I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 144 Throw in the camp of dead soldiers.

Great Qin Xungui!

Different from the old clan and the public clan, it is a military family formed by continuously bestowing titles under the implementation of the 20th rank military title system since Shang Jun developed the legal system.

This group of emerging landlord class is called the great Qin nobles.

The Sima family originated from the famous general Sima Cuo, who served in three dynasties: King Huiwen of Qin, King Wu of Qin, and King Qin Zhaoxiang.

In the ninth year of King Qin Huiwen, he led his army to destroy the Kingdom of Shu and put down the chaos in Chenzhuang. In the twenty-seventh year of King Zhaoxiang of Qin, he led his army to attack the state of Chu from the south to the east, forcing the state of Chu to give up the land north of the Han River and Shangyong.


It can be said that the Sima clan reached its peak of prosperity in Sima Cuo's time.

The Sima family can be said to be one of the main representatives of the Great Qin Xungui. Today's Sima clan's prestige among the three armies of the Great Qin cannot be underestimated.

This can be seen from the fact that Ying Zheng will send Lu to the Sima family.


"Young Master, General Sima has arrived—!"

Sitting upright, straightening his clothes, Ying Gao stretched out his hand and said, "Please!"



"General Sima, Ting Wei is here!"


Sima Heng was in his prime, but he was born in a family of generals, unlike those who grew up in the wild. Although he was a general, he could still control his emotions to a certain extent.

"Tingwei, I don't know what is the important matter of Chuanben coming here?"

At this moment, Sima Heng didn't know what Ying Gao was thinking, and his tone was not aggressive, but not soft.

After all, the Sima clan is deeply rooted in Xianyang, like a big tree. It is not a crime of treason, and the Sima clan will not decline.

Therefore, facing Ying Gao, Sima Heng was very confident.

"General Sima, doesn't the general want to say something about my son's assassination?" Looking at the capable man in front of him, Ying Gao said with a slight smile.

"Didn't Ting Wei's Mansion come to a conclusion? What else should I say!"

Sima Heng's eyes were gloomy, and he couldn't help but turned to Ying Gao, and said, "Ting Wei will not suspect that I will send someone to assassinate you, will I? I am familiar with Qin Fa, and I will definitely not know the law and break the law."

"Ha ha......."

Smiling mockingly, Ying Gao pushed the bamboo slips on the long case over, and said, "General Sima can take a look first, before deciding what to say, it's not too late."

Sima Heng opened the bamboo slips, but the more he looked at them, the more dignified his face became. He knew in his heart that if this bamboo slips were delivered to King Qin, the Sima clan would not be destroyed, but Xingsheng would have no chance.


After closing the bamboo slips and fastening them heavily on the long table, Sima Heng was silent for a long time, and said: "Third Young Master Mingren doesn't speak dark words, so today you invite this general to come over, what do you want?"

"After all, how can this matter be calmed down? Of course, I will also give an explanation to the third son about this matter!"

Sima Heng is also a smart person, he knows how to turn a big problem into a small one.

He is familiar with Qin Fa, so he naturally knows that under the framework of Qin Fa, there are a lot of loopholes that can be exploited, which is why Ying Gao was relieved when he invited him into Tingwei's Mansion.

Taking a look at Sima Heng, Ying Gao chuckled lightly and said, "General Sima, people don't say dark words. I want two hundred of your three hundred dead soldiers."

"From today onwards, in the Great Qin Dynasty, things like this will become more and more strict. One hundred, this is the bottom line of my father at this time. General Sima, think about it carefully."

Having said that, Ying Gao paused for a moment, and said: "Originally, as long as my son announces the edict, the general will have to follow. I invite the general to come here today, just to tell you that my son has no malice towards you."

"It's also because of your son, who did a good job in Sanchuan County..."

There is a saying that it is better to settle enemies than to end them. If Ying Gao wants to complete this matter, he must separate Sima from the case.

First get a part of the power of Great Qin Xungui, and then suppress the ranger with all one's strength.

As for Great Qin Xungui, Ying Gao is still young and has plenty of time to suppress.


After a while, Sima Heng nodded to Ying Gao, and said, "Third Young Master, I will agree to you, and this matter will come to an end!"



At the end of the day it's a deal.

Under the framework of Qin Fa, Ying Gao used the assassination to launch an attack, intending to suppress the ranger and suppress the power in the hands of the great Qin Xungui, so that Ying Zheng can do a little more comfort in Xianyang.

At the same time, it is also for the sake that no one will oppose him in the future.

"Is it appropriate, sir?"

Although Wang Hu was not among them, he still knew a thing or two about Ying Gao's thoughts. At this moment, he couldn't help but said, watching Sima Heng leave.


Nodding his head, Ying Gao chuckled, and said, "Don't worry, I will go to the palace in a while, you go to Sima Mansion and bring back the two hundred dead men."


Two hundred dead soldiers seemed to be only a small number, but the Great Qin's campaign never stopped. During the time of King Zhaoxiang, it reached its peak, and countless great Qin nobles were produced.

In this way, less makes more.

When Ying Gao leveled the entire Great Qin, suppressed the rangers, and gathered the dead, it would be an extremely powerful force.

Ying Gao knew in his heart that it would be a good thing for others to have such a power accumulated in his hands, but it would be fatal for him, the prosperous son of the Qin Dynasty, the governor of Sanchuan County.

Therefore, Ying Gao immediately thought of going to the palace to meet Ying Zheng.

Anyway, in Daqin, as long as you hug the big tree of Yingzheng tightly, you can basically do nothing wrong. At least in the first half of his life, Ying Gao can live in peace.

"Prepare the car, go to Xianyang Palace!"



Xianyang Palace, in King Qin's study.

Ying Gao looked at Ying Zheng, who had once again regained his spirits, and he was relieved. These successive difficulties did not defeat Ying Zheng. In the future, Ying Zheng, the sword that dominates the world, will be even sharper.

"Young Master Gao, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, Ying Gao didn't go around in circles, and said directly to Ying Zheng, "Father, Sima Heng handed over two hundred dead soldiers. If I want this force, it is estimated that it will eventually reach 30,000, 40,000, or even 50,000 soldiers." Sixty thousand people."

"Where do these people go?"

Hearing Ying Gao's words, Ying Zheng immediately understood the reason for Ying Gao's arrival this time. Thirty to forty thousand people, this is not a weak force, and he also knows a thing or two about the dead.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Zheng glanced at Ying Gao who was bored and dazed from the corner of his eye, and said in a low tone, "What's your plan for this?"

Seeing the ball being kicked, Ying Gao's expression froze. He was no longer envious of this power. He knew in his heart that when Ying Zheng said this, it would be impossible for him to master this power.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Gao turned to Ying Zheng and said, "Father, these people are too mixed, and they have been instilled with the idea of ​​loyalty. I think they should be thrown into the camp of dead soldiers."

"In the camp of dead soldiers, on the battlefield, is their best destination. After all, these people have learned killing skills, and only on the battlefield can they shine."


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