I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 145 Above the Northern Territory, You Go!

With Sima Shi as a young bird, Ying Gao's work has made great progress.

All of a sudden, the meritorious families represented by Wang Jian and Meng Tian handed over two-thirds of the dead soldiers in their hands. Within three days, Master Ying held 30,000 elite dead soldiers.

When the copywriting in Ting Wei's Mansion spread throughout Daqin, the rangers in the states and counties disappeared, either they were forcibly reformed by the government, or they smuggled into the six countries of Shandong.

For a time, Ying Gao's name resounded throughout the counties and counties of the Great Qin Dynasty, and countless meritorious families deeply hated him.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there was a great trend of supporting scholars.

Let alone a dead man!

Although, since Shangjun's political reform, the rangers in Daqin have been suppressed, but after several generations, they still haven't been completely eradicated. Ying Gao made up for it this time.

Ying Gao knew in his heart that these people would offend them sooner or later. Anyway, the other party would not support him, and he would become the heir apparent and emperor of Great Qin.

A prince who is too powerful is not a good thing for the officials.

Of all the emperors of the Great Qin Dynasty, there was not a single one who was not strong.

This made the ministers extremely afraid of Ying Gao. The most important thing was that Ying Gao had no major support behind him. Everything he had came from Ying Zheng.

Even if he offends the whole world, he can't offend Ying Zheng, otherwise, in an instant, he will be lost forever.


end of august.

A heavy rain fell from the sky, saving Da Qin and the first emperor.

When the heavy rain fell, the dark clouds above the entire Great Qin seemed to dissipate in an instant. All of a sudden, Jingdong and Weibei became very lively.

Following the order of the imperial court, people from all counties and counties in Daqin drove into the Jingshui River, into the Jingshui River Valley, and into the high slopes of Weibei.

For a moment, the entire banks of the Jingshui River were full of people, and it was so dark that you couldn't see the edge at a glance.


This time, Daqin recruited husbands, regardless of old or weak, as long as they were human.

In a time of famine, if you choose the strong and strong again, many people will die on the Daqin. For a while, on the Jingshui construction site, anyone will be wanted, and anyone who comes will not be rejected.

When this news was released, the entire Great Qin cheered for it.

Of course, this is also because Great Qin has accumulated a lot of food for a hundred years, otherwise no country would dare to do this. Just opening the six large warehouses in Guanzhong, there are as many as one million grains of various colors.

Undoubtedly, there is more than enough support for the canal project.

Ying Gao had also heard a little about this incident.

When he organized 50,000 dead men into the Lantian camp, this feeling was not obvious, but when he got the news from above Jingshui, he couldn't help but feel more worried.

Nearly all the people in Guanzhong, the hinterland of the Great Qin Dynasty, pressed against Jingshui, which meant that Great Qin had no room for maneuver.

If the canals are not completed, the whole country will be paralyzed.

At this time, once the six countries in Shandong join forces to attack Qin, the Great Qin will not even be able to provide supplies and people's power.

This is the greatest danger.

After thinking up to this point, Ying Gao didn't care about lying dead in Ting Wei's mansion, he got up quickly and said: "Prepare the car, my son wants to see the father!"


"My son, Ying Gao, sees his father, father Wannian, Daqin Wannian—!"

Seeing the exhaustion on Ying Zheng's face, Ying Gao also let out a long sigh. At this time, Ying Zheng is also a little too difficult. The domestic diversion project affects the people's power in the entire Guanzhong, and because of the expulsion order incident, the six countries in Shandong are ready to move.

At this time, both inside and outside Daqin need to keep an eye on it. At this moment, Ying Zheng is naturally Alexander.

"Young Master Gao, is the matter in your Tingwei Mansion settled?" Ying Zheng was a little surprised when he saw Ying Gao coming, and said.

"My father, all the rangers in the major counties and counties of Daqin were suppressed, either they were smuggled into other countries, or they served in the local area for reform.

As for the approximately 50,000 dead soldiers, all were handed over to General Mengwu. "

Speaking of this, Yingzheng's expression changed, and he said: "Father, my son heard that Li Si and Zheng Guo will not refuse anyone who comes. There are already a million people on the Jingshui project, and the people in Guanzhong are empty. "

"Because of the expulsion order, the six kingdoms of Shandong are ready to move. My son has nothing to do in Xianyang. Should he return to Sanchuan County?"

Hearing this, Ying Zheng's eyes lit up, and he said, "Do you think the Six Nations will attack Qin?"


Nodding his head, Ying Gao said in a solemn tone, "If you are the king of any of the six kingdoms, you will definitely plan to attack Qin with all your strength. The current Great Qin is at its most vulnerable time."

"Great Qin's people's power is all in Jingshui. Once the six countries join forces to attack Qin, food alone will not be able to be transported, and the severe drought has just passed. In addition to Wen Xinhou's order to drive away guests and other turmoil, this time is the most chaotic time for the people of Great Qin. when."


Hearing this, Ying Zheng was silent for a moment, and said in a low tone, "Gao, at this moment, Da Qin is in danger, and the father is also at a loss."

"It's already the end of August, and September is coming. According to the news from Zheng Guo, the Yinjing project will open the first gate in October. At the beginning of October, not only the six countries in the Kanto region, but also the Huns in the north."

"On the Jingshui River Canal, Li Si is in charge. I believe there will be no problems in a short period of time. The six countries in the Kanto region need my king to set up a plan in person. I don't worry about the others."

"And the inspections of the counties in Guanzhong all need this king......"

Having said that, Ying Zheng paused, and said, "Why don't you go north to Jiuyuan and inspect the Northland for your father..."

Hearing this, Ying Gao was startled, and couldn't help but turned to Ying Zheng, and said, "Father, you need to take charge of the three armies in the north. My son has only seen a little bit of military art, let alone the first year of the year, and he is only ten years old." .”

"If my son joins the army, I'm afraid it's because he doesn't agree with the law of Qin. Moreover, General Wang Jian, General Wang Ben, and General Meng Tian are all great generals by my father's side..."

The moment Ying Zheng talked about going north, Ying Gao was overwhelmed with excitement. In such a world of great contention, who wouldn't want gold and iron horses to roam the battlefield.

It's just that he's too young.

On the battlefield, it is simply to die.

"My father knows what you said, but there is one thing about you that they don't have. You are an orphan son, with the surname of Da Qin Ying!"

"You appearing in the northern region means that the royal family is with them, and Meng Tian and others can't do it. They originally planned to let Fusu go, but Fusu's character is too weak to be suitable for the northern region—!"

Hearing what Ying Zheng said, Ying Gao knew that it was a heartfelt talk between father and son, and for a while, he couldn't think of an excuse to refuse.

His foundation in Sanchuan County has just opened up a stall, and now he doesn't know what's going on.

"Father, the son is willing to share the worries of the father, I don't know when to go north?"

At this moment, Ying Gao knew that he could not refuse, but could only obey.

In Daqin, Yingzheng is the sky.

His thoughts are Daqin's will, and no one can violate it.

Hearing this, Ying Zheng chuckled lightly, and said, "No rush, I plan to go to Lantian Camp, and then take a look at Sanchuan County by the way—!"

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