I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 134 The people join the military system, following the example of the Changping War.

"With regard to the collection of people's power, does the River Drainage Department have any difficulties?"

Li Si was very grateful for Ying Zheng's words. Even if Ying Zheng didn't ask, he would have said it. This is not a problem at all, but very difficult.

Conquer millions of people!

This is no joke, it's a huge problem.

In the first battle of Changping, the Great Qin conscripted millions of people to serve the war, but the reason why the conscripts were successful that time was ultimately due to the peerless prestige of King Zhaoxiang and the illustrious reputation of Lord Wu'an Baiqi.

The Great Qin Ruishi of that era had never lost a battle.

There is naturally no problem with a combination of gods like King Zhaoxiang and Lord Wu'an. Now neither Zheng Guo nor Li Si, nor even Yingzheng has such prestige.

Thoughts flickered in his heart, Li Si was excited and excited, and said: "If you pour out the power of the people in Guanzhong, it is very possible to confiscate a million—!"

"I'm afraid it's difficult!"

After a short period of silence in the hall, Zheng Guo shook his head repeatedly at Ying Zheng and Li Si: "Since Dayu's water control, there have been thousands of years of old rules in the Central Plains. Such projects such as water diversion of rivers and canals are generally done by the common people. Prepare rations."

"At the moment of severe drought, people in the government and the public are in panic, and the people of the whole country are starving. Looking at the counties and counties of the Great Qin Dynasty, I am afraid that there is no food left!"

"Food is the most important thing for the people. Without food, there are no people. Going to the canal hungry is useless. Otherwise, there will be troubles. This will be a huge disaster for the current Daqin."


Zheng Guo's words made the hall quiet again, and there was silence for a long time.

At this moment, Daqin has experienced the chaos of Lao Ai, the chaos of Wen Xinhou, and now it is a severe drought and the chaos of chasing guests. If the chaos continues, it may be out of control.

Therefore, the biggest problem now is not that there are no people in Daqin, but that Daqin has no food. For a while, everyone from Yingzheng to Yinggao was helpless.

After being silent for a while, Ying Zheng, who was in the seat, glanced at Li Si and said, "How much grain is there in the official warehouses in the Great Qin?"

At this moment, Ying Zheng didn't say anything, and turned his eyes to Guancang.

He knew in his heart that there must be food in the Daqin official warehouse. After all, before this severe drought, the Great Qin Dynasty basically had a bumper harvest year after year, and God blessed it.

Hearing this, Li Si was silent for a moment, calculated in his heart for a moment, and then frowned: "Your Majesty, the six warehouses are all full. However, the Qin law does not help the poor, and it is illegal for officials to help workers."

In the Great Qin Dynasty, Qin Fa hangs high over the gate of the country and engraves it on the Taimiao.

As a result, in the great Qin Dynasty, it was Qin Fa, not the King of Qin, who stood high above the others. Even the extremely powerful King Zhaoxiang had to say that the king did not break the law and that the law was not noble.

As soon as Li Si said this, Ying Zheng's words were on his lips, and he couldn't utter them anymore. As the king of Great Qin, he must not destroy Qin Fa. After all, Qin Fa is the foundation of Great Qin's country.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Zheng saw Ying Gao on one side, and said, "Gao, what do you think about this matter, or what do you think can solve this difficulty?"

Following Ying Zheng's words, everyone turned their attention to Ying Gao. The Daqin government and the public were well aware of the talents of the third son. After all, the prefect of Sanchuan, who was less than nine years old, had already become an example.

Under the eyes of everyone, Ying Gao smiled slightly and said: "Father, I have a plan, but it's not what I think, it's just a reference to the sages—!"


Ying Gao took a sip of herbal tea, and said decisively: "I once saw a volume of records on the bookshelf in the teacher's mansion. In the first battle of Changping, King Zhaoxiang used millions of people to go to Shangdang to help the war."

"At that time, the people's power was all compiled into a military system, and to eat military rations, only the father ordered it. The military system was used to control the floods, and the official warehouses were used to supply food. The biggest problem of the Jingjing project will be solved-!"


heard that,

Yingzheng laughed loudly, and continued to shoot the case, saying: "Young Master Gao's remarks are even more serious, but a proper policy needs to be discussed. Only in this way can the elders have nothing to say at the Xiaochao meeting—— !"

At this moment, Li Si and the others finally laughed, as long as they had a solution, they would naturally be able to come up with countermeasures to deal with the elders of the clan.

"Gao, why don't Gu transfer you back to Xianyang and listen to Gu's side?"

Ying Zheng's eyes flickered. He cared a lot about Ying Gao's quick talent. He often thought hard about things that he couldn't solve, but Ying Gao would solve them easily. This made him see hope.

"Father, please let this son off!"

Shaking his head, Ying Gao said: "Things in Sanchuan County have just started, and those are the foundation of my Daqin, or the foundation of all generations."

"Only if I take care of it myself can I continue to move forward. At this moment, I don't have the energy to participate in other things at all. If it wasn't for the severe drought of the Yinjing project, I would not interfere!"

At this moment, Ying Gao justly refused.

He naturally knows that compared to Xianyang, Sanchuan County is the hope of everything, not only Daqin's hope, but also Yinggao's hope.

Moreover, in Xianyang, he was too inconspicuous, while in Sanchuan County, as long as Ying Zheng did not come, he Yinggao was the rightful Emperor of Ertu.

No matter who it is, there must be an idea that the head of a chicken is not the tail of a phoenix.

Only by staying in Sanchuan County can Ying Gao's early ambition be realized.

"That's right, you still need to deal with those things in Sanchuan County!"

At this moment, Ying Zheng also nodded slightly. He knew in his heart how big Ying Gao's stall in Sanchuan County was, and how big Ying Gao's ambitions were.

Even at this moment, Ying Zheng regretted a little. He should not have sent Ying Gao to Sanchuan County in the first place, but to Shu County, or Longxi County. Only in the rear of Daqin could he grow up safely.

But Sanchuan County, as the gateway to the east of the Great Qin, is naturally full of dangers and troubles.

"After this period of time, I will let you go to Sanchuan County, I hope Sanchuan County will live up to my expectations—!"

Some things in Sanchuan County can be seen by the Daqin government and the public. No matter what the future of Sanchuan University is, this will be Yinggao's huge political capital.

In the years to come, the Sanchuan family will become the mainstay of the Great Qin Dynasty, and the Sanchuan family will also be equated with the Sangongzi family. Even Ying Zheng cannot change this point.

After all, Ying Gao was the initiator of everything, and gave them the opportunity to dominate the Great Qin Dynasty Hall.

This is the reason why almost everyone in the current Daqin government and opposition parties sell Yinggao's face. As long as Yinggao doesn't risk his life, the crown prince of Daqin can only be Yinggao.

The rest of the princes didn't have the capital to compete with Ying Gao at all.

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