I Want to be a Superstar

Vol 3 Chapter 830: Spurs to leave the team collectively!

Monday, March 16, 2009, Seattle Key Arena.

Hustle, manic, crazy!

Cheers, ribbons, applause!

Meet each other!

"This is an incredible game!"

"This is an incredible game!"

"Seattle Supersonics, with Yes's lore, scored 85-84 at home against the No. 1 San Antonio Spurs in the West!"

"In this game, Bruce Bowen of the Spurs performed well. Under the defense of Bruce Bowen, in this game, Yes hit a career-high 43 iron. In this game, Yes appeared in a career-high 15 times. Mistake! "

"In the face of this game, Bruce Bowen played an epic defense, the first defensive performance in history, the world thought that this is the first game of a completely undercover game in Yes' career, but the last!"

"The lore **** shines!"

"Yes lore Bowen!"

"The **** of lore kills the **** of defense!"

"This game is why Yes is called the **** of lore!"

"This game is also a testament to why Bowen is called the defensive god!"

"This game will be the same as Yes and Bowen's other classic games, and it will achieve the immortality of NBA history!"

In the hot key stadium, at this time, the people in the stadium, whether they are fans, media reporters or commentaries from all over the world, are almost all crazy and incredible.

Buckley is using himself as the biggest voice of mankind to tell the world what is happening now.

And how could the madness caused by this world-focused game just be on the spot.

In every corner of the world, I do n’t know how many people made their most instinctive voice when the final lore was staged.

The most direct expression of such a voice is the voice on the Internet at this time.

Although the Seattle SuperSonics and the Spurs are two opponents with very different rankings, the significance of the two teams playing together has long exceeded the two teams themselves.

Because these two teams each have one of the strongest players in history and one of the strongest players in history.

When these two players face off, it is of great significance to anyone in the entire NBA or even the entire basketball world.

Don't think that this game is the most anticipated fans, in fact, this supersonic and Spurs game, the most expected is the basketball players from all over the world.

At the moment when the game ended, the moment Yes faced Bowen's defense and shot the **** lore that defeated the Spurs, the certified stars on Twitter almost exploded at the same time !

At that moment, the Lakers players directly typed three letters on Twitter, "Yes!"

At this time, the injured Maddie's Twitter said, "The offense finally ended the defense!"

O'Neill's Twitter, followed by an expression of worship, followed by the Twitter text: "This pair of opponents is too great!"

As for the Celtics All-Star power forward Garnett, he expressed a emotion behind the shocked expression: "This scene is still so familiar!"

The most important game between Seattle SuperSonics and Spurs related to this season's regular season MVP battle is over.

But neither the result of the game nor the process is still over.

It's not just that there is no end outside.

At the same time, the field is also far from over!

As the head coach of the Spurs.

Popovich really wanted to say that he watched this game on his knees!

The object that made him kneel could not be other people, of course, the core of his team's defense, Bowen.

With this supersonic game, Popovich is very, very confident.

There is really no way to lose confidence in this game. Although the Spurs have been losing in recent Spurs and Supersonic games.

But Bowen's defense against Yes is really getting better.

Especially at this year's All-Star Game, Bowen even allowed Yes to score 20 points.

You know, when Yes was training in the two teams in the All-Star Game, that terrible feel really made many people palpitate.

After the game ended, many people said that although the Yao team was scored 58 points by Yes, this has absolutely nothing to do with Bowen.

"If there is no Bowen, the Yao team will definitely not only lose a fifty-eight. If there is no Bowen, the Yao team will definitely not allow Yes to score 20 points inefficiently!

For the Spurs, Popovich really doesn't care how much Yao's team loses, and the All-Star has nothing to do with his Spurs.

All he cares about is Bowen's defense against Yes!

When Yes loses his teammates around the All-Star team, what kind of performance can he play against the increasingly powerful Bowen?

Yes, with so many All-Star teammates, they can only score 20 points inefficiently.

Without it can only be worse!

So, after the All-Star, Popovich is really looking forward to this game,

There is no doubt that this game is Popovich's long-awaited battle of revenge!

In this long-awaited battle of revenge, Popovich is most looking forward to Bowen's performance.

And Bowen's game is really beyond Popovich's expectations.

Popovich thought that Bowen would defend Yes well in this game.

But I really didn't expect that Bowen could defend Yes in such an incredible way!

In the game, Yes shot 65 times and made 22 of 65 shots. He played 43 times in the game, not only 43 times, but also caused Yes to pass 15 times to his teammates.

What kind of concept is such a defense?

Even Popovich, who has always been very confident in Bowen, did not expect Bowen to achieve this level!

Prior to the start of the game, Rondo had the most irons in 43 games, and Chris Paul had the most turnovers in 15 games.

And after the game ended, Yes was beaten by Bowen in one fell swoop and made the most mistakes in a single game!

After the game ended, Yes officially became the player with the most scoring, rebounds, assists, steals, blocks, turnovers and turnovers in NBA history!

When a player can turn Yes into the league's most single-player iron and turnovers in a game.

This person can make anyone kneel to watch the game, including Popovich!

Because of this game, this person who can do this can really be called a god!

God can be worthy of worship by anyone!

There is no doubt that this supersonic match is Bowen's matchup game!

After this game, no one will question the status of Bowen's defensive god.

Just like when Yes got the block record in the face of the Nuggets, no one will ever doubt that Yes is the strongest player in history.

However, it was such a Bowen game that made Popovich uncomfortable, they actually lost!


Popovich now really feels the painful pain!

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"Bruce! Bruce! Bruce!"

Listening to the cheering of Yes and Bowen at the Key Arena, looking at the Spurs 12 on the court with eyes closed and painful, Popovich really wants to kneel down in such pain and pity!

If it weren't for him, he still kept that trace of reason.

He really wants to scold his mother now!

Tim, Jackson, Parker, Ginobili ...

How many chances did Bruce create in this game!

This game is a waste of Bruce's chance in the NBA, you can override defense on offense!

This season, although the offense played well, but as a coach with defensive skills in his bones.

If the Spurs win this game, that can really change the entire basketball world!

But in the end, Nima actually lost!

Why did you lose?

In this game, Bruce made Yes iron 43 times and made 15 mistakes.

But in this game, the Spurs also allowed the Supersonics to grab more than 20 frontcourt rebounds!

The Spurs let Yes grab just fifteen of the only forward rebounds that Yes had thrown himself and grabbed!

After Duncan was held up by Milicic and Millsap, the other Spurs players really couldn't rob Yes!

And even if these guys ca n’t **** Yes, it ’s still going to add trouble to Bowen!

How many times have these guys been involved in a traffic accident!

Bruce said, let everyone give up, but in the end, these people were still deceived by Yes!

Even if defensive end makes Bowen chaotic, this game is on the offensive end, the Spurs once again gave Popovich the idea of ​​trading Parker and Ginobili!

These two people are really useless when facing Yes!

With Duncan's increasing difficulty facing Milicic and Millsap, even when Jackson can't completely control the ATM Ibaka at the supersonic small forward position, the Spurs will play Old Nelson this season At the time, the kind of tactics that everyone passed the ball and the ball was not sticky, but in the face of the wireless defense that Old Nelson made at the supersonic speed, he really had no way.

His offensive system in the Spurs is a simplified version of the old Nelson's system. Old Nelson is really familiar with this.

In this game, in addition to Bowen, the Spurs up and down, including him, are behind Bowen!

He now wants to trade Parker Ginobili and others, and he now also wants to resign himself!

In this game, Bruce's performance, even if three dogs are tied on the court, and even another dog is tied on the coach's bench, only Bowen and Duncan can win the Spurs in this game!

But this game is really not as good as a dog!

Now on the court, all Spurs players have a regretful look on their faces.

This 99% of the games that can be won is eventually broken by them.

This whole team gives Bowen the feeling of being undercover, it is really uncomfortable!

"Bruce! Bruce! Bruce!"

Especially when listening to live supersonic fans deliberately disgusting and cheering for Bowen, the Spurs players are now really speechless.

Not only are the Spurs fans speechless now, even many Spurs fans in front of the TV are now suffering from speechlessness.

Nima's, really don't blame many supersonic fans for the respect of Bowen before the game.

The defensive player of their team is really overbearing!

Looking at the picture of Bowen on the TV when bowing down, Yes led the supersonic fans to applaud Bowen?

Who can't move?

Ginobili, who was undercover again in this game, watched the master be respected by Yes, and the tears were involuntarily flowing down again.

This game, he really played stink!

How many times blocked the master ’s path when Yes grabbed a rebound and collided with the master?

This game, he and his teammates are really pitted!

"I will hide far away from the supersonic competition in the future!"

"No matter what happens to the battle between Yes and the master, I will not stand in front of them!"

"That's a world we are not in a dimension with at all!"

"In that particular dimension world, there are only Yes and Master!"

When Ginobili came off the field, after looking at each other with the other Spurs players, he felt the meaning in the opponent's eyes and all lowered his head.

On this court, the only Spurs to leave this game is Bowen!

Looking at the back with his head up, and then looking at the players with their heads down around the back, watching the backs disappear one by one in the hallway, Yesi stopped applauding.

When I heard Yesi's applause stopped, the other supersonic players next to Yesi stopped after a while. As for the supersonic fans on the spot, it really couldn't stop.

Of course, this applause was not only for Bowen, but also for Yes.

"Bowen is really strong!"

"We really nearly lost this game!"

"The game with Bowen is always such a thrilling, so I said that the most uncomfortable opponent in the world is Bowen!"

Listening to the voices of his teammates, Yesi was a little surprised.

These teammates' respect or fear of Bowen seems to be true ...

This guy……

Yez looked at the player who had nothing again, and heard that the guy was really ... 'powerful'.

The Seattle SuperSonics and Spurs game, the Spurs are full of unwillingness.

This kind of unwillingness is stronger than the previous Nuggets.

This can be clearly seen from the statements made by the Spurs player coaches during the interview.

"Why did this game lose?"

"do not know."

"But I know that in the next game, my team and I will definitely win!"

This is the original words of Spurs coach Popovich!

"What if the next game still loses?"

"If we lose in the next game, I will resign from the NBA!"

This is what Popovich said in the interview, quite decisively!

Bowen can defend the only strong point of the supersonic in this way. If the Spurs still can't win the ball, what kind of coach do you want him to have? Let's tie a dog on the sidelines!

Just as he lost to the Chinese team in the Tucao Dream Team this summer, in the game where the US team lost to the Chinese team last Olympics, it may be more useful to tie a dog on the sidelines!

After Popovich's statement, as the Spurs' head player, Tim Duncan also spoke,

"Bobo said before, I will retire, and he will retire. Since he feels that he should retire after losing to the Supersonics in the next game, then it is time for me to retire."

"Both Pop and Tim said that? The next game is lost, what should I do?"

"I don't have Popo and Tim now. They are mature. Maybe I won't retire, but I will apply for a deal. I don't want to be a burden on Bruce."

"When we saw Bruce's last lore, our team's heart broke!"

"At the moment when Bruce finally looked up at the sky, our team's heart was broken, and it turned ..."

After the game between the Supersonics and the Spurs, the statements made by the Spurs up and down in interviews were really shocking.

Popovich said that the next time he loses to the Supersonics, he will retire, even the US team will not take it, and disappear from the basketball world.

Duncan said he would retire.

Other Spurs players such as Parker and Ginobili are Bowen who said they would leave the Spurs and not drag on one of the greatest leaders in the Spurs' history.

If, according to these people, they all fulfill their claim, if the Spurs lose to the Supersonics in the next game, the Spurs can announce that Bowen will rebuild.

In short, the Spurs' up and down speeches shocked the world.

Including supersonic up and down.

"In other words, as long as the Spurs are defeated in the next game, I'm the one who retired Duncan, the biggest striker in history?"

"Don't dream, can Yes save us once, twice, three times and four times, or can we save us all the time?"

"Our performance in this game has caused Yes to make 15 mistakes. How many times have we missed the strongest passes in history?"

"Yes, the Spurs players feel that they are a drag on Bowen, and they are very ashamed. Your shame!"

"Then we also announced that we will lose to the Spurs in the next game, shall we also retire?"


Listening to his teammates, Yesi's face was dark.

But soon, Yesi's face stretched a lot.

He felt that this game caused such a result, and it was definitely not him who was under the greatest pressure. After all, his teammates did not say so in public.

But Bowen ...

Ha ha.

This stunning battle between the Seattle SuperSonics and the Spurs is more than just breaking the Spurs up and down. It is likely that a championship team will leave the team collectively.

This shocking battle dominated by Yers and Bowen has also caused a major change in the NBA five-star battle for MVP.

On the second day after the end of this game ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the league announced a new official MVP leaderboard.

O'Neill, who has long dominated the first position, has fallen from the first position.

And the new first is Yes, one of the two gods in this matchup!

As for the second one, it is Bowen, one of the other two gods!

San Antonio, in a certain room, ah screamed.

A bald head awakened from the bed.

I thought this was a game that could get rid of the devil, and it could cut off the demon contract.


His favorite person pushed him into the devil's arms.

The palms, back, and sweat.

My heart seems to be cool ...

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