I Want to be a Superstar

Vol 3 Chapter 835: 4 pairs, reach!

On Saturday, March 28, 2009, the Air Canada Centre in Toronto.

In the first two away games, the Seattle SuperSonics lost two games in a row against the Timberwolves and Los Angeles.

The record also changed from the sixth in the west to the seventh in the west with 51 wins and 20 losses.

After bidding farewell to the two-game losing streak in the west, Seattle opened a continuous road trip in the east, and the first game of Seattle's east road trip was to face the Toronto Raptors, which has almost the same fate as the supersonic.

In the Toronto Raptors and Seattle Supersonics game, the stands of the Air Canada Arena were filled with fans wearing Seattle Supersonic jerseys.

In the current NBA, many people are discussing, which city can be called the second Seattle.

Some people say New York, some people say Los Angeles, and some people say Phoenix. In the NBA, there are many cities. Yees arrived as if they were back home.

Among these cities, Toronto is definitely a city that cannot be skipped.

Because of the big deal that shocked the world, the relationship between the Raptors and Seattle Supersonics and Yes may not be clear for decades or even hundreds of years.

"Yes dealt with seniors from Colangelo and the Raptors, and has nothing to do with our fans!"

"In our minds, Yes will always be a Toronto Raptors player!"

This is the voice of many Toronto fans, and it is unabashed.

Just like the kind of self-deception that the Raptors exposed by Bosh in the previous two seasons, any team that loses a player like Yes will have huge problems.

Raptors players can deceive themselves to regulate their emotions.

Raptors fans are certainly okay.

Therefore, in the stands of the Air Canada Arena, in addition to most of the fans wearing Yers supersonic jerseys, the rest are fans wearing Yers Raptors No. 9 jerseys.

This is not pirated, it is official.

Some time ago, Yes publicly stated that the Supersonics would retire Bowen's jersey in the future, showing respect for Bowen.

The Raptors official responded to the Raptors fans' request, saying that he would retire his No. 9 jersey for Yes in the future.

After the Toronto Raptors' official made such a statement, their prestige lost among Toronto fans was only slightly compensated.

But obviously, this is a shame for any management.

The duel between Yes and Bowen, Yes respect Bowen, supersonic respect Bowen, that does not matter.

Even after retiring the Bowen jersey at supersonic speed, the Spurs are likely to follow the same retired Yes jersey to show respect.

This is a good story.

But their Raptors and Yes have the respect of a fart!

In these seasons, can some of their Raptors make Yes respectable?

In these seasons, every time their Raptors met Yes, which one was not slaughtered by Yes?

When I did n’t see them saying they wanted to retire Yes ’s jersey, did Yes even say nothing?

This is totally the self-esteem of the Raptors fans, because then, Yes will always be the Raptors player.

They never lost Yes.

This Nima is simply delusional!

But there is no way, the Raptors management is really no way, Colangelo's dismissal has also been dismissed, but the negative effects of trading Yes are not compensated by his dismissal.

The Seattle SuperSonics and Raptors have no suspense in terms of the outcome of the game.

The Raptors fans at the scene did not expect any magical performance from the Raptors players in this game.

The Raptors players on the court themselves did not expect any decent games they could play.

Even when many Raptors players saw the supersonic figure 14, their calves were all virtual.

Therefore, for most TV viewers, this game is to see if Yes's quasi-four doubles road can continue in this way.

And the scene is like the recent explosive rapper Drake, and the Toronto Raptors fans such as the famous and famous singer Justin Bieber on the tubing and the Internet, they are even more simple. The initiator of the retired Yes jersey, this time here, just to watch Yes!

Watching Yes score every point, every assist, every rebound, every steal, every block when they face the Raptors on the court, they are even happier than the supersonic fans and coconut flour .




Listening to the crazy cry of the Raptors fans on the scene, the Raptors players on the court now have really different looks.

As the Raptors' current stadium, Bagnani looked at the frustrated teammates around him, his eyes were flushed.

If only as an NBA first-round No. 4 pick, his Bagnani is qualified.

This season, he can average more than 20 points and 8 rebounds per game. It can be said that this data is good in the history of the fourth pick.

The point is, he is not the first-class No. 4 show in history, and he is the most powerful player in NBA history, Yes!

"The Seattle Supersonics attacked again. Yes broke through Anthony Parker's defense. Yes took off. Does Yes want to buckle Bagnani ?!"

Looking at the high-contrast contrast, Bagnani's eyes were full of fear, but in retrospect of all these three years, Bagnani jumped with his teeth clenched.

He didn't want to compare with Yes.

However, he may never get rid of the contrast with Yes!

He is a loser.

Perhaps the biggest loser in NBA history.

Because of this deal with Yes, the Raptors were broken up!

His career has failed, and his team has also failed.

However, he did not want to be a coward!

Looking at Bagnani who jumped up after he jumped, Yesi was surprised.


"Yes didn't choose Bucknani?"

"Yes passed the ball and Yes threw the basketball on his hand to the hoop!"


"Unmanned Milisic dunks succeeded!"

Another classic air relay!

After Milicic completed the dunk, the entire Air Canada Arena seemed to explode.

Canadian celebrities such as Justin Bieber and Drake are singing and dancing.

And those celebrities who rushed to Toronto from all over the United States were also cheering.

"Is it possible for this game to be more than just a double-double?"

"Is it possible for Yes to get a true double-double in this game?"

"Why is it only four pairs, not 100 points? Do you think 100 points is not as good as four pairs?"

"I don't know, but we will not miss the historical opportunity like Yes!"

While Yes's constant quasi-doubles data suppressed James' quasi-triple doubles, many media experts are still discussing whether such behavior is intentional, and many fans are also discussing this.

But for those who are rich and free, who like to watch the lively, they are now crazy looking forward to whether Yes can play the NBA's next four doubles!

Therefore, after Yes continued to play quasi-doubles, many future and supersonic teams were surprised to find that the online prices of home tickets for their teams and supersonic games were soaring.

Even for the Raptors and Supersonic games without any suspense, the lowest transaction price of the sideline tickets online reached an astonishing five hundred dollars.

Yes is the team most likely to play a double-double, the Raptors are really the first to bear the brunt!

"Toronto fans are really too enthusiastic."

"Here, let me see the future of the NBA!"

In the stands, listening to the words of NBA President David Stern, the face of the high-rise Raptors around is really ridiculous.

If the fans of the Raptors have such enthusiasm in every game, they will not be so embarrassed now.

David Stern didn't know if it was intentional, it was just hitting them in the face.

It's simply saying to them, if you still have Yes, you might be able to do this every game.

In fact, it is not possible. If they really have Yes, they are really like this in every game!

Did David Stern intentionally say this?

Of course it was intentional!

Wouldn't it be funny to look at the expressions of these Raptors high-level?

Yes ...

What a stupid team that gave up Yes for the so-called present and future.

With Yes, the supersonic speed is now and also the future.

Lost Yes, the Raptors did not get the present, and the future was dark.

Normal people really should not laugh at fools.

But is David Stern a normal person?

of course not!

However, he did not come here today to mock the Raptors.

As the president of the alliance.

He has been cheering for the NBA's greatness this season.

The play of the five tigers fighting for MVP is really exciting!

In order to qualify for the playoffs, the teams in the East and West teams play the same crazy game.

And in these wonderful dramas.

The most exciting nature is the constant quasi-triple double and the quasi-quad-double confrontation between James and Yes!

David Stern really didn't want to swear.

But Nima, he really did not expect that one day, his NBA players, the two most powerful players in a duel, actually such a match between a quasi triple double and a quasi four double!

This TM is incredible too?

Many people speculate that Yes was deliberately suppressing the prestige of James' crazy performance at the end of the season.

Yes, after a series of quasi-four pairs, there will definitely be a big explosion, and a real four pairs!

David Stern very much agrees with this statement and speculation.

I just don't know which team has such bad luck.

Will be the first team in the career to get a double-double!

Just like Yes used to threaten the entire team with 100 points.

Now Yes is also threatening the entire league, but not 100 points!

After the Denver Nuggets used their tactics to break Yes' 100-point threat to the entire league.

Really many people did not expect that at the last moment of the season, Yes would play such a threat to the entire league again.

Yes, after the Nuggets broke the 100-point rainbow bubble around him, weave another gorgeous bubble around him.

The color of this bubble this time is the color of four pairs!

"Don't you want me to get 100 points?"

"Then I will take four pairs!"

Yes didn't speak, but David Stern seemed to hear Yes' stubborn voice.

Many people are guessing in which team the Yes double-double threat will be realized.

From the game of supersonics and raptors, the lowest online fare reached 500 dollars, it can be seen, how many people are optimistic about the raptors become this unlucky ghost.

More than a lot of viewers think that the Raptors will be the hapless ghost that Yes threatens the world with four pairs.

Even at this time, the Raptors head coach Kathy and the head coach Nickus himself standing on the side of the court are willing to believe that the Toronto Raptors are this unlucky ghost.

Two days before the Raptors and Seattle Supersonics game, the two of them, as the Toronto Raptors' head coach and assistant coach, together with the team's players, were already restless.

As Raptors coaches and Raptors players, they are different from Raptors players.

They won't have as many fans' hearts, they are very, very realistic.

They know very well that they are one of Yes ’most hated teams, even one of them can be used!

100 points or four pairs?

This is a sword hanging over the head of the Raptors coach and players.

Don't let Yes get 100 points on the Raptors!

This is the final decision made by Coach Casey.

Therefore, even if Anthony Parker's strength is far from Yes, even if he is 33 years old now, he needs to defend Yes, attack Yes, and consume Yes!

As for such a strong attack, Yes will get a lot of steals, will make Yes reach a double-double, this is really no way to control!

Four pairs?

He certainly didn't want Yes to play, but if he really wanted to choose one of these two, Casey would undoubtedly choose the one that hurt less.

Of course, he used Anthony Parker to attack Yes, he didn't care about the victory of the game, the attack that didn't care about the difference of the game, and the consumption of Yes. There is also an expectation that this highly anticipated game can be a three-quarter game. The fourth quarter is all garbage time games!

As long as the entire fourth quarter is garbage time.

No matter how strong Yes is, it is impossible to score 100 points or play a double-double!

However, as a coach who cultivates the player's mental will, he has never allowed the team to give up directly like the New York Knicks in the first two seasons.

If he is really like the New York Knicks, then the damage caused by such a waiver is greater than letting Yes get 100 points!

He is different from Isiah Thomas, he and his assistant Nickus, they are really ready to bring the Raptors, and even win the championship!

The Raptors can be laughed at, and the Raptors can be humiliated, but the spirit of this team must not be lost!

Even the superficial spirit must not be lost!

Therefore, at this time, Casey is really looking forward to the Seattle Supersonics players on the field shooting rate can be higher.

But Nima!

Seeing the supersonic player Rajon Rondo's crazy iron hitting, Yes, under the cover of Milicic and Millsap, grabbed the frontcourt rebounds and continued to throw to Rondo. Rondo continued to play iron.

Casey really had a feeling of wanting to kneel Rajon Rondo.

TM's been the head coach in the NBA for so long.

He is really cheering for his opponent for the first time now.

What a great opportunity this is!

Yes, I really didn't think about flashing data.

As for his defensive arrangement against Yes in the game, Yes passed the ball to Rondo, which is really the best and most reasonable choice.

According to his seemingly courageous tactics on the offensive and defensive ends, as long as the normal execution.

The Toronto Raptors can never hold on to the halftime!

But Nima.

This is almost the end of the third quarter, the score of the two teams on the field is actually 75 to 70, the Seattle SuperSonics is only five points ahead!

Looking at this difference, Coach Casey, who wanted to kneel to Rondo on the sidelines, did not kneel, but squatted down on the sidelines.

Coach Casey is suffering now!

Rondo TM's hand is too irony.

After playing the Toronto Raptors for three quarters, including Bagnani and Anthony Parker, they saw that the difference between the two sides was not that great, and they were still getting bravery.

This made Coach Casey desperate.

By the end of the game at halftime, Yes had already scored 18 points, 16 rebounds, 6 assists and 6 steals in the first half.

Now, what will the data of Yes be?

100 points is impossible!

But what about four pairs?

Now let Rondo players who are inspired by victorious fighting because of Rondo's ironing no longer resist, let the game enter garbage time, it is impossible!

In these three seasons, how much ridicule have the Raptors players faced?

More than being ridiculed by media opponents, even the team's boss, the Chris Bosh who defected to the Heat, is ridiculing them as a group of clowns who will only deceive themselves.

Nima ’s, even Chris Bosh, who ran to the Heat and did n’t beat Yes, what is the right to laugh at those who have beaten Yes?

Now the chance to defeat Yes has appeared, whoever dares to stop them, they will really desperately fight with them!

"This game is too intense!"

"Extraordinarily intense!"

Looking at the supersonic and Raptor games on the court, Barkley and Kenny Smith on the sidelines were a bit incredible.

After the game is played, the Raptors who saw the hope of victory are completely different from the team before!

These players on the Raptors Stadium are really just now!

Offense and defense is simply super [man] level play!

Not to mention the commentators and audience on the sidelines.

Even Yes was quite surprised.

At the end of the half of the game, when Yers' stats reached 18 points, 16 rebounds, 6 assists and 6 steals, the audience on the scene was already looking forward to Yers's data.

Even the DJ of the Raptors on the scene will broadcast all his data when he gets every data.

Yers does not believe that these Raptors players do not know how close his current stats are to the double-double.

Do these Raptors players have the ability to stop him from taking a double-double?

It must be incapable.

But these players can give up.

As long as these people give up, even if he has the strength to get a double-double, he will eventually be powerless.

But in the end result, when the Raptors players released the bait of a possible victory, the desire to chase this possible victory really exceeded his imagination.

Even if he gets four doubles, he must win!

Although Yesi has always been worried about the Raptors' previous robbery of the Supersonics, these Raptors players and the Raptors coach who squatted on the sidelines faced these people.

These people have more pursuits than the New York Knicks.

The New York Knicks still do n’t understand that losing the desire to win is more disgraceful than being humiliated.

At the end of the halftime, Yers's data had become a change. Once broadcast, what level of expectations the audience in the world had reached for his double-doubles can be imagined.

At the end of the third quarter, when the live DJ shouted out Yers's data, the whole scene, even the whole world was boiling.

"30 points, 25 rebounds, 9 assists, 8 steals ..."

David Stern, who was sitting in the stands, murmured and repeated the numbers of the crazy DJs on the scene.

The current score is 80 to 73, there is still a quarter in the game, and now Yes is only one assist and two steals away from the four doubles!

Yes is really going to hit four doubles in this game!

Now David Stern, the audience at the scene, and the audience in front of the TV, everyone is paying attention to the four pairs of Yers.

The moment of the four pairs is approaching!

Looking at the statistics of Yes played on TV, LeBron James's face is now quite ugly. Compared with the three quarters of Yes, he scored 40 points, 12 rebounds and 12 rebounds against the Bucks on the home scene Assist data, it seems that some are not enough to read.

You know, the Heat could easily defeat the Bucks, but because he and Dwyane's defense released water, the two teams played a offensive battle without garbage time.

In other words, his data is actively sought, and it is not an exaggeration to say.

But the data of Yes is not brushed, it is simply pitted by Rondo!

But Rondo is not too pitted, this game is already over, okay!

As far as Rondo's state of the game is concerned, he can't bear it.

As an audience who does not want Yes to play four doubles, he can't wait to get into the TV and give Rondo directly to KO!

Feeling depressed about his partner, Wade was also worried.

LeBron didn't want to see Yes play a double-double, and he certainly didn't want to.


It's really impossible.

Because of the fourth quarter, Yes stayed on the court from the beginning.

At the same time, when playing for three minutes in the fourth quarter, Yes's data has become 34 points, 28 rebounds, 10 assists and 10 steals!

Although the score of the two teams is still anxious, although Rondo is still playing crazy, but Yes, he still got four doubles!

Listening to the screaming cheers from Barkley on the TV, and listening to the cheers from the Toronto fans on the scene like an explosion.

Wade Yuguang glanced at the good brothers around him, and sighed.

Maybe this game did not want to take the double-double Yes, but still achieved the achievement of the double-double.

The four pairs of Yes also crushed LeBron and the forty plus three pairs he played tonight ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When the four pairs of Yes were reached, Yes could no longer bear Rondo's crazy iron hit, and finally scored 18 points alone in more than 8 minutes, ending the suspense of this game.

106 to 100!

This is the final score.

Looked at the data of Yes last typed on the TV with the biggest character.

Wade found that he, like his good brother, couldn't say anything dull in his eyes.

52 points, 35 rebounds, 10 assists, 11 steals!

Four pairs!

And the explosion is so scary that it can kill any 30+ triple double, 40+ triple double four pairs!

All the deliberate results of him and LeBron were completely crushed by Yes in one night ...

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