I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 178 Father is the king of Daqin, no matter right or wrong, there is no room for doubt!

Factional disputes have always existed.

Now the Northern Territory Department and the Sanchuan Department are just emerging and cannot form a strong force at all. If no one takes care of them, they will collapse in a short time.

Regardless of whether it is the Sanchuan Department or the Northern Region Department, they are like weak saplings that need to be carefully cared for before they can grow into towering trees and shake the Great Qin Dynasty.

"Don't worry, the general, I'm here in the north!"

At this moment, Wang Ben naturally understood the meaning of Ying Gao's words. In the Great Qin, various forces were intricate, and it was too difficult for a political force to grow.

The old Qin faction, the Shandong faction, there are many major factions.

Ying Gao's status cannot rely on any of the factions at all. Now, only the Sanchuan faction and the Northern Realm faction that have begun to show signs, with one article and one military, will grow into towering giant trees instead.

Meng Tian's eyes flickered and thoughts flickered in his mind, but he didn't say much. He knew in his heart what Ying Gao's words meant.

However, Ying Gao was beyond his expectation, which caused Meng Tian to have some small thoughts.

He knew in his heart that Ying Gao's performance was too amazing. In the entire Central Plains, except for the current King Qin, no one could compare with him.

Such a person, Fu Su and the others are no match.



One thousand iron eagle warriors went south with more than 20,000 capital troops, advancing continuously towards Xianyang, the kingdom of Great Qin.

In such a battle, Ying Gao made great military exploits and even gained a reputation.

The python bird swallowed the dragon flag and erected it on Jiuyuan.

Even the king of Qin would not dare to underestimate the achievement of opening up the frontier and expanding the territory. After all, it is of great significance to Great Qin.


five days later.

Ying Gao led a thousand iron eagle warriors to Xianyang, left the iron eagle warriors outside the city, and headed towards Xianyang Palace. He needed to explain this battle clearly to Ying Zheng.

"My son, Ying Gao, pays homage to his father,

Wannian father, Wannian Daqin! "

Seeing Ying Zheng, Ying Gao immediately acted in awe. He knew in his heart that looking at the entire Central Plains, he could ignore anyone, except the man in front of him.

One word decides life and death, only King Qin.

"The battle in Mobei, Gu also heard about it, it's not bad."

Ying Zheng glanced at Ying Gao, and said, "The battle report between Meng Tian and Wang Ben has arrived in Xianyang, and Guo Wei and others have also approved your title. As for the pension, it is also in progress."

Ying Zheng took this matter very seriously.

He knew in his heart that the sharp soldiers of the Great Qin fought for the Great Qin, and no matter what happened, they could not chill the hearts of the soldiers.

Only by letting the soldiers of the three armies have no worries, can they fight to the death on the battlefield and charge forward without fear of death.

"My son went to war without permission, and he didn't ask his father to order him, so he asked his father to punish him!"

Ying Gao's expression was solemn, but he knew that in this battle, he had committed a taboo.

Moreover, he is still the son of Great Qin, so he should be more cautious in his words and deeds. If it is Meng Tianyi or Wang Ben, he is not as dangerous as him.

"The general will be outside, and the king's life will not be tolerated!"

Ying Zheng looked solemnly, staring at Ying Gao, and said: "I can't go to Mobei alone, and my control over the war and the situation at that time is naturally not as good as you. This battle has nothing to do with it."

"As you said, Jiuyuan County in the future will be the natural horse ranch of Daqin. In this way, our Daqin Ruishi will be even stronger."

Ying Zheng ignored Ying Gao's plea.

Ying Zheng also knew what happened in Linhe at that time, let alone a bloody boy, even he would definitely burst into anger.

What's more, if Ying Gao beat Hetao down, even any crimes could be offset.

"As for Jiuyuan County, Wang Ben will continue to sit in the town for now, and the Jingjing project has come to an end. Once the Jingjing project is over, I, Daqin, can take a breath, let go, and deal with the battle of the six kingdoms in Shandong."

"By the way, according to the approval of Guowei and others, Wang Xu, Xue Qing, and Bai Ye were promoted to the third rank of nobility. Grand Lord."

"As for the promotion and conferment of the officers and men in the army, I will send it back to Jiuyuan with the military report. Do you have any other ideas for this conferment?"

Hearing this, Ying Gao looked at Ying Zheng solemnly, and said: "Father is the king of Daqin. As long as the decision of the father is right or wrong, correct or not, it cannot be changed. My son has no other ideas. For such a reward, very satisfied."

Ying Gao knew in his heart that there was no room for bargaining on this matter.

The twentieth-level military merit title system is the foundation of the Great Qin Dynasty. Except for the King of Qin, no one dares to say a word.


With a chuckle, Ying Zheng smiled helplessly, and said: "You boy, always be so cautious, your father alone can't eat you!"

"Father, the king comes first, and the father comes after!"

Ying Gao stared at Ying Zheng, paused every word, and said, "In Daqin, the majesty of the father is supreme, and even sons and ministers cannot touch it."

"What's more, the minister is the son of Daqin, the son of the father and king, and he should lead by example. Only in this way can he guide the people—!"

Having said that, Ying Gao changed the subject and said, "However, father, my son has some thoughts in his mind, I don't know if I can say it?"

This matter is very important. He must tell Ying Zheng that these years of temptations have made Ying Gao clear that the best way to change Daqin is to change Ying Zheng.

Hearing this, Ying Zheng's expression gradually became serious, and the smile on his face instantly subsided and became solemn.

"Say, there is nothing to say here, Father King!"


Nodding in agreement, Ying Gao bowed deeply to Ying Zheng, and said, "Father, my son does not agree to start the war of destruction against the six kingdoms of Shandong right now."


"Father, from my son's point of view, even if the diversion project is over, Qinchuan, which is 800 miles away, will become a natural granary. This is just the completion of military preparations."

"But the war of destroying the country is not only about destroying the country, but also accepting the land, the people of the country, and even the culture of the entire country. Once the six kingdoms of Shandong are destroyed, the court of the Great Qin will not have so many officials to appoint."

"If officials from the six kingdoms of Shandong are used, loyalty will be difficult to guarantee!"

Ying Gao's eyes were solemn, and his whole person's aura became fierce: "The most important thing is that the whole Great Qin, from the father and king down to the people of the country, is not ready to become a huge country."

"Father, once the Great Qin annexes the six kingdoms of Shandong, it means that a new kingdom will emerge on the land of the Central Plains. Different cultures will collide, different nationalities will blend, and even the families of the six kingdoms will be digested. Daqin is as simple as that."

"My son thought that if Daqin hadn't finished his preparations, he shouldn't start the war of destroying the country lightly. Otherwise, it would only be bad for Daqin and not good for the father!"

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