"Ahem! Damn it! It's a smoke bomb!"

Diamante realized what it was.

No wonder it looked so familiar! It turned out to be a smoke bomb made by his family!

Using his own weapon against him made Diamante feel like he was stabbed in the back by his own people.

The girls also looked around vigilantly, and at the same time, they pulled the two newly bought female slaves to their side.

Liya asked worriedly:"Lord Noah, this won't be a big deal, right?"

Noah said with a smile:"It's really interesting, reality is always more interesting than drama, don't worry, it's just a battle for the devil fruit, it has nothing to do with us!"

"But doesn't Lord Noah want that devil fruit?"

Liya asked with some doubt, because she knew Noah's character.

All treasures belong to him, he can reward them, but you can't rob them!

Those who covet the king's treasure must pay the price of blood!

But Noah waved his hand indifferently and said:"It's okay, if he can grab it, give it to him, you don't want it anyway, and this is a very interesting competition. If he can grab it, just regard it as my reward to him!"

Liya nodded, not quite understanding.

Noah had discovered that the leader of the scene in front of him was the green-haired young man he had just seen.

Noah still remembered his aura, which was probably at the school level of the headquarters, and his strength was mediocre.

But his strategy was one link after another.

First, by blowing up the lights and starting fires, he drove away the crowd and caused chaos.

In the chaos, he would bring a group of hyenas to block and guard for him, and then take advantage of the situation to block the vision with smoke bombs and grab the devil fruit. In the end, he would put the blame on the hyenas, because there were many people in the smoke who took this opportunity to retreat.

I just don't know if this person doesn't know about the observation Haki, or if he is betting that the incident happened suddenly and Diamante would not be able to use the observation Haki in a panic.

Diamante is indeed a little panicked now. He turned around and looked around from time to time, and he didn't forget to shout,"Who! This is the consignment of my young master!"

"My young master is Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

"If you know what’s best for you, surrender now!"


Tesoro listened to Diamante's threats, but turned a deaf ear to them and walked over.

He had been in the Sabaody Archipelago for many years, and he was familiar with the man behind the auction, the famous Joker.

And by chance, he also learned that the Joker of the underground world was Doflamingo of the Shichibukai.

However, how could a person with a dead heart be afraid of a Shichibukai?

His only thought now was to make a lot of money, and then use the money to control the whole world! Revenge on the whole world!

He remembered the location of the devil fruit just now and went over quietly and quickly.

Originally, Diamante should have run to the devil fruit to guard it at the beginning, but he turned around several times in a hurry and forgot which direction the devil fruit was.

Now thinking back, he hurriedly shouted to the family members who followed behind him:"Go and guard the devil fruit!"

The people of the Don Quixote family responded one after another, but soon there were several screams.


Tezolo, holding a short dagger, quickly moved among the group of people. During this period, he had been practicing hard to identify the positions by hearing the voices. With his own skills, it was easy for him to kill a group of family guards who were not much stronger than ordinary soldiers.

But this also exposed his position.

Diamanti instantly swung several flying slashes at the position of Tezoro.

"Half Moon Funeral!"

"Half Moon Funeral!"


" Half Moon Funeral!"

Tesoro's hair stood on end, and he ran towards the direction of the devil fruit. At this moment, he didn't care about his steps.

He dodged the flying slash by a hair's breadth, but also exposed his position and general trajectory.

Diamante was at least a small cadre in the New World. He reacted immediately after hearing the footsteps and said with a smile:

"Got you! Dirty rat!"

""Army Flag!"

Diamante used the Army Flag to hinder Tesoro's actions. Although he couldn't use his Observation Haki because of his impatience, he knew in his mind that this thief must be stealing the Devil Fruit. What he had to do now was to stop him.

Tesoro was suddenly lifted up by the shaking floor under his feet. After staggering forward a few steps, he stretched out his hand and grabbed in front of him. The whole person lost his balance instantly, but a smile appeared at the corner of his gritted teeth.

He got the Devil Fruit at the last moment!


Tesoro fell heavily to the ground. He held the Devil Fruit in his arms with both hands. The pain made him groan, but he didn't Panting, he quickly took the whole devil fruit and stuffed it into his mouth.

He didn't even chew it, just wanted to swallow the whole fruit in one gulp. For a moment, the fruit blocked his throat, making his face red and even purple.

He tried hard to swallow it down, and even used his hands to smooth his throat.

After a lot of trouble, he finally swallowed the fruit.


His neck showed the shape of the devil fruit, and then it slid into his stomach in an instant.

When people in this world eat devil fruits, it's almost like they have rubber fruits per capita.

Such a big fruit can be swallowed in no time.

After Noah felt Tesoro's breath, he smiled and said,"I actually got it!"

Tesoro didn't dare to delay after eating it. He took out a few bombs and threw them in the direction of the slash.


Diamante looked at the thing rolling under his feet and was instantly shocked:"Bombs!"

He jumped to the side without using his ability.

Bang, bang, bang!

The gray smoke could not cover the flames of the explosion. The women also sensed the situation.

Joanna laughed and said,"That clown-like man couldn't even kill such a weak person.���He stole the devil fruit, how weak!"

Noah smiled and said,"It has nothing to do with strength, he was too nervous and couldn't use his observation Haki. You must remember that you must control your emotions during a battle, otherwise you will give others a chance to take advantage of you."

The girls nodded, unable to disbelieve that a man who was barely comparable to a lieutenant general of the headquarters had his devil fruit snatched away by a colonel-level person from the headquarters right under his nose.

Just after the explosion here, the wall outside near the auction stage also exploded.

Obviously, Tesoro also arranged people there.

Tesoro easily got up and rushed towards the exploded exit. With the help of the smoke and a black scarf wrapped on his face, he quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

As the wall exploded, the smoke also dissipated quickly.

Diamante was still looking around vigilantly, but when he saw the empty auction stage When selling the stage, the whole person stood there in a daze as if his parents had died.

As for Disco, this slippery old thief ran away after shouting when the explosion occurred.

It's true that he loves auctions, but his life is his own and the auction items are other people's.

There were only corpses on the ground left at the auction site, about ten pirates who narrowly escaped death, and Diamante, Noah and others.

Seeing this scene, the group of pirates hurriedly crawled away, fearing that Diamante would implicate them because of the loss of the devil fruit.

As for Noah, he turned his head slowly and said,"Let's go and meet that interesting guy."

Anyway, they have paid the money and watched the show, so when would they leave if not now?

The girls nodded without objection, picked up the things they bought, and followed Noah out of the auction site.


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