I Want to be a Superstar

Vol 3 Chapter 849: Popovich's ambition and new star card pool!

The 2008-2009 regular season was an extraordinary season.

But no matter how extraordinary this season, the regular season of this season is all over.

When the regular season of this season ended and the world was still immersed in Yes's incredible five doubles, many people have begun to focus on the playoffs.

After all, no matter how extraordinary the regular season, that is the regular season.

What really makes the team and the players immortal is the playoffs!

The end of the regular season means that the NBA playoffs are about to start.

The first shot in the playoffs this year was April 18, 2009. The opening game was the second-placed Heat in the Eastern Conference against the seventh-placed Pistons in the Eastern Conference.

The opening game of the Heat in the second place and the Pistons in the seventh place.

There are three other games on April 18.

The second game was the Cavaliers in the Eastern Conference against the 76ers in the Eastern Conference.

The third game was a game between the fourth Mavericks in the West and the Grizzlies in the West.

The fourth game is the third Nuggets in the west and the Timberwolves sixth in the west.

The Supersonics and Spurs game started on April 19th, and it was the finale of April 19th.

In addition to this final game between the Supersonics and Spurs, the other three playoff games on April 19 were the Celtics third in the East and the Bulls sixth in the East, the Wizards fourth in the East and the Magic fifth in the East, and The Lakers second in the West and the Suns seventh in the West.

Most of the eight games together in the East and West were considered by many experts and media to be quite wonderful.

In addition to the Eastern Conference first-round Wizards against the Eastern Conference 76ers, the Eastern Conference third Celtics against the Eastern Conference Sixth Bulls, Western Conference first Spurs and Western Conference eighth supersonic speed these three games are predicted by expert media is 4 to 0 sweep.

The remaining five games are quite suspenseful.

The Heat in the second place in the East and the Pistons in the seventh place in the East should have no suspense, but who made the Heat have a direct meaning in the final game of the regular season, and the Pistons that Iverson brought with him really don't know the head Whether it was rain or sunny, Iverson got up, and the killing method was no worse than Arenas.

Therefore, in this matchup, many experts predict that seven games will be played, the most optimistic is six games, and the support rate for the Pistons' promotion is more than 30%, which is quite a brave man.

The fourth Wizards in the East and the fifth Magic in the East are also quite difficult to guess. The Magic has no outside line to control Arenas, and the Wizards have no inside line to control Howard. These two teams are really inside and outside. Mutual explosion, also predicted by experts may play seven games, the support of the two teams to promote each is half.

There is also the duel between the second Lakers in the West and the Suns in the West. The two teams have won each other in the regular season. As for the historical record of the two teams, the Suns have recently prevailed.

Therefore, when the expert media in the United States made predictions about this group of matchups, most of them still believed that this round would definitely be a seven matchup.


Among them, the support level of the Lakers' promotion is 60%, which is still quite close.

The third Nuggets in the West and the Sixth in the Western Timberwolves, this is a showdown between the veteran strong team and the new rising team, in the second half of the season, the Timberwolves obviously look stronger than the Nuggets.

Of course, this is the second half of the schedule. Overall, the performances of the two teams are comparable.

The Nuggets' experience is more abundant.

But the Nuggets also have a disadvantage, that is, this team does not play well in the regular season. It was 3 to 0 last season and was overtaken by the supersonic 4 to 3, creating the largest playoff in NBA history. Shame.

So for the Nuggets, the inherent impression of many expert media is that this team has some unreliable.

In particular, the Nuggets coach George Karl and the Nuggets coach Cameron Anthony are strong and powerful, but these two people really feel that they are not reliable people.

Generally speaking, as a veteran strong team, in the face of the Timberwolves such as the playoffs, the strength is generally not a disadvantage, they generally have a big advantage, but these media experts because of the past of the Nuggets, let them Not too much support for the Nuggets.

Similar to the Nuggets, the Mavericks in the fourth round of the Western Conference and the Grizzlies in the Western Conference.

As the second and third teams in the Western Conference on record, the Mavericks and Grizzlies match of course is the most intense in the first round.

Therefore, many media experts also feel that this matchup will hit at least six games.

Only this time, these experts did not believe that the top ranked teams had a higher chance of promotion.

Even the opposite is true. In this round of heads-up, 80% of media experts think that the Grizzlies are the one who can be promoted!

The Mavericks and Grizzlies also flickered in the regular season this season.

The Mavericks have a better record than the Grizzlies.

It stands to reason that the two teams with similar performances in the regular season, not to mention that the two teams have the same promotion support rate.

Isn't it just two or eight?

It can only be said that if the experts of the league are not as good as the inherent image of the Nuggets, the inherent impression of the Mavericks is even worse.

Black Eight, and still sweeping Black Eight, just two years ago!

If the Nuggets' 3-0 lead is a shame, the biggest shame is because this kind of thing never happened.

But to pursue the essence of shame, as the first team in the league is eliminated by the eighth team in the league, that is the biggest shame!

"The reversal of a 3-0 lead cannot be seen in the future."

"The first in the west is swept by the eighth in the west, and it is unlikely to appear again in the future."

"In comparison, the Nuggets have won at least three games in the first round. The first in the West faced the eighth in the West. Even one game did not win. Nowitzki's presence gives any ball that looks strong. The team injected puff-like energy. "

"Scott, what kind of energy is puff-like energy?"

"A kind of energy called" soft ", a team with such energy, can not go on in the playoffs, which is a tough guy and a strong place."

After the playoffs came out, the Mavericks really became the target of mockery by experts from all walks of life.

Hei Ba, which was originally two years ago, was dug out now, and then made a big report.

To such a degree, even many NBA players and coaches can't bear it.

Although in the NBA, everyone is very dismissive of the Mavericks being swept away in 2007.

But one yard to one yard, the Mavericks this season are really strong.

However, anyway, the colored glasses have been put on. If you can't break the colored glasses, I'm afraid Nowitzki will put on such colored glasses all his life.

As the playoffs draw nearer, these NBA controversies and controversies have nothing to do with the Supersonics and the Spurs duel.

The other five sets of duels are all suspenseful duels, the Supersonics and the Spurs, there is really no suspense.

April 17, 2009, San Antonio, Spurs training hall.

The first playoff game on April 19th and the Supersonics is about to start.

It stands to reason that the Spurs should be nervous on this side.

After all, the two teams have fought a total of 16 games recently, and the Spurs won three of them. This record is indeed a bit worse.

It's just obvious that there is no such tension in the Spurs' training.

This is not because the players themselves do not want to be nervous, or there is no way to raise the tension.

But as the Spurs 'head coach, Vicky doesn't want the Spurs' players to be nervous.

"This series of rounds with the Supersonics is a normal series that can no longer be normal. I do n’t need you to be nervous. I do n’t need you to take this series too seriously, because this game is just a game. You can't lose the series if you take the normal level. "

"In the past three years, we were too nervous when facing Yes, no, more importantly, I was too nervous when facing Yes, we paid too much attention to Yes, which caused us to face each time They didn't perform well when they were against Yes, and the end result was constant mistakes on the court. "

"Tim, Tony, Manu, if you do n’t pay much attention to Yes, or you are too nervous when facing Yes, you will continue to appear on the battlefield of Yes and Bruce like the previous games this season. Was Yes finally seized the opportunity to make you mess up Bruce? "

"No, as long as you treat Yes with ordinary heart and don't treat Yes as a superman who can get 100 points and four doubles and five doubles, you will not mess up Bruce and we will win!"

"Boys, give all of Yes to Bruce. You have to get used to one thing now. In front of Bruce, Yes is not the one that can get 100 points or the one that can get five pairs!"

"In front of Bruce, Yes is a superstar slightly stronger than ordinary superstars!"

This is what the Spurs coach Vicky said to all players during team training.

Treat Yes normally.

Don't treat Yes as a superman, treat Yes as an ordinary person.

Victory's remarks and requirements were approved by the Spurs.

Before they met Yes, they lost. Every time they added trouble to Bowen and helped Yes undercover Bowen, because they took Yes too seriously.

Even Duncan himself felt that he was paying too much attention to Yes and felt that Bowen must be poorly guarded and ran over to help.

But the final result, after the game's technical statistics, he did not help, Yes was less effective in facing Bruce alone than he used to help.

In other words, when Bruce defends Yes alone, he is more efficient than when he and Bruce play together.

This kind of data is so magical that Duncan is unwilling to believe it, and even thinks this data is fake.

But in fact, this data is so real.

"Boys, I think you all have read the news recently, and you have also read the misfortune of the Mavericks. The reason why the Mavericks were swept by the Yes two years ago was because they paid too much attention to Yes. They could have ignored Yes and just used it. They can win by forcibly crushing their own strength, but in the end, they are caught in a strange circle that must beat Yes, because they ca n’t beat Yes, their mentality eventually collapses, and they are finally swept by Yes. Eight."

"We were very clear about the strength of the Mavericks two years ago. They are definitely not what the media is now rendering. It is useless, that is, such a powerful Mavericks, and finally lost in tension and anxiety."

"So, guys, let go of your tension, and let go of your anxiety, don't think about winning or losing, because, we will definitely be the final winner, and since it is so, why should we want to win or lose!"

"Bruce, do you think I am correct?"

"Yes, in this series of matches, the outcome is set!"

Vicky's training, coupled with Bowen's confident and calm and proud words, has established the Spurs' unique atmosphere this time.

And seeing the team's aura of such aura is quite satisfied.

Without Durant's supersonic speed, it's not a problem!

As long as Yes is held up by Bruce, the Spurs have no reason to lose!

It was indeed shocking to beat the Heat at the Supersonic last game, but Ibaka's last two shots in the face of the Heat are unlikely to appear when facing the Spurs.

Yes's helper, that is really quite limited.

Moreover, regarding Durant's recent news reported by media reporters and the video of his training game, if Durant can pay, it will be more positive news for the Spurs.

"We are the strongest team in the West and considered to be a black eight team. We are not the Mavericks two years ago. We cannot make any mistakes!"

This season, our goal is the championship!

This is what he said to his players.

He didn't say the next half of the sentence.

If you can't get the championship!

Then ...

The eyes of Vicky Falcon sweep the players except Duncan and Bowen.

He was soft-hearted and changed his style of play this season without letting those who dragged Bruce and Tim back.

If he can't save these people by changing his tactics and playing style, then these people are not worthy of his pursuit with the Spurs and Tim and Bruce!

Both Bruce and Tim are not so young.

He has not had enough time to consume.

Even if he has time, Tim and Bruce will have no time.

Feelings are feelings, but ...

Thinking of this, Vickey's eyes narrowed slightly.

Of course, he is a benevolent person. If the team wins the championship this year, everything is easy to say, isn't it?

"I believe they will eventually realize all the ambitions of me and the Spurs!"

"This season is the most glorious season for me and the Spurs!"

Vicki and Spurs are already thinking about the championship.

On the supersonic side, old Nielsen really had a headache.

Durant is really not suitable for the Spurs comeback.

But after Yes was held up by Bowen, the supersonic speed really did not have any other strong points.

This round of series is really hard to beat!

Old Nielsen and Supersonic are actually quite dignified.

And Yeez?

Yesi is also a little dignified now.

Superstar Completion Task Tenth Ring: Five Double Superman

Task requirements: In a regular game, get a super five pairs of data, the total number of the highest four items to reach even more than 80.

Task description: The host completed the nine rings before the completion of the task. The result was a five-star guaranteed ten consecutive pumping debris. The tenth ring task automatically matched the excellent difficulty task, and the total number of original tasks was not less than 70 to 80 .

Task progress: In the game with the Miami Heat, he got 42 points, 10 assists, 10 rebounds, 10 steals and 10 blocks. The total number of five doubles is 82. Completion: excellent.

Mission reward: a guaranteed five stars and ten consecutive pieces of debris 10 (10)

Yesi's current guaranteed five-star ten-card draw card has been integrated.

Of course, the ultimate mission of the completion mission is also brushed out.

But what made him frown was not the ultimate task of the new brush.

But whether or not to use this guaranteed five-star ten-match draw now ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ because, now the card pool has changed.

Previously was Chamberlain's six-star card pool.

After he completed the ten completed tasks, the card pool changed ...

And the change also made him very speechless.

"The strongest veteran in the universe, the grandpa team of Los Angeles Harvard West Lake Middle School, sporadic cards, 58-year-old Lin Han praised UP!"

Yees generally seldom speaks verbally.

But looking at the guy on Kachi who does n’t look like a fifty-eight year old, it looks like a villain ...

Nima ’s strongest veteran in the universe!

Linham of Nima!

Pull Jane, borrow your mouthiness first.

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