I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 992 Only by stepping on the opponent can the hard-won peace of Daqin be guaranteed.

The latest website: In the study.

Ying Zheng and Ying Gao talked for a long time, and they also talked a lot. Every bit about Da Qin and what needs to be dealt with next, were raised by the father and son.

They conducted a comprehensive and thorough analysis of the current Daqin, because they all knew that once the war started, their father and son would not have so much time and energy to talk.

Because one wants to sit in Xianyang and coordinate the overall situation, and the other wants to sit in the army and lead the expedition.

After a while, Ying Zheng told Ying Gao, "Go back and have a good rest. If you have other ideas, just come to Xianyang Palace directly!"


Nodding his head, Ying Gao got up and left.

Since the beginning of winter, the entire Daqin court has been busy, big and small officials can be said to be busy without touching the ground, and no one is an exception.

Among them, Qin Wangzheng is the busiest. He is the master of Daqin. Any edict needs to be ruled from Xianyang Palace, and then issued to the local government.

It was already rare for him to be able to talk so much with Ying Gao.

Similarly, Yinggao also has a lot of things that he needs to know. Now that the whole of Daqin is preparing, he also needs to make final preparations.

He is the commander-in-chief of going east this time, and he needs to make considerations and preparations far above others, and he needs to coordinate with the generals, and even needs to consider the distribution of the armies.

"Tie Ying, go to the teacher's house first, I'm going to come back from Han, I haven't gone to see the teacher yet!" Boarding the carriage, Ying Gao gave instructions to Tie Ying.


Nodding in agreement, Tie Ying drove the cart towards the direction of Wang Jian's mansion. Ying Gao stood on the cart, thoughts constantly forming in his mind.

His wars over the years were trivial. The chariot of Daqin really exploded from the destruction of Korea.


As the car drove forward, the ruts rolled on the bluestone road and made a uniform sound, and the bitter cold wind blew, like a knife across the cheek, which made Yinggao's spirit highly concentrated.

Along the way, there was silence.

half an hour later,

The car stopped at the carriage and horse farm of Wang Jian's mansion, Tie Ying turned his head towards Ying Gao, and said, "General Ying, the General's mansion has arrived."


Came back to his senses, Ying Gao nodded: "Leave the car here, you will enter the mansion later, the weather is too cold, stay warmer in the mansion."

"This time we enter the mansion, we can't go back in a short time."


With a nod in agreement, Tie Ying stepped forward and knocked on the gate of the palace. After only a moment, the gate opened and the elder came out.

"I have seen Mr. Wu An!"

Giving a hand to the old man, Ying Gao asked with a chuckle, "You don't need to be polite, Uncle Fu, can the teacher be in the mansion?"

"The head of the family is in the study!" The old man smiled and stretched out his hand towards Ying Gao: "Mr. Wu An please!"



Entering the mansion, Ying Gao went straight to the study. As for Tie Ying, he handed it over to Uncle Fu. He believed that Uncle Fu would arrange Tie Ying well. This has become a custom.

Every time Ying Gao came to Wang Jian's house, there was no possibility of leaving in a short time.

Walking into the study, Ying Gao bowed solemnly to Wang Jian who was reading a book, and said, "Student Ying Gao pays his respects to the teacher!"

"Young master is here?"

Wang Jian put down the bamboo slips in his hand, he was not surprised that Ying Gao came, even the reason why he was in the study all the time was actually waiting for Ying Gao to come.



Nodding in agreement, Ying Gao sat down calmly at the side, and then poured himself a cup of hot tea: "How is the teacher?"

"The old man is in good health, and I've been staying up late lately!" Wang Jian took a sip of his tea, and said to Ying Gao, "You have come to Korea this time, and you know the situation in Han. Any thoughts?"

"King Han and Han Fei are going to change their ways and want to strengthen Han!" Having said this, Ying Gao sneered: "It's a pity that they missed the best time. When King Zhaoxiang died, South Korea still had a chance. Now South Korea It will only get worse and worse."

Hearing this, Wang Jian nodded, he had no excuses, it was just because he was a courtier, he was not suitable to take up this topic, not because he didn't know how important an opportunity South Korea had missed.

Since the death of King Zhaoxiang, King Xiaowen, King Zhuangxiang, and today's King Qin, in just a few years, three kings have been lost in succession, and four kings have alternated.

At that time, Lu Buwei was in power, and there were some turmoil in Daqin. At that time, Lu Buwei had not yet gained a firm foothold in Daqin, and the situation in Daqin was not suitable for going east.

That was the best time for South Korea's reform. However, Qin Wangzheng is now sitting in Xianyang, controlling the entire Great Qin, and his prestige is as high as that of King Zhaoxiang.

Moreover, in these years, the son of the Great Qin Dynasty, Ying Gao, has been invincible in all battles. He is not only the king of Wu'an, but also the champion of the marquis. He has expanded his territory for thousands of miles. Ten thousand.

At this time, the Great Qin has reached the most powerful time in history, and the Great Qin court is planning to go east, reforming at this moment is simply courting death.


Nodding his head, Wang Jian looked up at the map in the study, and said in a low tone; "You are right, now is actually not the best time to go east. If Han Wang and Han Fei are halfway through the reform, they must go east. It will achieve twice the result with half the effort.”

"It's just that the father can't wait, and he doesn't want to wait. The threat from South Korea is actually not that big!"

"There is a father who suppresses Great Qin. If he destroys Korea as soon as possible and then annexes other countries, it means that Great Qin will use it to consolidate the Central Plains in the future, and he will have more time to recuperate."

Ying Gao also glanced at the map: "This world is not only the land of the Central Plains, nor is it only the six countries of Shandong. Once the Central Plains is unified, the most important conflict in the Qin Dynasty will change from the internal conflict with the six countries of Shandong to the conflict with the Xiongnu. And the external conflicts of foreign races such as South Vietnam."

"Moreover, this contradiction cannot be reconciled at all. We can only guarantee the hard-won peace of Daqin by fighting and stepping on the other side."

"Father is a person who does not tolerate sand in his eyes. There is no room for turning back when facing aliens. The Northern Expedition and the Southern Expedition are inevitable and unavoidable choices for the future of Great Qin."



Slightly nodding his head, Wang Jian took a deep look at Ying Gao, and then said earnestly, "With your military talent and experience in conquests over the years, it's easy to command an army to destroy a South Korea."

"You came to the old man's house this time, presumably you have other things to do?"

Ying Gao is his apprentice, and he has been with him day and night for so long, so he naturally understands Ying Gao's temper and temperament.

He knew that Ying Gao would go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, even if he came to his house.

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