I Want to be a Superstar

Vol 3 Chapter 836: The crazy and depressed Celtics brought by the Super 4 Doubles!

After the Seattle Supersonics and Toronto Raptors ended, Yers faced the Toronto Raptors' super four doubles and quickly spread to the world through the Internet and TV shows.

In the countries that have been late at night after the end of these games in the United States, the game of supersonic and raptors is simply a big carnival on the Internet.

Whether it is an NBA star or an NBA fan, or even a person who has nothing to do with basketball, they now tweeted their own marvels and incredible.

On the other side of the mainland, it is still in the daytime, especially in China, where the news event just ended at 12 noon, as long as you are on a TV station, whether you are watching CCTV or other channels, watching other The show is still news. At this time, the Super Four Doubles data of the Seattle Supersonics and the Raptors are looped on the TV.

52 points, 35 rebounds, 10 assists, 11 steals and 5 blocks!

In the history of the NBA, before Yes, there were four players who had received a double-double, and the number of times they received a double-double was four times, one for each player.

In these four double-doubles, the data looks the best is David Robinson, 34 points, 10 rebounds, 10 assists and 10 blocks.

The sum of the four pairs of data is only 64!

And what is the total number of these four data added by Yes?

Up to 108!

Almost twice as big as David Robinson.

Not to mention the following 10 assists and 10 steals, even if you don't need these assists and steals, the data of Yes52 points and 35 rebounds are all horrible data in the history of the NBA!

Of course, this data of Yes is compared with the four double data of NBA with technical statistics.

If you count the data that is not official statistics, the data of Yes is not so good.

For example, Chamberlain, the NBA's data emperor.

It is rumored that Chamberlain scored 22 points, 25 rebounds, 21 assists, and 22 blocks in a game. This is a double-double, and even five double-doubles. It is rumored that Chamberlain got more than a double-double in a game. Fantastic stats, 53 points +32 rebounds +14 assists +11 steals +24 blocks of five double figures.

Of course, these are statistics of the memories and impressions of the game commentators at that time. At that time, the NBA did not block this data.

However, even with the data of Chamberlain's commentary and recall at that time, it can be seen that the data of the four pairs of Yes is not inferior to that of Chamberlain. The total of the four pairs of Chamberlain's four items is 'only' 90, of course Chamberlain has more assists and blocking figures, and these two figures are more precious than scoring rebounds.

Now the whole world is crazy about the data of Ye Si's super four pairs. Of course this Ye Si can also feel it.

From the current state of the people around him, you can clearly feel what kind of state the world will be.

After the game ended, the Seattle Supersonics players did not blame Rondo for playing 30 times in this game. Not only did he not blame Rondo, but he was also grateful for Rondo.

"Rajan, you TM is really a god. Last time you played 43 iron, Yes got a horrible double fifty. This time when you played 30 iron, Yes got a more horrible 50+ four double. Next time, if you continue to hit the iron crazy, will Yes get more horrible data ?! "

"Jane, although your hands are harder, you are simply the lucky star of Yes!"

"If Yes can really win the NBA MVP this season, you are the biggest hero!"

On the Seattle supersonic plane from Toronto to Boston, Rondo became the team's favorite.

In this game, Rondo scored 20 points, 10 rebounds and 10 assists. By the way, he shot 30 irons. Rondo faced the praise of his teammates, and his head was proud and high.

See if not, this is the strength of the second lord!

Not to mention that the supersonic speeds of those games are invincible.

In those races of Erye Iron, the supersonic speed is not invincible, but Yes is invincible!

The prospective second lord can lead the supersonic forward.

Iron's second man can take Yes forward.

Such a second man, dare you say that it is not the supersonic boss? !

Surrounded by such praise from his teammates, Rondo subconsciously looked at his hands.

The hands of Er Ye, really TM are a pair of magic hands!

"Yes, can you tell me now, before you deliberately played a quasi-double in the face of other times, is it for this game to accumulate experience for playing a double-double on the Raptors, are you early? Just want to get such crazy data on the Raptors? "

Wang Han, sitting next to Yesi, looked at Yesi with burning eyes.

This time, Yes did not say anything, but shook his head gently: "No."

In order to get four pairs on the Raptors?

of course not.

Ye Si ignored the excited Wang Ha around him and looked down at the current superstar system.

Superstar completion mission ninth ring: four pairs of Superman

Task requirements: In a regular game, get a super four doubles data, the total number of the highest four items in the double number exceeds 90.

Task description: The host completed the eighth ring before the completion of the task to achieve excellent, get the bottom five-star ten consecutive pumping fragments, the ninth ring task automatically matches the excellent difficulty task, the total number of original tasks is not less than 80 to 90 .

Task progress: completed, the host scored 52 points, 35 rebounds, 10 assists and 11 steals in the game against the Toronto Raptors. The sum of the four highest double figures is 108. Completion: excellent.

Mission reward: a guaranteed five stars and ten consecutive pieces of debris (9/10)

The mission of four pairs of Superman is completed!

Seeing this completed task, Yesi's eyes flickered.

Of course, although his previous attempt to make a double-double was not for playing a double-double on the Raptors, it did accumulate the experience of playing a double-double.

For example, opponents can't jump, such as the most reasonable use of Rondo's help board and control tool.

In the previous game, although he did not get the double-double data, he did accumulate a lot of experience on how to better brush the data.

However, if it is not to complete the task, he does not like such brushing data.

It can be seen that he got a super double double in this game, but this double double has no advantage for his team.

If the game is not against the Raptors, his stats will make the Supersonic lose terrible.

Yesi doesn't like these boastful data that can't make the team stronger.

Points, assists, rebounds, steals, blocks, double-doubles, triple-doubles, four-doubles, and even five-doubles.

As long as it doesn't make the team stronger, it doesn't make any sense to exaggerate these figures.

It is not without any meaning, it will make people around him like Wang Han or all his fans, journalists and media around the world and so on.

The exaggerated data that can't make the team stronger is only exaggerated, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Maybe other people will see more of this incredible data on the task panel, but after looking at the data and the status of the task completion, Yesi looked directly down to the world. The glory that everyone thinks, the disdain revealed in the eyes of Yesi's eyes is more disregarded.

It is better to look at what the next task looks like instead of the flamboyant data that makes the team's strength decline from first-class to difficult to win and lose with the Raptors.

Superstar Completion Task Tenth Ring: Five Double Superman

Task requirements: In a regular game, get a super five pairs of data, the total number of the highest four items to reach even more than 80.

Task description: The host completed the nine rings before the completion of the task. The result was a five-star guaranteed ten consecutive pumping debris. The tenth ring task automatically matched the excellent difficulty task, and the total number of original tasks was not less than 70 to 80 .

Mission reward: guaranteed five stars and ten consecutive pieces of debris.

Sure enough, it was the task of Wushuang!

It really is a total of 80!

At the same time, as long as he completes the task of the five doubles, he can get the last piece of ten consecutive draws with five stars guaranteed!

After Yesi got this incredible four-double data, Wang Han always felt that Yesi was not very excited, and was a little worried.

Is Yers worried that this year's regular season MVP will be dragged down by the supersonic record?


But Wang Han in his heart noticed the bright and excited light in the eyes of Yesi, who kept his head down, and the worried expression on his face disappeared instantly.

Yesi is still happy for his data!

Ye Si was not a person who was obsessed with data. It is already very, very good to be able to have such excitement about a data.

Although for the rest of the league, with this data, they will definitely dance and rap basketball all night long.

On March 29, 2009, Seattle Supersonics came back to Boston after visiting the Raptors.

After Yesi and the supersonic players came to Boston, they were most greeted by the fans from the east.

At the Supersonics and Celtics Finals last year, these fanatical coconut fans in the East occupied Boston.

This time it was more familiar.

The data of Yesi's super four pairs made coconut powder all over the world very excited.

The most exciting is the coconut flour in the east.

The whole world knows that these coconut powders in the east are very different from other coconut powders. These coconut powders are the kind of data powder, winning honey, and historical status control. All these people are those. It represents my own cattle, and the data of my fans is very strong, and I follow them. The history status of my fans is high, which means my historical status, and my social status is also superior.

Eastern Coconut Flour is a very peculiar group. This group is even second to 15th. This coconut powder head is expelled from the coconut powder more than once.

Everyone knows that it is not the fifteenth that is the second most infatuated with these eastern coconut flour.

"Tear your eyes if you don't move, touch your heart if you don't move, you can cry for Yes, you can also move for Yes, you can even be heartbroken for Yes, even die for Yes, you can have a variety of Yes All kinds of intense emotions, but when you are heartbroken, crying, touching, and dying for Yes, think about your parents, think about your life, you pay for your family, you pay for your life Did you feel so much affection? "

"Your TM doesn't love Yes, you don't love anyone, your TM loves your own vanity and loves your selfishness!"

Of course, it is not the fifteenth, the second is to look down on these eastern coconut flours.

On the other side, these eastern coconut flours are also not disappointed. Not 15th is the second of these coconut flours.

"You TM can't even die for Yes, and you deserve to teach us how to love Yes?"

Eastern coconut flour is a very strange and quiet group.

Ye Si didn't know what to say about this group.

In them, Yesi can feel a lot of fanaticism, but this fanaticism is indeed not so pure ...

Generally speaking, the existence of the eastern coconut flour group has caused headaches for many people.

Of course, the most headache is the local Celtics fans in Boston.

After last year's finals, many Boston Celtics fans cried.

"Who the **** are we TM? Isn't it too close to New York ?!"

East Coconut Meal, based in New York, has made Boston Celtics fans miserable.

Fortunately, this regular season game between the Seattle SuperSonics and the Celtics, in the North Shore Gardens, Celtics fans can finally have a side of their own pure land.

Although the North Shore Gardens have gathered a lot of eastern coconut flour tonight, the Celtics fans are the larger number.

As the craziest fan in the NBA, the Celtics fans are like this in their own territory, which is really pitiful.

The Celtics fans felt pitiful and helpless in their own homes in Boston.

Fortunately, in the game, the Celtics' performance made these helpless and poor Celtics fans happy.

The Celtics' performance this season is somewhat mediocre compared to the Cavaliers and the Heat.

After losing to the Heat some time ago, basically lost the possibility of competition in the second east.

But this Celtics is indeed a lot stronger than last season.

The arrival of former Warriors player Byron Davis has solved the Celtics point guard problem that has persisted in these seasons.

At the same time, the growth of power forward Javier McGee from the Celtics draft this season surprised the Celtics.

Javier McGee's performance in the Celtics this season is simply a free trader and a young half-tech Garnett!

Can run, jump and block.

When partnering with Garnett, they often surprise the Celtics.

Although the Celtics' starting combination is still Perkins + Garnett.

But Perkins is too slow to help defend. Garnett is helping. Garnett's age is up again. Although the defense is still excellent, it is a small-scale defense, like the peak. It can be assisted to the defense outside the three-point line, that is really gone.

In other words, the combination of Perkins and Garnett's inside team, the Celtics' defense under the basket is really strong, the defense of the basket range is almost dense and unventilated, but outside the paint area or the free throw line. Going out, it is really weak.

This was a problem that the Celtics could not solve in previous seasons.

But this season, it's a little different.

The combination of Garnett and McGee. McGee used his speed and bounce to sweep outside. Garnett was a comfortable center to play in the basket. As long as he did not meet O'Neill and Yao Ming, the league is really nothing Centers can get to Garnett cheaply under the basket.

And the power of McGee sweeping outside is really strong.

McGee has some problems with defensive players. He loves to jump and is easy to be passed, but this really has no problems. After McGee, there is Garnett.

Although Garnett's assist defense can't reach the three-point line or long distance, it is still very powerful in the free throw line.

Therefore, Garnett can fill the pit for McKee who is easily passed.

Although McKee, who has similar problems with Ibaka, certainly does not grow as fast as Ibaka.

After all, Ibaka was nurtured by Yesh kidnapping the entire league.

However, under the guidance of Garnett's hands, McGee's growth is also quite rapid.

It can be said that Seattle Supersonics is focusing on cultivating Ibaka this season.

The Celtics are focusing on training McGee.

In this game with the Supersonics, the Celtics made McKee start for the first time this season.

Garnett, McKee, Pierce, Ray Allen, Byron Davis.

Milicic, Millsap, Ibaka, Yes, Rondo.

This is the starting player of the two teams in this game.

When the referee, Crawford, threw the basketball high, Javier McGee and Milicic jumped up at the same time.


Milicic was surprised to find that McGee, who jumped with him at the same time, was like a rocket, and it jumped up at once, and then the basketball that was close to him was just snatched away like that ...

"So strong!"

Milicic was really shocked.

This time, he only seemed to lose a bit, but in fact it was really crushed!

Yes on the side were a little surprised.

He is no stranger to McGee. He is a student of the supersonic backup point guard Sessions, and Sessions also recommended McGee to him.

He is also quite satisfied with McGee, if not know that Harden is a future five-star player.

This year's Supersonics' No. 11 first-round pick was McGee.

With a height of 2.13 meters and a wingspan of 2.29 meters, coupled with his bouncing and speed, this is a player with the potential to have a great pot!

There was no way to sign McGee on the 11th, and McGee could not be selected on the 28th. In the end, Yesi could only pass by with regret.

Of course, it ’s a pity to miss a player like McGee who has the potential to be a great player, but Yees is not sorry, Harden is good, and Ibaka is also very good.

It is very, very difficult to play against this Celtics now.

This Celtics is obviously a team built with supersonic goals.

Byron Davis is Rondo's nemesis.

McGee's arrival is also to restrain the supersonic attack speed.

It can be said that this Celtics is a team built for the supersonic peak!

The Celtics coach Doug Reeves was very satisfied when watching the Celtics playing supersonic.

This season's playoffs Durant will come back.

As for whether it is the second round or any other time, I don't know.

But anyway, in the finals, Durant will definitely come back.

Therefore, when the Celtics meet the supersonic speed, there is definitely no way to eat the dividends that Durant is not in.

Therefore, for the Celtics who want to win the championship, since the imaginary enemy of the finals is set to Seattle supersonics, then it is necessary to consider the strongest supersonic situation.

The supersonic situation is the strongest, when Durant is back, Milicic, Millsap, Durant, Yes, Rondo's supersonic!

The Celtics lost so badly in last year's finals. Except for the weight gain of Yes, he slammed Pierce. Rondo liberated Yes on the defensive end. After Rondo clamped Ray Allen, he could let Yes put all his energy Put on the offense instead of chasing Ray Allen everywhere.

It can be said that Rondo is the X factor of last year's finals.

Now, the team has Byron Davis, Rondo's nemesis, after Rondo is slammed by Byron Davis, how much energy still has to chase Ray Allen?

If Rondo couldn't chase Ray Allen, would Yes dare to gain weight in the playoffs?

Yes does not gain weight, will Pierce still be hanged by Yes? of course not!

Pierce will not only be hammered by Yes, but also Durant as before!

Outside three positions, the Celtics dominate two positions.

The supersonic inside Milisic and Millsap are not good defensive, comprehensive offense?

The defense is excellent. It can be quite difficult to defend the current KG, but it can block KG's offense. We have McGee. Can you still block KG's pass?

McGee is not Perkins, KG and Perkins inside pass, that is really a waste of KG's organization and passing ability, KG and McGee's partner inside, let you know what is the cruelty of the air relay!

As for your full-scale offensive and large-scale offensive, let McGee sweep you out instead of KG!

After all, you are not Nowitzki. In the face of such sweeping of McGee, you will not have such terrible offensive power!

This Celtics, who is completely prepared for the peak supersonic speed, played this incomplete supersonic speed on the court, which really gave Doug Rivers a feeling of killing the chicken with a knife.

"This is just bullying!"

This game, where he wanted to see, the Celtics players all showed up on the court.

Byron Davis' suppression of Rondo.

Ray Allen again restrained Yes' energy.

Pierce slammed the beggar's bankrupt version of Durant's Ibaka.

The combination of Garnett and McGee's combination with Milicic and Millsap's combination is even slightly inferior.

126 to 108!

This is the final score of this game.

"It's perfect!"

Doug Rivers smiled excitedly at the end of the game.

Now the Celtics are only a short distance from the championship. The Celtics and the Supersonics have penetrated the East and West Divisions to reach the Finals!


Thinking of this prerequisite, Rivers's smile collapsed.


This prerequisite is too difficult, okay!

Celtics pierce the east?

No confidence.

Supersonic through the west?

It's a dream!

Why can't Nima let us form this lineup last season?

Why the Heat can be so shameless to form the five giants, we are all trembling with the formation of the three giants!

Nyima's Pat Riley, Nyima's James!

Cursing Riley and James after every game victory has become a daily routine for the Celtics.

"Take us as an imaginary enemy, even if we win more, this season is useless!"

Rondo, who had been abused by Byron Davis for a whole game, walked into the middle of the Celtics player and said a bit shamefully.

He heard Rondo say this.

The Celtics really wanted to beat people up and down.

However, I saw the supersonic number nine around Rondo.

Garnett, Pierce, and Byron Davis all refrained.

Do n’t stand beside Yes when Nima has the ability to spray garbage!

I'm standing next to Yes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You guys come to bite me!

This bitch!

The Celtics players Garnett and Pierce and Perkins were really blown away by Rondo.

An away game in Boston suffered a big defeat, and basically had no effect on the supersonic speed and Yers.

Because at this time, the whole world is still immersed in the super grandiose data of Ye Si's super four doubles.

So much so that in the last four games, Yes, who lost three games, still ranks first in the league's latest MVP rankings.

James, Bowen, O'Neill and Kobe are still below!

"The whole world knows that the key to whether Yes can defend the MVP in the regular season is not the record, but whether he can keep this performance crazy until the end!"

"The same goes for the other four people!"

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