I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 135 Daqin is changing bit by bit!

During the time when Ying Zheng was discussing with Li Si and others in the study, the urgent letter drafted by Wang Wan to abolish the order to evict guests had already flown to all counties in Daqin.

The special envoy galloped his horse and told each other at the fastest speed. For a moment, Da Qin, who was lifeless, suddenly burst into unparalleled vitality.

The whole Great Qin seemed to come alive.

Similarly, such shocking news also flew to Shandong countries through the envoys of the six countries stationed in Xianyang.

Qin Wang Yingzheng slapped himself, and it was a very slap in the face. For the people of the world, Yingzheng's move was undoubtedly a joke after dinner.

It's just that among the Chinese people in the Great Qin Dynasty, they are not allowed to talk about government affairs, which makes them look a lot cleaner, but among the six countries in Shandong, it has exploded.

After all, this kind of scandal is rare in a century!

Qin Wang Yingzheng is undoubtedly the most dazzling star in this era. His every move, even every word and deed, affects the hearts of everyone in the entire Central Plains.

It can be said that Ying Zheng was the unique idol in the late Warring States period!

When the king's letter abolishing the order of expelling guests was spread throughout the counties and counties of Daqin, the layer of black clouds covering the entire Daqin suddenly disappeared, and the oppression of black clouds overwhelming the city was gone.

With Yingzheng's Wang Shuxing traveling all over the Qin Dynasty, the old Qin people's hatred of Shandong people began to gradually recede, and the original panic also became stable at this moment.

Although it is not as unique as it was at the beginning, it is no longer the excitement after the order to chase away guests was issued.

Due to Meng Tian's actions, the expelled officials who were secretly intercepted in Hedong also returned to their respective official offices, and the current Daqin court has resumed its operation.

Only a group of old and old ministers of the Yingqin tribe are still full of anger, but at this moment, Yingzheng's eyes and mind are all on the diversion project.

Naturally, I don't have the mind and energy to take care of these old guys who have done more than fail.


In the study room, Ying Zheng's eyes were shining brightly. He knew in his heart that the Jingjing diversion project must be implemented, and it could not be delayed again and again.

Even if there is a severe drought, it is necessary to ensure the continuation of the diversion project. Only when the diversion project is completed can Qinchuan, which is 800 miles away, become fertile soil like the land of abundance.

Ying Zheng knew in his heart that this would greatly affect his ambition.

If Daqin gets the 800-mile Qinchuan again, in just a few years, Daqin will not lack the food that goes east and sweeps the six countries of the Kanto.

In this era, food is war.

At this thought, Ying Zheng's eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice, "Zhao Gao, come in—!"


When Zhao Gao walked in from the corridor and bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, Ying Zheng waved his hand to interrupt Zhao Gao's salute, and said decisively: "Chuan Zhao, Tingwei Mansion, Guozheng Supervisor, Chang Shi, Datian Order, Taicang Order , Da Nei Ling, Shao Nei Ling, Bang Sikong; Terracotta Officer, Guan Shi, Gongshi, Gongshi Cheng, and Gong Daren."

"After three days, the court meeting will be held, and no one will be absent—!"


Nodding his head in agreement, Zhao Gao looked solemn. He followed Ying Zheng, and he naturally knew all the major government offices in Daqin, including the Ten Economic Departments, all of them.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Zhao Gao knew the importance of this matter, so he quickly resigned and conveyed it to various departments.

Seeing Zhao Gao leave, Ying Zheng smiled at Zheng Guo and Li Si, and said, "The two of you will also attend the court meeting in three days' time, go down and prepare, and try to silence the elders of the clan in one fell swoop."


Nodding in agreement, Li Si and Zheng Guo bowed to Ying Zheng, then bowed their hands and left.

When Li Si and Zheng Guo retired, only Ying Zheng and Ying Gao, father and son, were left in the huge King Qin's study, staring at each other.

"Gao, if one million people's resources are collected alone to divert Jingjing projects,

At that time, if there is no heavy rain, what should we do? "

At this moment, Ying Zheng did not have the enthusiasm he had when he first agreed to Zheng Guo. He is also a normal person, and he would worry about success or failure.

He knew in his heart that if something went wrong again this time, he, the King of Qin, might have made it through.

"Father, when the Yinjing project is over, even if there is no rain from the sky, there will be no shortage of water on the eight hundred miles above Qinchuan."

Ying Gao looked relaxed, far less dignified than Ying Zheng, and smiled indifferently: "At that time, the people of the Great Qin Kingdom will realize the importance of the diversion project, and they will naturally understand the painstaking efforts of the king."

"That's why, my son thinks that the father doesn't have to worry too much. Now that the general trend of my Great Qin is going, even the heavens will stand by my Great Qin."


When Ying Gao walked out of the palace, it was already nightfall. Walking on the streets of Xianyang, Ying Gao was in a good mood. This time, his entry into Xianyang had gone smoothly.

The Yinjing project continued to be put on the agenda, the order to evict guests was abolished, and the national policy of the Great Qin was implemented as always, which made Ying Gao see a slowly rising Great Qin.

Because of this, Ying Gao's heart was filled with joy, after all, he had grown into an indispensable force in the Great Qin.

With him taking action, Daqin is changing bit by bit, although it is still very slow, as if there is no hope at all, as always.

However, Ying Gao knew very well that in Great Qin, some seeds had already been planted, and they only needed to wait until they grew vigorously to sweep the entire Great Qin.

Subconsciously, without knowing it, Da Qin will deviate from the original track and gallop on the road he designed.

"My lord, it's already late at night, it's too dangerous for us to go out to the mansion..." Wang Hu couldn't help but remonstrate, and said.

Although Ying Gao held Ying Zheng's warrant and didn't need to care about the Xianyang government office, Wang Hu knew exactly how many people Ying Gao had offended in the Great Qin Dynasty.

Maybe there is the protection of Master Qin and Qin Fa, but this is the Warring States era when various schools of thought prevailed and rangers raged, and there were many people who took risks.

Moreover, Ying Gao was too outstanding, as dazzling as the sun across the sky, radiant, which meant that his enemies would not only come from the six kingdoms of Shandong, but also from the Great Qin.

Casting a glance at the anxious Wang Hu, Ying Gao shook his head, let out a long laugh, and said, "With you, and Iron Eagle Swordsman, what is the difference between this vast long street and my mansion?"

In Yinggao's mansion, the defensive forces are Iron Eagle Swordsman and Wang Hu, no different from those on the street, and this is Xianyang.

As the saying goes, at the foot of the King of Qin, if he, the son of the Great Qin, the governor of Sanchuan County, was assassinated by gangsters after discussing the government affairs, I am afraid that Xianyang would be bloody in a short time.

Ever since Ying Gao woke up at Ying Zheng's pro-government ceremony, he knew that Ying Zheng was a ruthless monarch.

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