I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 224: The Boa Bird Swallows the Dragon's Banner, All Victories!

Three days later, Ying Gao arrived at Daying in Jing County.

The reason why Jing County was chosen was purely because of the name, although Ying Gao knew that Luoyang, Chenggao, Xingyang and other places had better geographical locations.

Ying Gao has always been a rational person, but sometimes, he cares more about his intuition or his thoughts at that moment.

Anyway, wherever the army is stationed, the effect will be the same. In a severe winter, it is impossible to break out of war, unless a peerless commander like Wu An Jun Bai Qi dares to use troops in winter.

Among the generals of the Great Qin Dynasty, there are many bold and bold people, but they must obey the orders issued by Ying Zheng, and they can only be in the spring of the next year.

"General Ying, all 30,000 troops are stationed in the camp, and my subordinates have carefully observed that there are no more than 1,000 soldiers who are suitable for training blood."

Hearing this, Ying Gao nodded, then turned to Wang Hu and said, "Where are the men from Mengliao?"

"Meng Liao, the last general, meet the general winning!"

Meng Liao, who is only fifteen years old, looks imposing. He is the eldest son of Meng Tian. After systematic training, he is extremely extraordinary. Ying Gao once tested that Meng Liao was stronger than Wang Li.

Once upon a time, the person Ying Gao chose was originally Wang Li, because he was closer to Ying Gao, while Meng Liao was closer to Fu Su.

Even before this, Ying Gao had tried to fight for it, but Wang Li refused.

Looking at Meng Liao, Ying Gao walked over and smiled, and said: "Following this general, this is not a wrong choice. Now your father has been named a marquis."

"My Great Qin is about to unify the six countries, and countless wars are waiting for us. As long as you are strong enough, you will not be able to guarantee your prime minister, but the title of Marquis is no longer a problem."

"Meng Liao has seen the young master!"

He helped Meng Liao up, and Ying Gao felt relieved. What he valued was Meng's loyalty, and Meng Liao's personal ability was also extraordinary.

Laughing loudly, Ying Gao looked at Meng Liao, and said, "Drop out a thousand people, and then select people from Sanchuan County to make up five thousand."

"The Jiannan Chamber of Commerce will send medicinal materials for polishing qi and blood. You know the specific method. I also have a copy here. It's up to you to choose."

"Create an invincible army, are you confident?"

Looking at Ying Gao, Meng Liao's heart moved: "My lord, do you mean to build an army that has been tempered with energy and blood?" At this point, Meng Liao hesitated: "It's just that they are old and the effect is not good. "

"Just call me General Win!"

After correcting Meng Liao's title, Ying Gao continued, "I don't need them to think like you and become peerless generals in the future."

"It's just that they need to become stronger than ordinary soldiers, and become an army that is as sharp as the iron eagle, and even surpasses them."

"What's more, after going through the flames of war, they will inevitably undergo transformation. As for whether they will fall down or soar into the sky in the future, it depends on their fate."

"The last general takes orders!"



Nodding his head slightly, Ying Gao turned his gaze to Wang Hu: "You will be in charge of the 30,000 army and conduct drills. After the beginning of spring, there will be a big battle to be fought."

"I hope you don't let me down!"

At this moment, the two of them bowed solemnly to Ying Gao at the same time: "Great Qin Ruishi, who will fight for the front!"

"Go down and get ready!"



Meng Liao took two steps, stopped suddenly, turned towards Ying Gao, and said, "General Ying, the most powerful army among the Great Qin warriors is called Tie Ying Ruishi. General Win will give you a name!"

Looking at Meng Liao who stood like a javelin, Ying Gao's eyes were as sharp as a sword, and at this moment, he competed with the sun and the moon for glory.

Hearing Meng Liao's words, Wang Hu subconsciously stopped. Originally, he wanted to command the army, but was rejected by Ying Gao.

He knew in his heart that Ying Gao had great expectations for this army. At this moment, his eyes were shining brightly, and his heart was full of anticipation.

"Since I debuted, I have been invincible no matter whether it is on Jiuyuan or in the battle of Xinzheng. The python swallows the dragon and wins!"

"This army is called the Wansheng Army,

Ben will hope they live up to the name. "

At this moment, Meng Liao gave a military salute to Ying Gao, and said in a loud voice, "General Ying points his long sword at it, and he will definitely win!"

Both Meng Liao and Wang Hu knew that Ying Gao attached great importance to this army, especially the name Wansheng Army, which shows that it is normal.


When Meng Liao's figure disappeared, Ying Gao glanced at Wang Hu and said, "Don't be dazed, bring the map of Sanchuan County..."



Wang Hu spread out the map of Sanchuan County, and then motioned for Ying Gao to come. Ying Gao walked over and pointed to the location of the later Zhengzhou: "Move the camp here, and block it in the name of a military restricted zone."

"Afterwards, you will be in charge of the training, and I will take care of the rest!"



Two days later, the first batch of craftsmen arrived on time. This time, Ying Gao took the craftsmen for a stroll, pointed out the location of the coal mine in the memory of later generations, and then let them mine.

Because he was not good at technology, Ying Gao did not give orders blindly. He knew in his heart that some things are most taboo for laymen to lead experts.

These people may not be able to do it, but there are many talented people among them. What's more, this time, in order to succeed in one fell swoop, Yinggao's wages are far higher than the market price.

"Young master, can coal be mined here?" Yun Xiaoyu's eyes flickered. He had a certain influence on what Ying Gao described, but he didn't know its function.


Nodding his head, Ying Gao glanced at Yun Xiaoyu: "Old Man, I'll leave this matter to you, deal with it, and I won't treat you badly."



After dealing with the affairs of the coal mine, Ying Gao returned to the shogunate of the three armies. Although he did not have enough iron or technology, he could build the furnace of later generations.

However, Ying Gao of the later generations was a native of the Northwest, so he naturally knew that in the Northwest and Northeast of the later generations, as long as it was winter, it could be said that every household would burn a kang.

Burning crops is one way, and burning fine coal is more effective. After much deliberation, Yinggao decided to promote the kang, which is simple and easy to operate.

With the skillful craftsmen of this era, as long as Ying Gao made a point or two, it would not be a problem for the kang to come out.

The heated kang is not for high-ranking officials or nobles or the old aristocrats, but for the common people. Bronze stoves cannot be used by them, but a simple heated kang can naturally be used.

Moreover, the price of fine coal is not high, and it can be regarded as a way of heating, so that there will be no large-scale freezing to death in this winter.


A day later, another batch of craftsmen arrived.

Under Ying Gao's guidance, he began to design the kang, and at the same time, according to Ying Gao's instructions, began to build the iron furnace and chimney.

On the entire West Mountain, there are people's shadows, all kinds of voices are constantly ringing out, in the middle of the ice and snow, the work is in full swing...

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