I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 179: Young Master 3, Heroic Talent!


Ying Zheng was a little puzzled. After all, no one had ever mentioned such a question. This made Ying Zheng's vision only limited to the Great Qin Dynasty, and at most it did not exceed the Great Zhou Dynasty.

He only had the ambition of being supreme, and he only had the ambition of annexing the six kingdoms and taking the world as Qin. However, Yingzheng never thought about what kind of world the world would be in the future.

How will he govern!

Ahead, it's all fog.

"Since the ancestor Xiaogong, my Daqin has prepared for the sixth generation. Countless good ministers and generals are preparing to annex the six kingdoms of Shandong, and see a dynasty that only belongs to Daqin."

A look of solemnity flashed across Ying Zheng's eyes, and he said to Ying Gao, "Isn't the accumulation of the sixth generation ready, isn't it ready?"

"Father, the survivors of the sixth generation are just ambitious, but after the country is destroyed, ambition is not enough!"

Ying Gao stared at Ying Zheng, and said, "Father, does my Great Qin have so many officials? My Great Qin court can guarantee that if the Great Qin's sharp soldiers conquer a place, they will be able to accept it in a short time and stabilize the place." Is it?"

"Even my father may only have the idea of ​​unifying the six countries, but never waited for the annexation of the six countries, and when there is only one country left in the vast Central Plains, what kind of country will Daqin build... …”


For a while, because the topic Ying Gao talked about was rather heavy, the whole study room was very dignified. Ying Zheng pondered for a long time before he said to Ying Gao.

"In your opinion, when is the best time?"

Hearing this, Ying Gao thought about it for a while, and said, "Wait until my Great Qin has enough food and grass, enough talent reserves, and my Great Qin is ready for the birth of a great country."

"So, Sanchuan University is preparing for the destruction of the country?" With deep eyes, Ying Zheng's heart was shocked at this moment. He knew in his heart that no one in the whole Great Qin thought further than Ying Gao.


Nodding his head, Ying Gao glanced at his father, very cautiously, and said, "Father, the class of scholars has always been controlled by specific people or families and forces."

"Once Mikawa University expands,

When Daqin is building several universities, in this way, the officials of the whole Daqin come from the universities, and the universities are established by my Daqin royal family, and the thoughts of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism will naturally be taught. In this way, patriotism will sweep the entire Daqin. "

"In this way, although some people will object to doing bad things to the monarch, it also means that Great Qin will last forever!"

"My Daqin Ruishi is peerless. If I control the class of soldiers again, I would like to ask the world, who is the opponent of the father!"


At this moment, Yingzheng's eyes flickered, and after a long silence, he said, "I will consider this matter seriously, and Iron Eagle will stay by your side. In the battle of the Northern Territory, the flag of the python swallowing the dragon was hoisted high. You'll be in more trouble later on."

"Father, isn't this what you say!"

Ying Gao muttered, he knew his troubles a long time ago, there were enough troubles, otherwise he would not have kept Tie Ying Ruishi by his side all the time, just in case of accidents.

"This is a battle between you brothers. As long as there is no end for the older generation, Gu will not fight. You are all Gu's sons. Unless someone wins, Gu will not favor anyone."

"This is also the reason why there is no queen alone. Only the most powerful person can shoulder the great Qin and move forward."

Hearing this, Ying Gao was silent for a while, and said, "I know!"

"My son is high, but the only bottom line in this matter is that brothers kill each other!"

At this moment, Ying Zheng also felt a little emotional, and said: "Back then, Gu also came here like this. This is the way of life among the royal family. Once the strongest is determined in my Daqin lineage, the rest will help you with peace of mind!"

"Just like the Huiwen Dynasty!"

"I will remember my father's teachings, and I dare not forget them for a moment!" After assuring Ying Zheng, Ying Gao walked out of the study, but Ying Gao didn't believe what Ying Zheng said.

Since ancient times, in the royal family, the stories of sons killing their fathers, fathers killing their sons, and brothers fighting against the wall are too much.

The most famous of them is Li Er, known as Tian Khan.

Kill your brothers outside the Xuanwu Gate, imprison your father in the Taiji Palace, and punish your nephews in the Chengqian Palace!

After watching so many film and television dramas, although I didn't experience it personally, I have seen it. What's more, Ying Gao didn't believe that the death of Mr. Chang'an would be so simple.

Although Ying Gao agreed very well to Ying Zheng, if Fu Su and the others were only fighting for the position of the crown prince and fought for it in an open and aboveboard way, he would naturally not embarrass them.

But if the other party uses conspiracy and tricks, Ying Gao will definitely take revenge.

If someone kills him, he won't let the other person live. Maybe it's because he has gone through too much, and Ying Gao can't do the thing of repaying hatred with kindness.


"Is the crown prince hanging high?"

After Ying Gao left, Ying Zheng stood in front of the window with a look of seriousness in his eyes.

He naturally knew that Ying Gao was above Jiuyuan. He believed that this was Ying Gao's heartfelt words. With him around, Ying Gao would naturally be a courtier with peace of mind.

However, if a hundred years later, Ying Zheng couldn't think of anyone who could suppress Ying Gao's sharpness.

Neither Fu Su nor Jiang Lu can do it. This point has long been beyond doubt. Ying Zheng knows in his heart that Fu Su and Jiang Lu are just middle-aged people.

However, Ying Gao was astonishing, with the potential to soar into the sky.

Even Ying Zheng himself was not as good as Ying Gao at this moment.

Such a talent is peerless, with illustrious military exploits, both literary and martial arts, such an outstanding person, and born in the royal family, he is not willing to be inferior to others at all.


As soon as the word came out, Ying Zheng vetoed it.

Even if he passed the crown prince to Ying Gao, he would not choose to kill him.

"Zhao Gao, what do you think of Young Master Gao?"

Hearing this, Zhao Gao's eyes flickered with fear, and then he said in panic, "Your Majesty, the third son established Sanchuan University in Sanchuan County. He wants to spread the word to the world. The Sanchuan Department is constantly taking shape. Lots of potential."

"And the third son went north to Jiuyuan, led a large army to conquer, seized the land of Hetao, and established Jiuyuan County. During this battle, many people were awarded and promoted, and the northern border system has been formed."

"The Sanchuan Department belongs to Wen, while the Beijing Department belongs to the Army. At this moment, the Three Young Masters are already powerful above all civil and military forces. Although they are still very weak, compared to the other Young Masters, the Third Young Master is already far ahead!"

Zhao Gao knew in his heart that Ying Zheng knew this, but if Ying Zheng didn't say it, he had to say it, otherwise, with Ying Zheng's temperament, he would be in trouble today.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Zhao Gao said softly, "Third Young Master is an outstanding talent, capable of both civil and martial arts, he can be called an outstanding person in the world!"

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