“The moment this illusory Camelot appeared, the golden light above the sky was like lightning piercing through the sky, and fell on the heads of everyone in an instant, intending to burn Kashima Yu and others to ashes! ”
“The golden glow never fell after all. Over the illusory Camelot, a huge phantom of the round table emerged, blocking all the golden glow!”
“Just like Asics said back then, as long as Mash’s heart never wavers, this shield will never be broken!”
“Bedwell stared blankly at the shield, and echoed in his mindRemember what Merlin had said in Avalon. ”
“”That is… King Arthur whose nature has changed due to a certain mistake, you should have discovered it long ago, right? “”
“Ah, I’m sorry for breaking your self-deception so easily and making you face such a cruel truth… But, can you still fight? Can you still carry out your mission? “”
“Bedwell gradually recovered from his memories, those eyes that seemed to be looking at the past turned to the present…to the Lion King.”
“He whispered softly, “Of course, it is for this that I have persisted in living until now. “”
“At this moment, Mash’s hand holding the shield has already started to tremble. Facing this Holy Spear, which is far beyond the power of ordinary Noble Phantasms, her body seems to be on the verge of collapse!”
“”It’s really interesting to be able to block a blow from the Holy Lance. However, how long can your slender arms support this city of chalk? “The Lion King said with a sneer. For her, such an attack is not much different from a random blow.”
“Mash, I’ll help you! “Kashima Yu saw that Matthew was about to lose his support, so he wanted to reach out and help Matthew to support him as before.”
“But Bedivere stopped her.”
“”No, Kashima, it’s unbearable with a human body, although I understand your feelings, please stay here. “”
“After Bedivere stopped Kashima Yu, I walked slowly towards Matthew step by step.”
“”Bedwell? Da Vinci was surprised at first, and then he said in panic, as if he had noticed something, “Wait!” stop now! Your body… is about to collapse! “”
“Bedwell didn’t stop, but continued to move forward with a smile on his face. At this time, the coercion of the Lion King seemed to him to disappear.”
“”Please don’t be too nervous, take it easy, Knight Kyrielight. As long as your mind is not disturbed, this shield will never collapse. “”
“Hey, ah, well… is that so? “When Matthew heard this, she couldn’t help but relax.”
“And the result was exactly as Bedivere said, even if she relaxed her body, the Lion King’s holy spear never broke through this shield!”
Chapter 645 Bedivere is just an ordinary person
“Yes, you are very talented. Bedivere said with a chuckle, “Please remember what I’m going to say next.” “”
“”The city of chalk will change according to the heart of the holder. If there is haze and darkness in the heart, the city of chalk will have flaws and be defeated by raging waves. “”
“”But correspondingly, as long as there is no confusion in your heart, its main gate will never collapse. “”
“”You are not a knight who defeats the enemy, but you were chosen by the round table to show your kindness. “”
“Under the guidance of Bedivere, Matthew, who was just about to collapse, gradually regained his posture. Compared with before, he seemed much more relaxed.”
“The Lion King, who was watching this development from the sidelines, frowned slightly, “Who are you? It looks like you should also be a knight…””
“”! ! ! Matthew’s eyes widened, and he said in disbelief, “This is Sir Bedivere, the Knight of the Round Table!” It is impossible for you not to know it! “”
“”Bedwell? what are you saying? I don’t know a knight by that name. “The Lion King immediately concluded that she has no impression of such a knight at all!”
“”…” Bedivere said with a bitter smile, “I think so too…Kashima, it’s thanks to you that I made it this far. “”
“When listening to Bedivere’s words, Kashima Yu’s eyes were extremely shocked, “Wait, wait…Bedwell, your body…what’s going on? ! “”
“In the eyes of Kashima Yu, Bedivere’s body is like a piece of rock that has been exposed to the wind and sun for a long time. When a breeze blows, pieces of gravel will be thrown up.”
“Bedwell didn’t answer, and said to himself, “On that holy night, if it weren’t for you, I might never have stood up to fight for those people…Naturally, I wouldn’t have come to this point. “”
“”In addition, I must apologize to you… I have been hiding something from you. I know the reason for the change in the nature of the Lion King. I know it, but I have kept silent. For this matter, please forgive me. “”
“…” Bedivere took a deep breath, and once again set his sights on the Lion King, “My lord, if you see this, maybe your memory will be clear, right? “”
“”SWITCHONAGATERAM (holds its sword, silver arm)! Now is the time to cut off the light of sanctions! “”
“Bedwell’s right arm shone with a bright golden light, and then he stepped on his foot, and rushed towards the Lion King like an arrow from the string.”
“”This brilliance… I know, I know this… who are you, why am I… oh! “The Lion King only felt a splitting headache, and something seemed to keep popping up in his mind.”
“At this moment, the Lion King has fallen into unprecedented chaos. If we want to defeat the Lion King, this seems to be an excellent time!”
“But it just seems like… The Holy Lance, which had already flown into the sky, sensed Bedivere’s existence, and immediately shot out dozens of beams again, heading towards Bedivere!”
“Bedwell slashed a beam of light with a wave of his right arm, and his flexible body dodged in the rest of the beam, but was finally hit by a beam of light and flew out backwards!”
“”Bedwell! Kashimayou exclaimed, she clearly saw that after being hit by the holy gun, Bedivere’s body collapsed fasterup! ”
“”No way…how is this possible? ! “Roman’s voice full of shock came from the communication, “Why haven’t you discovered this so far…””
“Doctor, what are you talking about? “Kashima Yu asked quickly.”
“Roman didn’t mean to be secretive, and said hastily, “Bedwell has no spiritual foundation reaction at all! The magic circuit is exactly the same as ordinary people! Kashima…the person standing there is not a Servant, but an ordinary person like you…! “”
“What? He’s an ordinary person?!” Kyosuke Kosaka stared at the boss.
I guessed wrong about Agguiwen before, and he is still in a state of shock… Now comes another even more shocking fact.
“In terms of ordinary people, how did he survive?! If I remember correctly, the legendary time of King Arthur was probably in the 5th century AD… and the Lionheart King was active in the 11th century AD, five or six years later. Hundred years!”
“Couldn’t he be an elf or something?” Kosaka Kirino squinted his eyes and guessed that no matter how you think about it, it’s impossible for humans to live that long… Besides, how can ordinary people be so strong? !
“”how can that be. “Kashima Yu said in a daze, and then Bedivere’s body gradually collapsed again appeared in his head.”
“”Hmm… cough cough…” Bedivere spat out a mouthful of blood, and stood up with difficulty, “Please forgive me… So far, I have been deceiving everyone by relying on Merlin’s magic, and this silver arm is also Same…this is…””
“As Bedivere’s body collapsed more and more seriously, the silver arm gradually lost its appearance, and gradually returned to its original appearance!”
“”EXCALIBUR (Sword of Promised Victory)…” The Lion King covered his face with one hand, and the eyes protruding from between his fingers looked extremely ferocious.”
“Obviously, the Holy Spear Goddess is experiencing unspeakable pain at this moment.”
“The sword of the sworn victory…? Da Vinci heard the Lion King’s murmur, and said in horror, “This arm is actually the sword of the oath of victory?” “”
“”Bedwell…” The Lion King gradually recovered from that painful expression. She recalled the holy spear and did not attack again. “This name…I remember this name…””
“Bedwell slowly raised his body, unable to stand up, he could only choose to kneel on the ground. At this moment, his bloody face was full of remorse and guilt.”
“”My king, I have committed a crime, and I don’t want to lose your kind of affection, which has caused me to commit a crime that is too stupid. “”
“”In that forest, I hesitated about your order… If you return the holy sword, you will really die. “”
“”I was afraid that this kind of thing would happen, so even the third time… I couldn’t return the holy sword. “”
“…” Kashima Yu opened her mouth in surprise. If she remembers correctly, in the legend of King Arthur’s deathbed, Bedivere did not choose to return the holy sword the first two times, but was seen through by King Arthur. I went to the lake of the elves three times and returned the holy sword.”
“But now, Bedivere has not returned the holy sword even for the third time… Could it be that this is why King Arthur became the Lion King?!”
Chapter 646 I still remember your smile that day
“”When I returned to the forest, the king had disappeared… I only found out after that that because the holy sword was not returned, the king could not even ask for death. The king can only pick up the holy spear left by his side and become the king of the undead wandering in the world. “”
“”For the sake of atonement, I have been looking for you, always… as if I have been looking for a phantom that does not exist at all. “”
“Bedwell said with a sob.”
“Wait, are you telling the truth? That’s five or six hundred years! Have you searched for King Arthur for so long? ! “Roman exclaimed.”
“”It is impossible for human beings to live that long. Although the sword of vowed victory will stop the growth of the holder, it is only a matter of the body, and the human soul will still grow old! “”
“”For such a long time… just one person? Are you continuing your journey of redemption alone? ! How can there be such a miserable thing, there must be a limit to cruelty! After such a long time, your soul should have been burned out long ago! “”
“”Ahem…” Bedivere coughed out a mouthful of blood, and said with a stern smile, “Thank you for being considerate of me, Doctor Roman… However, it’s not that hard. “”
“”Well… I can’t remember, I remember the name Bedivere, but I can’t recall the memory of Qing at all, is Qing really Sir Bedivere? “”
“Although the Lion King is much better now than before, his face still looks very painful, “… Well, if this is the case, then throw down that sword and come back to me. That’s already something I don’t need. If it is my knight, do as I wish and return to my round table, Bedivere. “”
“”Do not! “Bedwell gritted his teeth and said, “This won’t work! Lion King, the incarnation of the Holy Lance… To you, I am an enemy to be defeated. Because you must take revenge on me, which is the end I deserve for my sins. “”
“”Besides, I also have the obligation to stop you! As a member of the Knight King’s Round Table, I declare to you – I am Bedivere, Knight of the Round Table! As a person who does good, it is also the existence of crusade against you, a person who does evil! “”
“”wrong! What are you talking about, Bedivere. Qing is mine… used to be mine…” The Lion King spoke intermittently, with fragmented and scattered memories, making it impossible for her to speak out at all.”
“”Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh! ! ! “”
“Something seemed to come to mind, but sheI can’t even remember… Amidst the screams of pain, the Lion King raised the holy spear again. This time, what erupted from the holy gun was not the pure white and flawless brilliance, but a scarlet red full of terror. Thunder! ”
“The scarlet thunder spread across the sky, like towering trees.”
“Although I don’t know why the brilliance of the holy spear became like this, but there is no doubt that it looks more intimidating than before!”
“Bedwell, who was still bleeding from his head, showed neither pain nor panic expression, but looked at Kashima Yu gently, “Come on, Kashima, please give me the last instruction … Please give me a fourth chance. “”
“…if that’s what you want. Kashima Yu helped Bedivere up, “Activate the Command Spell, give the knight Bedivere power!” “”
“Bedwell is not a heroic spirit, but just an ordinary person. Naturally, this command spell has no effect on him.”
“But for some reason, upon hearing these words, Bedivere felt that his body was full of strength, and he smiled softly, “That’s great…””
“Matthew also hurried over to help Bedivere.”
“With the support of the two, Bedivere staggered forward.”
“As the pace progressed, Bedivere’s right hand completely changed into a holy sword—the sword of the oath of victory. He took it off with his left hand…Looking at the familiar holy sword, his eyes seemed to appear in his eyes. king.”
“Why would someone like me be chosen as a Knight of the Round Table? “”
“That was a long time ago. At that time, on the walls of Camelot just built, he asked.”
“”Do you think that you are inferior to others, so you are not worthy of being a knight of the round table? asked King Arthur.
“Under the gaze of those lake-green eyes, Bedivere said in embarrassment, “Yes… I have neither the holy sword nor the blessing of the elves. I am completely ordinary. How can I… How about becoming a Knight of the Round Table? “”
“”idiot. King Arthur scolded softly, “I am the same about this.” “”
“”how come? “At that time, his eyes widened, and he said in disbelief, “Wang, how could you…””
“King Arthur shook his head lightly, “The relationship between people cannot be judged by strength alone… This Camelot city was built by gathering people’s dreams. “”
“”I dream that one day, people will build such an ideal city with their own hands… That’s why a knight like you is needed, to feel people’s daily life carefully and understand people’s ideals, this is only you Something that can only be done by a delicate knight. “”
“At that time, the king’s smile, I have never forgotten until now… Bedivere stopped, “Kashima, Mash, just stop here… Thank you, leave the rest to me . “”
“In the sky, thunder fell, and the majestic and sacred throne was shattered bit by bit. Bedivere, in the surprised expression of the Lion King, came to her in front of her with a lightning bolt.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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