I Want to be a Superstar

Vol 3 Chapter 848: The end of the regular season, an extraordinary and magical season!

On April 15, 2009, the last day of the NBA, the world-famous battle between Seattle Supersonics and Miami Heat ended.

Under Yes's lore, the Seattle SuperSonics, who were ultimately believed to be more than 97% probable to lose, had a Miami lore on the road to win this crucial game.

Through the victory of this key game, Seattle Supersonics also successfully squeezed out the Houston Rockets last season's first regular season into the playoffs!

At the same time, the topics caused by the Supersonics and Heat games did not end because of the end of the game.

This game is a miracle of five pairs + lore.

In this game, James is a miracle of loyalty to Yes.

And at the end of the game, Wade, who has always supported James, finally broke with James.

All of this makes this game full of topics!

And it is the kind of topic that may continue to be debated.

Of course, for the Supersonics and Heat games, the heat is even higher, it is also an ordinary regular season.

And on April 15, the NBA is not just a regular season game.

On the last day of the regular season this season, the NBA's key regular season is more than the Supersonics and Heat.

For example, the Timberwolves 6th in the West and the 7th Suns in the West also played a game. In the end, the Suns defeated the Timberwolves and defended their seventh position in the West.

At the same time, in the Eastern Conference playoffs, in the sixth key competition in the Eastern Conference, the 76ers faced O'Neal's retired Cavaliers, passing an overtime away, defeating Cliff 111-11 Lan Cavaliers.

As long as the Pacers and Bulls play on the other side and the Bulls lose, the Sixers will be sixth in the East.

But unfortunately, on the other side of the Bulls vs. Pacers game, the Bulls also beat the opponent 109-108 at home. Ross made a 3-pointer to kill the Pacers, and finally the Bulls held their sixth position in the east.

At this point, all rankings of the East and West of the 2008-2009 season of the NBA have all come out.

In the East, although the Cleveland Cavaliers encountered a betrayal by James this season, under the leadership of O’Neal, under the celebrity players such as David Lee, Richard Jefferson, Deron Williams and Daniel Gibson, With the help of the Cavaliers, this year's regular season played a historic result.

This season's 67-15 Cleveland Cavaliers beat the Spurs in the West and the Heat in the Eastern Conference with 27 wins and 26 wins, winning the Eastern Conference and the league's first place.

This season O'Neal's strength and the Cavaliers' five starters all scored and averaged 20 per game. The Cavaliers fans who lost James even cried out ‘Who James is when the Cavaliers last game started! ’S slogan.

O'Neill and his new Cavaliers completely transformed Cleveland into a new country of their own, and it only took one season.

The first in the East is the well-deserved Cavaliers, while the second in the East is the Miami Heat with 63 wins and 19 losses.

Although 26 of them were won in the last 27 games, this invincible Big Five team did happen too many things ahead.

So that the final record has also been greatly affected.

Even after the end of the regular season, seeing the rare public infighting between James and Wade, many people are wondering whether this Big Five team will encounter any great trouble in the playoffs.

In the East, the team occupying the third position is the Boston Celtics. The Boston Celtics have been the first in the East in the past few seasons and are well-deserved Eastern hegemons.

But this season, the Boston Celtics, who used Seattle's supersonics as their imaginary enemy, encountered a lot of trouble. The sudden rise of the Cavaliers and Heat in the east caught them off guard.

When the team built with the supersonic imaginary enemy faced the Cavaliers and Heat, the Boston Celtics played a little harder.

In addition to the supersonic sweep this season, the Celtics have swept the supersonic in the regular season for three consecutive seasons.

It can be seen that their idea of ​​building a team using the supersonic speed as an imaginary enemy is very correct, but this season has not been very successful. At the very least, the regular season is not so successful. It is indeed difficult to say that it is a success.

If this team wants to succeed this season, perhaps it can only pray that it will break through from the east, while the western breakout is supersonic.

It's hard.

In addition to the first three super teams in the east, the fourth place is the 48-34 Washington Wizards.

If the Boston Celtics lost their dominance of the East because of the rise of the Cavaliers and the Heat, then the Washington Wizards also lost their position as strong challengers in the East because of the rise of these two teams.

In the past few seasons, because of the strength of the Celtics, the Wizards have been the first challenger team under the leadership of Arenas.

But this season, although the Wizards are also trying to be the strongest challenger in the East, it is clear that the Wizards and the previous three teams are widening their strength.

Because of the presence of Arenas, maybe the Wizards can still beat any team in a certain game.

However, the shining of such a game can no longer make the Wizards a challenger in the eastern part of the current strong team.

Of course, although the position of the strongest challenger team has been lost, the Wizards still firmly occupy the first position of the second group in the east under the leadership of Arenas.

There is a big gap with the previous Eastern Big Three, but among the second-tier teams, the Wizards are still outstanding.

The fifth team in the East is the Orlando Magic with a 42-40 record.

This season, the Magic's young center Howard has become more mature.

Coupled with the addition of former supersonic and Raptors star player Rashad Lewis, the Magic's performance this season is fairly stable.

Because of the presence of the top three in the East and the top nine in the West, the league has 12 fairly super teams.

Because of the existence of these 12 super teams, it is really not easy for other ordinary teams in the league to get a 50% win rate.

The Magic are also an ordinary team, but they keep the team's bottom line of 50% winning percentage.

At the same time, the Magic have become one of the 12 super teams. The only two teams with a win rate of more than 50%, the other is the fourth-placed Wizards.

This year's NBA ordinary team is really difficult because of the existence of 12 teams in the east and west 3 + 9, many NBA ordinary teams are joking in private, for them, there are 30 games in a season The game is definitely to lose.

There are only 82 games in a season, and only 52 games can really win.

In 52 games that can win, it is quite difficult to win 41 games to reach a 50% win rate.

This is why the Rockets lost to many ordinary teams that should not lose because of the problem of pre-matching. Even after the second half, the performance was very exciting, and the strong dialogue performance was also very good, but it was almost impossible to enter the playoffs. s reason.

Whether this year is east or west, polarization is too serious.

From the record point of view, the entire league seems to be the Wizards and Magic are mid-level teams. Of course, the Thunder where Chris Paul is located has also won 50%. However, after Paul was reimbursed for the injury season, the Thunder's record fell directly.

The top five records in the East are all teams with a win rate of more than 50%, and after the sixth in the East, it is completely different.

Now the sixth team in the East is the Chicago Bulls who defeated the Pacers in the last game. Under the leadership of Ross, the Chicago Bulls finally held the sixth position in the East and also placed the Pacers in the top eight in the East.

The Chicago Bulls now have a 35-47 record. This record is really not so good, but considering that the Chicago Bulls were considered to be one of the weakest teams in the league before the start of the season, they could actually shoot the sixth in the East. Very good.

As a successor to Yes, this ranking is better than Yes's first season with supersonics.

Of course, the supersonic is the Western Conference into the playoffs, the record is 50+ victory of Superman.

But in any case, the Bulls that Ross brings are one of the most surprising teams in the entire league this season. Rose himself has entered the All-Star because of this excellent performance. The Bulls coach Scott Brooks is also this season. One of the biggest contenders for the best coach.

In the seventh place in the east, Iverson led the Pistons with 35 wins and 47 losses. Iverson once again achieved an achievement of scoring more than 30+ points per game this season. Now he is focusing on scoring. Iverson, getting closer to the goal of 30,000 points.

The Eastern Conference final entry into the playoffs belongs to the 76ers led by Iguodala, the record is also 35 wins and 47 losses, because the Bulls won the last game, even if the 76ers also defeated O'Neill's rest. Cavaliers, in the end, can only continue to rank eighth.

In addition to the eight teams that entered the playoffs in the East, the ninth place is the Pacers and the tenth is the Eagles. The two teams are also a pity. Both teams have 34 wins. 48 losses, only one step away from the playoffs.

As long as the two teams finally defeated their opponents in the last game, they can enter the playoffs. Unfortunately, the Pacers lost to the Bulls, and the Eagles lost to the Pistons.

In addition to these ten teams, the remaining 11th Eastern Charlotte Hornets, 12th Nets, 13th Raptors, 14th Bucks, 15th New York Knicks The record is quite ugly, except for the Hornets because of Larry Brown, the 25-57 record looks like the same thing.

The record of other teams is really unreadable, especially the New York Knicks, this season's record is 10 wins and 72 losses.

It's crazy for the draft pick to lose!

That is, the Warriors in the West really can't win the ball, otherwise the record of the New York Knicks is definitely the last best in the league.

On the west side, the team that ranked first in the west was the 66-16 Spurs. By the second half of the regular season, the gap between the Spurs and the Dallas Mavericks has always been quite small, even evenly divided. , But it wasn't until the last few games that the Spurs and Mavericks won or lost.

After defeating the Mavericks, the Spurs, the fourth in the West last season, finally returned to the No. 1 position in the West again this season, and also became the biggest favorite of the championship this season.

Because of the Heat's internal strife, the Spurs are indeed the league's biggest favorite to win the championship.

In the West, the team behind the Spurs is the 63-19 Los Angeles Lakers.

The Los Angeles Lakers are also one of the teams that have ranked first in the Western Conference this season. The Los Angeles Lakers even firmly held the first place in the Western Conference in the first half of the schedule.

But in the second half of the season, the Los Angeles Lakers lost a lot.

In fact, not only the Los Angeles Lakers lost a lot in the second half of the season, the Spurs, Mavericks, Lakers, Nuggets, Grizzlies, these five teams have not lost.

This is why the Rockets are the team with the best record in the second half of the Western Conference. There are many strong dialogues in the second half of the Western Conference, especially the Rockets and the Sun and the Timberwolves supersonics have a winning percentage in the strong dialogue with the Western Five. Quite high.

For example, the Timberwolves have defeated the Mavericks, Lakers, and Spurs, and the Suns have defeated the Grizzlies, Lakers, and Supersonics. They have also defeated the Spurs, Lakers, Nuggets, and Rockets. Needless to say, the Mavericks. , Lakers, Nuggets, Grizzlies, Spurs, five teams, the Rockets have won!

Although it is not really a win to win a game, it can only be said that the four teams behind the top nine in the West were even more crazy and eager for victory.

But it can also be seen that the record on the western side is indeed quite fierce after the second half.

This is why many people say that in addition to the Spurs in the West, any team ranked first may be black.

After the Spurs and the Lakers, the third in the west is the Denver Nuggets led by Anthony. The Denver Nuggets have a record of 62 wins and 20 losses. The Denver Nuggets have a record of 4th in the West and 5th in the West. The Grizzlies are all low.

However, this team is the first in the Northwest. According to the NBA ranking rules, the first division automatically occupies the top three positions, so although the Nuggets are fifth in the west, they are ranked in the west. third.

Therefore, this ranking rule is very unfriendly to a divisional team with more than one super strong team in a division.

And this very unfriendly division is naturally the Southwest Division with Spurs, Mavericks, Grizzlies, Rockets and Thunder.

The fourth Mavericks record is 64 wins and 18 losses, ranking second only to the West Spurs in terms of record, should be ranked second in the West.

The Grizzlies ranked fifth in the West were 63 wins and 19 losses. This team's record is the same as the Lakers in the West. Even because they have a better record against the Lakers, if they really want to rank with the Lakers. If it is, it should be the third in the west after the Spurs steak.

According to the record rankings, the top three teams in the Western Conference this year are the Spurs, Mavericks and Grizzlies, all of which are Southwest teams.

But according to the NBA's ranking rules, in addition to the Spurs' first position in the West is guaranteed, the small steak to the fourth, the Grizzlies ranked fifth, one of the two strongest teams in the West actually want to catch a fight in the first round.

Behind the five super strong teams in the West and the sixth in the West is the Timberwolves. The Timberwolves' final record is 61 wins and 21 losses. The Timberwolves almost pulled the Nuggets from the first position in the Northwest in the last moment.

The Nuggets lost to the Sonics twice in a row at the last minute really shocked this team.

That is to say, the opponent behind the Nuggets is weaker, otherwise the Timberwolves may really overturn the Nuggets.

If in the east, the most surprising team is the Bulls led by Ross and the Cavaliers led by O'Neill, won the west, the most surprising team is definitely the Timberwolves led by young players such as Guy and Yi Jianlian.

This is an internal and external balance, almost no short board team, this season's performance is really quite good.

That is, this young team is in the west, there are too many strong teams in the west, and there are too many strong teams played. If you put this team on the east side, the performance of this young team on the east side is difficult. Imagine ...

Behind the Timberwolves, ranked seventh in the West is the Phoenix Suns with a history of 70 wins last season.

This season the Suns are indeed not as strong as they were last season, but the 61 wins and 21 losses are also considered good.

The Suns have not been reinforced this season, and it is considered to be standing still. In the environment of the strong rise of many teams in the entire west, teams without reinforcements will not retreat, and it is normal to play such a record.

It's just obvious that although the record is decent, this ranking is really not so good for the Suns.

From the second to the seventh directly, the Rockets are even worse than them.

However, although the Suns are miserable for a little bit, but this team has also entered the playoffs. At least, the Suns still have the opportunity to continue to play in the playoffs.

As the media hype at the end of the season, in addition to the Spurs in the West, any team ranked first will be in danger.

This means that even if the Sun is ranked seventh, as long as it is not a Spurs, there is a possibility of Black Seven.

The Lakers they play in the playoffs, but the Suns have always been a favorite opponent, the previous season, the Suns bully single-core Kobe.

It's just that Kobe is no longer single-core, and the Lakers have changed.

Behind the sun is the Seattle Supersonics. As the eighth Seattle Supersonics this season, the Seattle Supersonics record is just 60 wins and 22 losses. It is just one of the ten teams that have achieved 60 wins this season. One.

This record is really quite good for the lack of Durant and the supersonics that carried Ibaka this season.

The competition in the West this season is much greater than last season.

Last season, the West was so brutal, there were only 7 teams with more than 60 wins. This season, not only are there 8 in the West with 60 wins, there are 2 in the East, and there is a 59 win in the West!

Of course, although the supersonic regular season performed very well, the expectations for the playoffs are quite low.

The 60 wins and 22 losses record can only rank eighth in the west.

If Seattle's supersonics rank seventh, sixth, or even fifth in the West, it may be less than a gram.

But it was the Spurs, who had Yes' strongest finisher, Bowen.

The miracle of Yes will be restrained to the greatest extent by Bowen.

Many experts have seen the last six games between the Spurs and the Supersonics. They have unanimously found that if other Spurs players do not add to Bowen's confusion or undercover, the Spurs can win all six games!

In the playoffs, after the tactical discipline of each team comes up, no team can mess up, let alone the Spurs or a very experienced team.

Therefore, the Supersonics entered the playoffs in the eighth position, even the most loyal coconut flour Barkley and Pippen have no hope.

"Our requirements for Yes and supersonic speed are not high, it is important not to be swept by the Spurs."

"Anyway, Yes has won five doubles and entered the playoffs. Although this season will not succeed, it will not fail."

On the eastern side, the Pacers and Eagles failed to make the playoffs, which is a pity.

On the west side, the Rockets' 59 wins and 23 losses didn't make it to the playoffs, which is even more a pity.

The Spurs' 59 wins and 23 losses missed the playoffs, which directly led to the Rockets becoming the best team in NBA history to miss the playoffs.

59 won't make it to the playoffs. Before this magical situation emerged this season, it was simply something no one could imagine.

This unimaginable thing happened in the end.

This season's West, the lowest record required to enter the playoffs is actually a terrible 60 wins!

Many people thought that the 60 wins of the seven teams in the West last season were the most terrifying.

Unexpectedly, this season is even more terrifying.

The nine teams in the top nine in the West can be regarded as god-like teams this season.

In the team after that, it's much more normal.

Ranked 10th in the West is the Thunder led by Chris Paul. The final record of the Thunder was 39 wins and 43 losses. After Chris Paul was injured, this team eventually fell out of the ranks of the team with a win rate of more than 50%, but still Keep the tenth position in the west.

Behind the Thunder are the 11th Blazers and the 12th Clippers. Although these two teams are not as good as the Thunder, they are better than the sixth bull in the East. They can also be placed in the East. Enter the playoffs easily.

However, the 13th Jazz in the West and the 14th King in the West, these two teams are no different from the weak teams in the East.

As for the fifteenth Warriors in the West, this team's record of 7 wins and 75 losses under the leadership of Mike Beasley this season is really shocking!

Mike Beasley's performance this season is also really good, with a minimum of 20+ per game and 20+ for 82 consecutive games. This is the second player in the history of NBA that can continue to reach 20+ for a season.

At the same time, Beasley is also Yesi. After Chamberlain, the player with the longest 20+ length in league history.

In addition to the offensive stability, Beasley's performance is incredible, Beasley's final scoring average is just 30 points.

This also makes Beasley a rookie who has averaged more than 30 points per game in rookie season after Yers and Durant.

Beasley really wants to win, but the Warriors can't really win!

In the end, Isaiah Thomas, the head coach of the New York Knicks, who competed with the Warriors in the bottom of the rankings, all vomited.

"We are shameless enough. This season is our most shameless season, but we are still a long way from the Warriors."

"You all think we are very dignified, but I want to tell you that our dignity makes us dare not lower than the Warriors."

After the NBA regular season ended, in addition to the outstanding record of these teams.

The statistics of NBA players are naturally very compelling.

After scoring and stealing Yes this season, averaging 44 points per game makes him another Chamberlain player, averaging 40+ points per game.

At the same time, his 3.8 steals per game is quite terrifying.

The assisting king this season is Chris Paul. The outbreak of Chris Paul this season is incredible. The performance of three consecutive double-doubles has made him jump from a clown who has been criticized to become a new super giant in the league. São Paulo's nickname.

Howard, the rebounding and blocking champion of this season, although Oden is now the league's recognized first center in the future, but from the data point of view, Howard still seems to be slightly ahead.

Of course, in addition to these individual kings, the NBA has once again emerged with a triple-double.

Seattle Supersonics point guard Rajon Rondo has averaged 10.1 points, 10.5 assists, 10.1 rebounds and 2 steals per game this season, which also makes Rajon Rondo second in the NBA outside Oscar Robertson. Three doubles in the regular season.

You know, last season Rondo has become the second player to get an average triple-double in the playoffs outside of Oscar Robertson.

In other words, Rondo is now another all-around triple-double king outside Oscar Robertson!

If Rondo can get an average triple-double in the finals ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He can even surpass Oscar Robertson to become the only triple-double king in NBA history with a slam triple-double!

Of course, Rondo ’s average triple-double has not increased his reputation. These crazy triple-doubles per game are said to have no effect other than lowering the status of triple-doubles and Oscar Robertson.

Because of the rise of Rondo, Oscar Robertson's historical status has plummeted from the general top eleven to the most recent top twenty.

I heard that Oscar Robertson wanted to teach Rondo more in an interview.

Overall, the NBA this season really has a lot of amazing statistics.

Whether it ’s the magical numbers played by NBA players this season, the rise of the Cavaliers, the incredible record of the Warriors, the final record of Yes and the Supersonics, or the 60+ of the eight western teams, all of this, Everyone is telling the world that this is an extraordinary season.

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