I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter Nine hundred and ninety-one This is the minister's concern, please be corrected by the

The latest website: Hearing what Ying Gao said, the civil and military forces of the Great Qin Manchu Dynasty somewhat had some confidence. In two or three years, the twelve warehouses of the Great Qin could last for a long time, not to mention that the Great Qin may not have a bumper harvest in these years.

At this moment, Zhisu Neishi Zheng Guo bowed to Ying Gao, then turned to Ying Zheng solemnly, and said, "Your Majesty, according to what Lord Wu An said, our Great Qin's grain and grass reserves are enough to handle everything."


Nodding his head slightly, Ying Zheng also nodded: "That's very good, the soldiers and horses will go ahead before the food and grass are moved, and the great cause of annexing the six countries is in sight, and we must not delay it because of the food and grass problem."


Looking at the silence of the officials, at this moment, Ying Zheng waved his hand and said, "In this case, the major government offices will make a final statistics, and then find out the specific situation, and then report it."

"Li Si, Wang Wan, Wang Jian, Wei Liao, and Ying Gao stay behind, and the rest leave first!"


Nodding in agreement, the officials left the venue in an orderly manner. No one would be surprised by this scene. They all knew that the real decision-making of the Great Qin court would never be held at the Great Court Meeting. This is already a common practice.

A quarter of an hour later, the officials left, and only Ying Gao and others and Qin Wangzheng remained on the main hall of Xianyang Palace.

"Go to the study!"

After leaving a word, Qin Wangzheng left the main hall of Xianyang Palace first. Ying Gao turned his head and glanced at Wang Jian, then stretched out his hand and said, "Teacher, please!"

"Everyone please!"

"Mr. Wu An, please—!"

After a long time, in the study of Xianyang Palace, everyone took their seats one after another. They were already familiar with all this. They walked into the study of Xianyang Palace, found their own seats and sat down safely.

They all know that the next discussion is a big matter, they should not hesitate here, and here they don't need to stick to the etiquette of emperors and ministers with Qin Wangzheng.

"I'm waiting to pay my respects to the king, the king lasted ten thousand years, the great Qin ten thousand years—!" When everyone was seated, they just bowed to Ying Zheng.

For them, this ceremony is the beginning of this conversation, which means that they have officially entered the topic.

"You don't need to be too polite, my dear ones!"

Ying Zheng smiled lightly,

Turning towards Li Si and the others, he said: "You are all Gu's confidantes, and you are also important ministers above the Great Qin court. You have also heard the topic at the court meeting today."

"It is imperative for us, Great Qin, to go east. Today we are here to discuss how to deal with the Shandong countries, or how to contain them!"

Hearing this, Li Si and Wang Wan looked at each other, then looked at Wei Liao, Wang Wan spoke first, and said: "Your Majesty, I think that we should make friends with each other from a distance and attack from a distance, and make friends with Qi and Chu, and attack the Three Jins."

"The current state of Qi is pursuing an isolation strategy. It only needs my king to show a friendly attitude with Qi, which is enough to isolate Qi in the process."

"As for the state of Chu, Qin Chu is a state of in-laws, and the king's wife also has a Chu daughter, and the Empress Dowager Huayang and others are all from Chu, so they can completely seduce the king of Chu with affection and benefits."

"As long as Qi Chu doesn't get involved, I, Great Qin, can clean up the land of the Three Jins step by step. Only Zhao Guo has the power to resist the current Three Jins."

"However, Guo Kai and Zhao Wang are just people who are greedy for pleasure. Although there are Li Mu, Lian Po and other famous generals, they can be lured with gold, silver and jewels and let them attack themselves."

"Once King Zhao eradicates Li Mu and others, and destroys the Great Wall himself, the obstacles to our Great Qin sweeping the six kingdoms of Shandong will disappear one by one."

"This is the minister's concern, please take the ax to rectify it!"

Wang Wan's words made the whole study room suddenly quiet. The long-distance and short-range attack itself is the national policy of the Great Qin. Under the current situation, everyone present can see it.

However, everyone knows the general meaning, but how to operate it is an extremely difficult thing.

This is not only a matter for the Pedestrian's Office, but also a matter for the entire Great Qin court to think about.

"Wang Xiang's thinking is just right, and it is basically the same as Gu's thinking. It's just that I came out of the Great Qin Dynasty to annex the six countries, to unify the world, not to rob one side."

"We want to achieve the greatest success at the least cost. This time, I mean sending Yao Jia to Qi and Li Si to Chu."

"Then the general Wang Jian was in the Lantian camp, with Lord Wu'an as his commander, and commanded Great Qindong to destroy Han."

At this moment, Ying Zheng's sharp eyes glanced over everyone's face, and he made a decision immediately, and said, "Do you have any opinions on this?"

"I have no objection!"

Wang Jian and the others had no objection to Ying Zheng's decision. They knew that this was the best choice, because Ying Gao's fierce reputation would make King Han surrender without a fight.

Going down to Han land without bloodshed will have a great impact on Daqin Dong's departure. Once this happens, the whole Daqin will be inspired by it, which can play an inspiring role.

"Since this is the case, let's go down and prepare separately. Every government office must not hold back. Once the war starts, whether it is an attack, or food, or subsequent reception, it needs to be carried out in an orderly manner."


With a nod of agreement, the officials left in an orderly manner. When Ying Gao got up, Ying Zheng looked over and motioned for Ying Gao to stay.

When Li Si and others left, Ying Zheng took a deep look at Ying Gao, and then said, "What is your real thought about Dong Chu?"

Hearing this, Ying Gao didn't speak immediately, but picked up a cup of tea and began to drink slowly, analyzing and sorting out in the back of his mind.

After about a quarter of an hour, Ying Gao just put down the teacup in his hand, turned to Ying Zheng, and said, "Father, my son thinks that a special government office should be established to manage the classics and maps of various countries."

"At the same time, the population, land, and nobles of various countries should be well counted. At the same time, all the most elite craftsmen of each country should be registered and brought back to Xianyang."

"Da Qin is very strong, but in my son's opinion, Da Qin can be even stronger!"

At this moment, Ying Gao looked at Ying Zheng hesitating to speak, and he had many thoughts in his mind, but he knew in his heart that none of them were suitable for the present, and the creation of the Great Qin Empire was by no means a one-day effort.

Whether it is the Daqin court or himself, it is necessary to take it step by step. Only in this way can Daqin reach its peak in the lifetime of Qin Wangzheng.

Just to achieve this, the Qin court must make changes, at least the basic national policy must be changed.

With this in mind, Ying Gao turned to Ying Zheng and said, "Father, with the progress of the war, it means that the time for us, Great Qin, to annex the six kingdoms and rule the world is coming soon."

"Once the world is merged, our Daqin's national policy will need to be greatly adjusted on a large scale. Daqin's martial arts will be restrained, and Daqin's martial arts will shine brightly."

"To fight the world immediately, but to govern the world, you need to be under the horse, and the generals will fight to the death. However, I have never seen a general who governs the country without decline for a thousand years."


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