I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 225 Entering Xianyang again, what is a kang?

When the craftsmen learned the heated kang technology and successfully tested it, hundreds of people quickly integrated into Sanchuan County, centered on Luoyang, and began to radiate in all directions.

Moreover, it does not require wages to build a kang for the people's homes, and only needs to take care of the food. For a while, everyone is looking forward to it.

Since it was an order from the county magistrate's office, the village head's family was the first one to go through a successful experiment, and the villagers cheered for it, and they clearly felt the warmth.

Therefore, villagers from all over the country felt the benefits, and naturally there were no obstacles, but instead they helped each other, and the speed of building heated kangs continued to accelerate.

Seven days later, the craftsmen built an iron furnace, and then made a chimney. These people were all high-tech talents seconded by Ying Gao from the Shang Workshop.

When Ying Gao saw the freshly baked stove, he was also amazed. The Daqin Shang Workshop gathers skilled craftsmen from all over the world, and its reputation is really well-deserved.

"Young master, it's finished!"

Glancing at Gongshu Qin, Ying Gao smiled and said, "Get a few people to carry it over, let's try it out and see how it works!"


Under Ying Gao's guidance, the stove was connected to the chimney, and the fire started.

After a while, the wood had started to burn, and Ying Gao threw the coal that had just come out into it. He didn't know the difference between anthracite and bituminous coal, but the stove would tell him.

A quarter of an hour later, the coals burned, and the shogunate became warmer.

"My lord, this strategy is feasible!"

Gongshu Qin Daxi, his cheeks flushed with excitement: "In this way, the entire Great Qin will save a lot of people from dying due to the cold."


Nodding his head, Ying Gao glanced at Gongshu Qin and said, "However, burning it like this is not a solution. Not only is the smoke heavy, but the price is too high, and ordinary people can't use it."

"Crush the coal into powder, then add sawdust, lime, loess, etc., and mix with water, and knead them into coal balls one by one. How to achieve the appropriate proportions is up to you to experiment!"

Speaking of this, Ying Gao looked at the thick smoke in the chimney, thought for a moment, and said: "If you dry this smoky coal, you can get a kind of coke, which is heat-resistant and powerful, and can be used to forge bronze and iron. .


"You are responsible for this matter, and no one will disclose the details, otherwise the military law will engage in—!"



The reason why Ying Gao did this was to be able to forge iron weapons on a large scale and then replace them with bronze weapons.

Daqin is not only the Central Plains, but also has countless sea areas. In his lifetime, he doesn't know whether he will drive large ships across the ocean, but the seeds must be planted.

Everything was on the right track, and before I knew it, fifteen days had passed.

Wang Hu is training soldiers, and Meng Liao is even more so.

In Sanchuan County, Ma Xing was in charge. At this time, Ying Gao was idle instead. Lying in the shogunate, it was warm, and for a while, he didn't even bother to move.

Coal briquettes are produced continuously, and the whole Zhengzhou is busy. At this time, briquettes have also entered thousands of households. Whether they are used for burning kangs or not, the sales volume continues to rise.

At this time, Yinggao also realized that someone needs to manage this matter, so as to maximize the benefits.


In desperation, Ying Gao returned to Xianyang.

Although coal is not used, it belongs to the mining industry, and the large-scale use of coal will inevitably lead to ironware. At this time, he needs to ask Ying Zheng for instructions, and at the same time, he will also promote the kang technology to thousands of households.

At that time, there will inevitably be a massive influx of money.


"Tie Ying, you wait here, I will go by myself!"

As the weather turns cold, waiting on the carriage and horse farm is already a difficult task, and Tie Ying is only his guard, not his retainer. Sometimes, he needs to grasp the scale.


Close to the royal city, Tie Ying no longer worries about Ying Gao's safety, after all, the Xianyang royal city is the most heavily guarded place in the world.

"My son pays homage to my father, my father is ten thousand years old, and my father is ten thousand years old——!"

Walking into the study, Ying Gao bowed solemnly and said.


Ying Zheng was not surprised by Ying Gao's appearance. He got the news the moment Ying Gao set foot in Xianyang City. However, he didn't say anything.

Putting down the bamboo slips in his hand, Ying Zheng looked at Ying Gao, and after a while, he said, "You are not in Daying, Jing County, nor have you received the imperial edict. Why did you suddenly return to Xianyang?"

Hearing this, Ying Gao's heart skipped a beat, and then he suppressed the thoughts in his heart, and said to Ying Zheng, "Father, my son found a coal mine in Sanchuan County."

"And it has been mined, it can replace charcoal as fuel!"

"After Gongshu Qin's research, he found that the coal can be used for heating, burning fire, and forging iron tools. Therefore, Erchen came to report to the father."

Hearing this, Ying Zheng's eyes burst into extreme light, he stared straight at Ying Gao, and said, "Is this true?"

At this moment, Ying Zheng was also shocked.

He naturally knew what changes Ying Gao would bring to Da Qin if what Ying Gao said was true. As a king, he naturally knew the current situation of Da Qin.

In the Great Qin, the bronze craftsmanship has reached an extreme, and even the weapons produced surpassed the iron ones. This is the reason why the three armies of the Great Qin have not changed their costumes.

Various thoughts flashed in Ying Zheng's mind, and suddenly, his heart was full of anticipation.

Facing Yingzheng's expectant gaze, Ying Gao paused every word, and said, "It's only natural that I will never lie to my father. In Sanchuan County, I have already conducted experiments with Gongshu Qin."

"At the same time, in Sanchuan County, the kang technology was researched and the stove was built. After testing, the results are good, but there is still room for improvement. This time I came to Xianyang, and I didn't bring it with me."

"What is a kang?"

As for the stove, although he had never seen it before, Ying Zheng could probably guess a thing or two, but he was really confused about the kang technology.

Ying Gao cupped his hands slightly towards Ying Zheng, paused every word, and said: "The inside of the heated kang is built with blue stones to build the wall between the kangs. There is a flue in the wall between the kangs, and the top is covered with relatively flat stone slabs. Cover it with mud and touch it flat, and after the mud dries, put it on the kang mat and use it."

"At the same time, the kang has a stove mouth and a smoke outlet. The stove mouth is used to burn firewood. The smoke and heat generated by the wood burning pass through the wall between the kang and heat the stone slabs above to generate heat, which makes the kang generate heat. The smoke finally flows out of the kang smoke outlet. Exhaust to the outside through the chimney."

"Since the stove mouth and the smoke outlet are both outside, it will be safe even if it is burned with finely divided coal!"

"This not only solves the problem of sitting, lying and living, but also can dissipate heat through so many kang surfaces to maintain a higher indoor temperature."


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