

Demon: You are really interesting. You always say no to your mouth. Your body looks quite enjoyable.


Me: Little nonsense, my request, do you agree or not!

Demon: Oh? Claim? Is it not a request?


Demon: No need to choose words, just talk about trading. Since it is a transaction, you want to take something away from me, and I will naturally get something from you.

Me: What do you mean? Did I get anything from you before? !

Demon: No?


Me: Give me a chance.

Demon: Haha, it's really interesting, knowing that you have nothing, and dare to trade with the demon.

Looking at the latest content on the phone, Bowen's bald head is all sweat, the night is slightly cold, but the skin is itchy.

Me: I ask you to give me a chance!


Demon: How to give you a chance.

Me: I used to be wrong, always resist, now, I just want to beat James!

Just want to beat James ...

Eyes narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the information on the phone.

Just want to beat James?

Ha ha.

Ye Si groaned in his heart.

Me: Well, since you admitted wrong, I will give you a chance.

Baolu: In the next game, I only need one honor, one glory that can overwhelm James!

I can.

It was a long time after Yers sent the message, and the other side replayed a message.

Baolu: Thank you.

Me: No need to thank now. After tomorrow's game, you will calculate what kind of price you need to exchange for my trade request this time.

After Yesi finished typing, he put away his phone.

And on the other side.

Looking at the last sentence sent on the phone, Bowen's lips were biting tightly.

After the game, the price of this transaction is calculated.

Seeing this, Bowen had a bad hunch.

But in the end ...

Me: I know, I will not gossip.

He still has no way to refuse.

He just wanted to retire the Spurs jersey.

But in the end ...

Thinking of this, Bowen slumped on the sofa behind him.

But Bowen, who is now sitting on the sofa, has completely lost the confidence, calmness, firmness and pride outside the hotel before ...

On March 16, 2009, the Seattle SuperSonics and the Spurs decided to focus on a lot of things, many people are paying attention.

It should be said that the whole world is paying attention.

Whether it's O'Neal or Kobe, who didn't play today, even James, who has the same game today, James' mind is now completely out of the opponent's Nets tonight.

The Nets are too weak.

Weak enough that it only took half a quarter, and James and Wade slaughtered them with the team.

However, even after halftime, the Heat and the Nets have no suspense.

However, in the NBA, even if there is no suspense in the game, the game will still be over.

The game will not only finish, but the players will also be interviewed on site until after the **** process has been completed.

James and Wade can only leave with the heat up and down!

Almost running away from the arena and back to the locker room.

At this time, the TV in the Heat locker room was already turned on by the staff who came in advance.

And when the Heat players such as James and Wade came to the locker room, James heard Barkley's familiar shocking roar.

"Incredible lore!"

"The lore **** once again completed an impossible lore!"

The lore of the lore god?

Yes won? !

James rushing into the locker room is very excited!

Bowen lost!

"Yes was ironed 43 times by Bowen's defense and made 15 turnovers ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ still finished the lore in the end!"

"This is the shine of the lore god!"

"This is a final battle between the **** of defense and the **** of lore!"

Barkley's voice was still roaring.

But the originally excited James has changed from excited to dull.

Yes was defended by Bowen 43 times and made 15 turnovers ...

God of defense ...

God of lore ...

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