“The holy spear pierced Bedivere’s chest.”
“”Obviously it’s just a human being… It’s obvious that the hands and feet have turned into clods and collapsed, but why…why are you still close to me? Qing… who is it? Why do you want to do this? “”
“Obviously he was pierced through the chest, but Bedivere still had that incomparably gentle smile on his face, “Because, I still remember your smile that day…””
“Bedwell half-kneeled on the ground, respectfully raised the holy sword, “King Arthur… On behalf of all the knights of the round table, I would like to thank you. Let you bear the dark age alone, only you have not experienced the glory of the round table. “”
“”The brave king of knights, the great man who saved Britain, you are our shining star… My king, my master, now, I can finally… Finally, I can return this sword. “”
“The holy sword—the sword of the promised victory fell into the palm of the Lion King.”
“The moment she touched the sword, memories about Bedivere emerged from her mind.”
Chapter 647: Information about the Magic King
“”That’s right, I finally remembered…in that forest, on that hill, the face of the knight who worried about me until the end, his eyes were swollen from crying. “”
“”In order to get rid of that regret, have you gone through countless ups and downs, have you been wandering all the time? “”
“Well done, my last and best loyal knight. The holy sword has indeed been returned…””
“The Lion King finally smiled, a sad smile, a gentle smile, and a proud smile.”
“She gently put her hand on Bedivere’s face, and raised his head, “Hold your chest out, Bedivere. Qing, indeed…you have fulfilled your king’s order. “”
“Under the gentle gaze of the Lion King, Bedivere—he who relied on the holy sword to survive, his body has already reached its limit, his spirit has long been wiped out, and his soul has long been burned. His body has completely collapsed and turned into dust , go with the wind.”
“Mashu stretched out her hand in grief, trying to grab the speck of dust, but when she opened her hand, she found that her palm was empty and there was nothing…”
“A tear rolled down her cheek, “Doctor…Bedwell? “”
“”Lord Bedivere…”Roman closed his eyes sadly, “For so many years, he has been relying on the holy sword to survive, but now, the holy sword has been returned.” ”
“Roman didn’t clearly say the ending, but both Kashima Yu and Matthew clearly understood this…Bedwell has completely disappeared.”
“He didn’t have any great achievements during his lifetime, so he couldn’t become a heroic spirit… His soul has long been obliterated, and he couldn’t enter reincarnation.”
“He has, completely, disappeared from this world!”
“Why is this?! Such a gentle big sister… Ah, no, it’s the big brother, who just disappeared completely like this? Can’t even become a heroic spirit?!”
Kota Tsuchiya fiddled with his camera desperately, he also wanted to help Bedivere take a group of portrait photos!
Even if Bedivere becomes a Heroic Spirit, he may not be able to take pictures… But at least there is a chance.
“”I have observed here that the singularity has collapsed, and the gravitational changes in the age of devouring have disappeared. Later, Roman said to everyone, “With the disappearance of the holy gun, the holy capital is gradually collapsing… In this way, the chaos of this era will completely disappear. “”
“Hearing Roman’s words, Kashima Yu and the others finally felt a little bit of joy in spite of their grief… At least, Bedivere’s sacrifice was not in vain.”
“The Lion King put away his holy sword and watched them silently.”
“Noticing the sight of the Lion King, Da Vinci raised his eyebrows, “Hey, do you still want to fight? You who have been returned to the holy sword are no longer bound by the holy gun, so there should be no need to continue fighting with us, right? “”
“To be honest, Da Vinci is still very guilty. If they really want to fight, they are not the opponents of The Lion King at all!”
“”Since you are people who rebel against the king’s order, how can I let you go away safely? “The Lion King Ping spoke terribly, but then shook his head, “But it seems impossible. “”
“While the Lion King was speaking, the bodies of Kashima Yu and others gradually began to blur.”
“”Wait, doctor, our bodies are disappearing! what happened? ! “Kashima Yu shouted in panic.”
“”I don’t know…ah, yes, it’s the Holy Grail! Roman suddenly reacted, “You have already recovered the Holy Grail!” Therefore, after the disappearance of the holy gun that disturbed the foundation of human reason, the restoration of the era began quickly! “”
“”The holy capital itself is something that cannot exist in this era, so the restoration power of the era is several times faster than the previous singularities! But this is not disappearing… Don’t worry, you will just be forcibly sent back to the ‘original place’, which is Chaldea. “”
“Hearing that, Kashima Yu and the others breathed a sigh of relief.”
“”It’s a pity that I can’t continue fighting. Is this what it’s like to watch your enemies flee? “The Lion King said with a sigh, then turned around and slowly returned to the throne to sit down.”
“The Lion King is back on the throne…wouldn’t she be forced to return? Matthew asked in surprise.”
“”She is not a heroic spirit, not an existence summoned to this singularity. She is a god who made it this far by herself, and losing the holy spear means the end, so… the Lion King is over. “”
“Da Vinci said softly, “From now on, even if we meet King Arthur holding the Holy Lance, it will not be her. The Lion King will perish with this holy city. “”
“”Why is this…then what Bedivere has done…” Kashima Yu tightly grasped his skirt, gritted his teeth, with a look of grief on his face.”
“”It’s not a waste of effort! The Lion King on the throne said decisively, “Just as Sir Bedivere intended, I have been liberated… Besides, my fault is not meaningless. There is a truth that only I, the Storm King, can know. “”
“”what is that? ” Kashima Yu asked in surprise.”
“”I gained the same vision as the Magic King, and understood his intentions, his ultimate purpose. “The Lion King didn’t mean to hide anything, he said frankly.”
“”Magic King Solomon, the temple where he lives does not exist at the correct time… The only thing that can mark the coordinates of the Magic King’s Temple is the seventh Holy Grail, and only that Holy Grail was sent to the past by the Magic King himself. “”
“”In other words, the seventh singularity is earlier than King Solomon, the past era? “Roman immediately reacted, “I always thought that it was that guy who saw through the ages when the foundation of humanism would grow bigger, and left the Holy Grail as a legacy in order for the Holy Grail to appear in those eras. “”
“”Your guess is correct. The Lion King nodded in affirmation, “The six holy grails were all activated by the messengers who reported the name of the demon god, or the magicians who were scattered in the world as the descendants of the magic king and lived until they awakened.” “”
“”However, only the seventh Holy Grail was sent to the past by the King of Magic himself… That is the first step in the incineration of humanism, the existence that completely destroys the foundation of human history! “”
“”That is to say, as long as that era has not been restored, the burning of humanity will do! No matter how many singularities you have repaired earlier, it is all in vain! “”
“…Ah, yes, yes, we can filter. After operating the machine, Roman laughed excitedly, “With this information, we can observe the seventh singularity faster!” Thank you, The Lion King! Next time we meet, please allow me to give you a thank you kiss. “”
“Hmph, if there is a next time. “The corners of the Lion King’s mouth twitched slightly, and that gentle smile was exactly the same as in Bedivere’s memory.”
Chapter 648 You can already rest
“”laughup? “Kashima Yu’s eyes widened in surprise, she thought the Lion King would always have a straight face.”
“”Even if it is me, I will laugh when I encounter happy things. “The Lion King said softly, “Master of Chaldea, I will not apologize for this incident… Until now, I still think that my actions are correct. “”
“”The means of protecting people and justice are different from person to person… So, you just need to move towards the path you think is the best. “”
“”The remaining holy grail, in the last singularity, will there be evil that you can’t imagine? That may be a great evil far beyond the magic king, and it is the sin of human origin. “”
“”Go and collect the stars, you won’t lose to the evil of humans, you won’t lose to any dark shining stars…they are the heroic spirits worthy of your trust, the companions who have formed a close bond with you. “”
“Looking at the smile of the Lion King, for some reason, Kashima Yu always felt that these words meant something.”
“Afterwards, Kashima Yu, Matthew, and Da Vinci completely disappeared in the hall.”
“…” The Lion King looked around with a flat expression, “Goodbye… I will perish with my ideals. “”
“”Bedwell…maybe you think you have committed a crime, but that fault is meaningful. For The Lion King, it is meaningful…””
“Outside the holy capital, Fujita looked at his gradually illusory body and laughed directly, “Although I don’t want to be too optimistic…but in this case, I can think that they defeated the Lion King, right? Hahahaha, that’s amazing! Goodbye…Holy Land, Sanzang, and Kashima, you have won this war. “”
“In the holy capital, an extremely bloated piece of meat is constantly wriggling and devouring… A skull mask is exposed in this huge piece of meat, it is the mask of Hassan the Cursed Arm!”
“I, am I still alive? “Hassan the Cursed Wrist felt his flesh and blood being swallowed up bit by bit, and even he himself was surprised that he was still conscious.”
“”Haha… But, at most, I can only last for a few more minutes. The one who is devouring my body is the Demon God Saiyi Tuo Nai who gained a flesh body, right? It seems that it is just a beast that only knows how to eat and is not worth mentioning…””
“”However, even if it’s a beast, it’s a beast that I can’t match…Sorry, Saria, only Lu Shide is left…””
“Suddenly, the sound of a sharp blade piercing into flesh and blood rang in Hassan’s ear. He could feel that the huge piece of flesh that was wrapping and devouring his body had completely disappeared!”
“Who…who managed to kill the demon god Saiyi Tana?”
“Hassan the Cursed Wrist looked up with difficulty, and saw an extremely tall swordsman standing beside him.”
“”Oh…it’s the first generation of adults…” Hassan the Cursed Wrist was delighted at first, and then smiled wryly, “That’s right…it’s already agreed, after the matter is over, I will hand over this head…””
“At this moment, Hassan, the cursed arm, has wounds all over his body, and his skin and flesh have been swallowed up. It is a miracle that he can still maintain consciousness under such circumstances.”
“But he still propped up his body with his hands with great difficulty, and knelt down in front of King Hassan.”
“”It took all the strength of my whole body to barely kneel down…haha, it’s really embarrassing. Hassan the Cursed Wrist said with a dry smile, “This time, please forgive me… Please accept my head, my lord the first generation.” “”
“…” Wang Hassan didn’t speak, but turned and left silently.”
“”? ! Hassan the Cursed Wrist raised his head in surprise, his weak voice revealed a bit of anxiety, “Please, please wait a moment… the first generation, why…why didn’t you take my life?” “”
“”It’s strange what you said, the head of Hassan, the cursed arm, has been beheaded by me just now. “Wang Hassan’s low voice came from a distance, “The arm of this corpse belongs to the curse arm, so this is the man with the curse arm. “”
“”what? ! “Hassan, the curse arm, was stunned immediately. What Wang Hassan meant was that the demon god Sunyi Tuonai just now was recognized as him?”
“”You are no longer the old man in the mountain, so there is no need for me to attack you…Put your chest up, immature assassin, you are the only one among the nineteen old men in the mountain who escaped the shackles of Weng. “”
“Under the surprised eyes of Hassan the Cursed Arm, King Hassan gradually disappeared from his sight.”
“”Huh…huh…huh…” Agguiwen, who was covered in wounds and stained with blood, staggered into the throne hall, “Lion King… are you… still alive? The enemy army…is about to invade here…””
“”Although…you are…impossible to fail…but please…be careful…””
“”Because, you…are always used…to respect the other party’s ideas…in battle…this is, very dangerous…””
“”Sir Agguiwen, you are the one who needs to be cared about, right? The Lion King frowned slightly, “Hands and feet were broken, a big hole was torn open in the chest and abdomen, and even one eye was scratched out… It seems that he was fighting a powerful enemy, no, he was fighting an enemy, right?” “”
“Haha, indeed. “Age Guiwen laughed heartily, “Until the end, that was…a man so powerful…unbelievably strong. However… only this time, my persistence… won. “”
“My lord…please forgive me…for I, I couldn’t present you with proof. Although it is… a dead body, but… you cannot… see, that man’s… head…””
“”yes? “The Lion King patted the throne tenderly, “Mr. Aggression, come here, and allow you to get close to the throne…for thisAs far as the injury is concerned, it may not have much effect, but give me your hand, it can somewhat stop the pain for you. “”
“No, how dare you…” Agguiwen spoke intermittently with difficulty breathing, “and… I still… have five… things left to do. Get rid of the bandits… get rid of the invaders who invaded the holy city… repair the damaged holy city… induce the citizens who accepted the holy city…””
“”And…completed, in the end…you are the only one left…the most splendid…palace…there are too many things to do…there are so many…well! “”
“Ageguiwen spat out a mouthful of blood, and kneeled on the ground with weak legs, “But, it seems… reality, only allows… me, to get to this step… Originally, I planned, this time… …I must offer you an ideal country^””
“”It’s really embarrassing… My plan, this time… Also, it didn’t… go smoothly…””
“”really. The Lion King looked at him with tender eyes, “But I won’t ask for guilt.” You can rest already, Agguivin. Always being overworked is your only downside…get some rest. “”
“Looking at the gentle face of the Lion King, Agguiwen was in a daze. He was always extremely serious, and he, who always had a straight face, finally showed a smile.”
“Of order… the king. “”
Chapter 649: Discovering the Seventh Singularity
“Is this probably the power of love?” Hikigu Hachiman smiled strangely.
In his impression, Aggavin is not such a powerful knight in the legend of King Arthur, it is better to say that he is simply a little transparent!
Whether it is fame or strength, it is far inferior to Lancelot, who is known as the greatest and most trusted knight under King Arthur.
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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