I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 180 Gao, your heart is too soft!

The Yinjing Project has come to an end today.

This is a canal stained with the blood of the Qin people, but it is destined to be unparalleled forever.

But this is another canal that can live countless lives, which is extremely important to Great Qin. In the whole of Xianyang, there are stories about the canal everywhere.

Even if Ying Gao stayed behind closed doors, he had heard something about it.

For example, Weishui Light Barracks!


After resting in the mansion for a few days, Ying Gao got an oral order to accompany Wang Jia to the construction site to inspect the diversion project.

Ying Gao was not surprised by this.

The Yinjing project can be said to be the largest project of this era, and it is not even one of them. It gathers the power of the Great Qin Dynasty just for this canal.

As the chairman of the Daqin company, Yingzheng will naturally focus on the Yinjing project. After all, once the project is abolished, the Daqin company will definitely not be able to operate.

A Jingjing diversion project, which can even determine the life and death of Daqin, is naturally worthy of attention.

"Young master, the king sent someone to inform you that you should go immediately!" Wang Hu was full of energy, holding a long sword in his hand, full of energy.

He knew in his heart that this was an opportunity, as long as he was appreciated by King Qin, he would have more opportunities to lead troops in battle in the future.

Wang Hu has followed Ying Gao for so long, so naturally he has not gained nothing. He knows in his heart that no matter how few opportunities there are, they are still opportunities.

Once the number increases, a small opportunity will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Therefore, Wang Hu never gave up any chance.

"Prepare the car!"




Ying Gao is actually unwilling to travel with Ying Zheng. Although walking with Ying Zheng means being favored, Ying Gao knows that traveling with Ying Zheng has the highest risk factor.

After all, Qin Wang Yingzheng,

Walking outside is equivalent to a big sun, which can make countless people move when they hear the wind.


"My son has seen the father, the father is ten thousand years, the great Qin is ten thousand years!" Ying Gao joined Ying Zheng and his party, saluted quickly, and said.

"Young Master Gao, go to Xiayu County, and follow Gu to meet the sharp warriors!" Ying Zheng's eyes flashed, and he glanced at the thousand iron eagle warriors behind Yinggao, and smiled helplessly: "Get in the car and walk with Gu !"


Nodding in agreement, Ying Gao hurriedly boarded the king's chariot. Although he knew that traveling with Ying Zheng had too many goals and a higher risk factor, once they were together, the king's chariot would be the safest.

After all, this is the King Qin's chariot, and the guards must be first-class, and if he is on his own, his guards are naturally not as good as King Qin.



Zhao Gao was driving the car, Ying Gao and Ying Zheng Wang Wan were in the car, Ying Gao's eyes were piercing: "Father, the whole country, even the whole world is focusing on the Jingjing project."

"Father, you are the king of Daqin. There are so many people who want to kill your father. It is too dangerous for your father to go to Xiagui County!"

"There is a saying that a gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall, and my father, as the king of Daqin, should not be like this!"


"The Yinjing project is related to the future of Daqin, and it has reached the stage of breaking the water. I need to go to catch the water dragon and witness this historic scene."

Ying Zheng glanced at Ying Gao and shook his head: "There are certain things that a king must bear!"

"This is the truth that you have realized in eleven years alone. You still don't understand it. If you don't stand in that position, you won't understand it!"


"Father, I heard that there were countless casualties among the people of the country during the Yinjing project?" Ying Gao's eyes were deep. Although he went south in a hurry, he naturally heard about the rumors.

After finishing speaking, he took a deep look at Ying Gao, and said with a serious face: "Light soldiers break through the water, and there are countless casualties, but light soldiers and light soldiers, the undead are still called light soldiers!"

Wang Wan on one side explained softly, "My lord, the place where the Beiluo River flows into the Wei is the place where Xiagu and Pinyang counties open canals."

"Xiagu and Pinyang counties are both large counties in the eastern part of Qinchuan, and their land is in the last passing area of ​​the Jingshui Main Canal. The Jingshui Main Canal passes through the high slopes of these two counties, and then goes east for dozens of miles to meet Enter the Beiluo River and then enter the Wei River, and you have completed the whole journey."

"The more than 30-mile main canals in Xiagui and Pinyang counties are difficult to pass through a section of rocky canals at the southern foot of Pinshan Mountain in Pinyang. The former county magistrate of Xiagui, Bi Yuan, who was already the prefect of Neishi, personally took charge of the two counties On the construction site, I have personally supervised the battle of this section of mountain and rock channels, fighting fiercely every day, and it has been a month and a half."

"The light soldiers in the two counties are all strong men between the ages of 18 and 40. But the channel is really difficult. Even the elderly, women and young men who boil water, cook and deliver food are so tired that they collapse on the ground."

At this moment, Wang Wan also felt a little emotional: "Young master, the project is like a battlefield, how can people not die, let alone Qin's army oath, it is no joke!"

"Father, the Jingjing diversion project will not last for a day or two. The loss of people's resources will be too great and the impact will be far-reaching. If the speed is not well controlled, the gain will not be worth the loss!"

Ying Gao is not surprised by engineering deaths. After all, even in the era of obvious mechanization, many people will die.

However, in this era, a male is the hope of a family.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Gao was silent for a long time, and then he said to King Qin, "Father, my son hopes that we will give them a huge compensation for those who died."

"In this way, the remaining orphans and widows can also spend the most difficult days."

"I, Daqin, can't let them down, and the royal family of the Ying surname can't. Without their fearlessness, there would be no Daqin today, and there would be no superiority of the Ying surname."

Compared with the natives of this era, Ying Gao's cold face has a heart of sympathy after all. Sometimes, years of education cannot be smoothed out in a short time.


As the conversation became more and more serious, Ying Zheng also let out a long breath, and said to Wang Wan, "This matter will be done according to Mr. Gao's wishes, and the compensation will be paid by Gu!"

"On behalf of the people of Daqin, I thank the king for his great kindness!" At this moment, Wang Wan also looked solemn, and he knew in his heart that with this decision alone, Daqin would save countless people from dying.

Countless families will be able to survive in peace, and life will not be worse than death. At this point, Wang Wan is deeply moved.

"Gao, your heart is too soft!"

Qin Wangzheng's tone was faint, and he couldn't tell whether it was disappointment or other meanings. The whole king's chariot was quiet, even the sound of breathing was heavy.

"Father, they are the people of my Great Qin country. As long as they don't violate the Qin law, it's no big deal to be soft-hearted!"

Speaking of this, Ying Gao looked straight at Qin Wangzheng, and said: "My son was born in the world, only to protect Daqin, protect the father, cold and murderous, just use it on the enemy!"

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