I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 990 Ying Zheng wants to be half the world!

The latest website: "Of course, the Jiannan Chamber of Commerce, the Peacock Chamber of Commerce, and the Daqin Ruishi Pension Fund Chamber of Commerce under Wu Anjun have accumulated three major warehouses of food and grass over the years."

Zhisu Neishi Zheng Guo said to Yingzheng and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty: "In this way, everything is counted, and my Daqin counts this year's bumper harvest, and there should be fifteen warehouses of grain and grass."

"Except for the grain to be planted in the spring in the coming year, our Great Qin can use no less than eleven warehouses of grain and grass for war."

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations to Your Majesty, there is enough food and grass, and there will be no worries about going east this time!" At this moment, all civil and military personnel in the Manchu Dynasty, except Li Si and a few others, congratulated Yingzheng.

"Zhi Su Neishi, this number is not calculated in this way, you undercounted a part!" Ying Gao frowned, he believed that Li Si and others must have seen it, but he didn't want to say that they used this offended person as a job Throw it to yourself.

It's just that this question must be considered. At this point, Ying Gao bit the bullet and said: "If this is the case, halfway through the war, the court will be short of food."

"After all, once the war starts, it's not just the army that needs food and grass. Once our army wins Han land, Han land will be our Great Qin land, and the Korean people will be our Qin people!"


Hearing this, Zheng Guo frowned secretly. He had a very good relationship with Ying Gao. Logically speaking, Ying Gao could not object at this time, unless he really miscalculated.

With this in mind, Zheng Guo suppressed the doubts in his heart, and hurriedly cupped his hands towards Ying Gao, saying: "I don't know where the minister missed a part, and please ask Wu An Jun to clarify the doubts?"

Seeing Zheng Guo's modest attitude, Ying Gao gave a wry smile, then turned to Zheng Guo and said, "Governing millet internal history, the grain and grass of Daqin can't just be counted as grain seeds for war and Guanzhong."

"Once I come out of the Great Qin Dynasty, you all know the huge destructive power of the war. Once the people of the current countries are forcibly expropriated by the courts of the countries because of the war, there will be a miserable scene where bones are given to the wild and no chickens crow for thousands of miles. screen."

"At this time, whether it is to win the hearts of the people, to demonstrate the orthodoxy of the imperial court, or to preserve the vitality of the Central Plains, saving the people will become the only way."

"Although my Great Qin has always paid attention to helping the people, not helping the people, but for the needs of the imperial court, stabilizing the hearts of the people and not letting the people starve to death will become the top priority."

"Even if the imperial court lends money to the people at a certain profit, it still requires us, the Qin imperial court, to advance food and grass. The land of the six kingdoms in Shandong is ten times larger than that of Qin, and the number of people is also more than twice that of Qin."

"This is an extremely terrifying number.

The Awachi Historian Office and the National Government Office must take this into consideration. Even if the victims cannot be fed, they still have to hang on to prevent them from dying. "


Faced with Ying Gao's eloquent talk, the faces of the officials changed slightly. They all realized what Ying Gao was worried about. They all knew what a huge number this was.

This gap, even if the cultivation of Champa Rice is completed, it is impossible to make up for it in a short period of time. After all, the Great Qin destroyed Han, Zhao and Wei first, not Chu.

Han Zhaowei and other Central Plains are not suitable for planting Champa rice, not to mention, until now, those who went to Xiazhou have not yet cultivated the most optimized rice seeds.

At this moment, the entire hall of Xianyang Palace was quiet, and the faces of the officials were full of thoughts. Everyone present was not a simple person, and they were all people with good vision who were able to enter the decision-making level of Daqin.

Naturally, they would not propose to save only the Qin people, regardless of the idiotic words of the people of the Shandong countries, because they all knew that what Daqin wanted was not only land, but also population.

They may not want to see the people of Qin and the people of the six kingdoms of Shandong on an equal footing, but they know better which way is best for Great Qin.

"Your Majesty, the words of Lord Wu An really need us to think about it. If we ignore the people who appeared because of the war, by then, even if we conquer a world, it will only be a half-crippled world."

There was a look of solemnity in Li Si's eyes. He felt that the point of Ying Gao's words was something that the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty had never considered, or even ignored.

However, at this moment, Li Si felt a little more worried. He knew that according to their previous calculations, Da Qin's preparations were more than sufficient.

However, not necessarily now.

Once the people are counted in it, the consumption of food and grass will increase sharply, but Li Si, as the Prime Minister of the Great Qin, naturally knows that population is the key.

Once the population is insufficient, even if all the six countries are annexed, it will not be of great effect or help to the Great Qin court.

At that time, Daqin would have to pay a price that would not be that simple if he wanted to regain his vitality, and it would even require a hundred years of recuperation.

Both Ying Zheng and Ying Gao are iron-blooded overlords, and their desire for war is obviously higher than others. Li Si knows well that neither of them want a world that is smashed to pieces.

It’s one thing to just say it, but it’s another thing to do it. Once refugees are taken into account, even if all the warehouses in Daqin are released, it will not be enough.

Unless there is hope above Xiazhou.

With this in mind, Li Si turned to Yingzheng and said, "Your Majesty, this matter is actually very difficult to solve. Of course, once the most optimized rice seeds are researched and planted in the Shennong Mountain above Xiazhou, and planted in Daqin, there will be more rice seeds." might accomplish that.”

"However, to this day, the Zhisunai Historian's Office still doesn't know anything about Shennong Mountain."

Hearing this, Ying Zheng nodded and looked at Ying Gao. He knew in his heart that the one who knew the news about Shennong Mountain was not the Zhisuai Historian's Office, but Ying Gao.

It's just that Li Si, as a courtier, is not easy to ask, so he shifted the topic to the Zhisunai History Office.

With this in mind, Ying Zheng smiled lightly at Ying Gao, and said, "Gao, is there any news from Shennong Mountain? Has the optimal rice seed been researched?"

From Li Si's opening to Ying Zheng's gaze, Ying Gao knew that the topic would eventually fall on him. At this moment, Ying Gao quickly bowed to Ying Zheng and said.

"Father King, there is news from Shennong Mountain that they have cultivated several rice seeds, but they are still continuing to study. My son asked the cultivated rice seeds to be tested for planting."

"I believe there will be news next year!"

Having said that, Ying Gao changed the subject, turned to Ying Zheng, Li Si and the others, and said, "Father, even if Shennong Mountain cultivated the best rice seeds, it is not a good idea to make up for the vacancy of Daqin." small amount."

"Because we need a lot of rice seeds, and there are not many people on Shennong Mountain, even if we want to cultivate rice seeds, we need to do it step by step, at least two or three years."


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