On the other side, after obtaining the power of the Gold-Gold Fruit, Tesoro returned to his secret base.

There was a dark-skinned beauty waiting with her legs crossed.

She held her chin with one hand and smiled charmingly:

"Haha, I didn't expect you to succeed."

Tezulo held a gold coin in his hand, and then the gold coin instantly melted into a pool of golden liquid, and the golden liquid seemed to have life and deformed randomly in the air.

"Of course! I spent a month planning and training to finally succeed!"

Tezoro was no longer as cautious as before, he looked proud and even arrogant.

"This way my dream will come true!"

Tezulo opened his arms as if embracing her, then looked straight at the dark-skinned beauty and said:

"What I said before should count, Bakara!"

The dark-skinned beauty Bakara smiled charmingly and said,"Of course, I believe in fate. If you pass the test of fate, I will naturally follow you."

"Besides, your goal is very consistent with mine. When the time comes, remember to hand over your casino to me. After all, I don’t have too much burden to collect the luck of those gamblers."

After changing the position of his legs, Bakara said meaningfully:

"After all, nine out of ten gambling losses happen, so when you come to the casino, you have to be prepared to lose, right?"

Tezoro laughed and said,"I feel relieved to have you in the casino! No problem!"

"But before that I need a lot of gold to practice my skills, so we have to go pan for gold first!"

"Of course, my ability can easily find the gold mines hidden deep underground and extract them."

Tezoro assured Bakara that he would be able to achieve something in just 5 years, no! 3 years!

Bakara agreed with a smile.

Tezoro then asked:"So which direction should we go now?"

""Let me see."

Bakara said as he took out a branch and stood it on the ground, then let go.

The branch fell in one direction.

Bakara's face darkened, and Tezoro asked in confusion:

"What happened?"

Bakara said in a panic,"I don't know why, but all of a sudden all my luck is gone. Let's leave here in this direction first!"

According to her experience, there must be some disaster in this situation, so they should leave the place as soon as possible, or even leave the island.

Tezoro's face was also a little ugly, and he thought to himself,"Could it be that I accidentally left some clues before?"

But he couldn't care less after thinking about it. He believed in Bakara's ability.

"let's go!"

"Yes, Boss Tezoro!"

…… a few minutes ago

""Mr. Noah, what's wrong? Where are we going?"

Joanna asked curiously, circling in front of Noah.

Noah didn't make any riddles, but said honestly:

"Go find that lucky guy."

Michelle became even more curious after hearing this, and asked directly:"Why? Does Lord Noah think he stole your things?"

Noah shook his head and said:"That's not the case, it's just that this man is very interesting, I want to ask him if he wants to be my subordinate."


The girls looked at Noah in surprise.

After they sent away those useless sailors, they haven't recruited any male companions on their ship.

Noah smiled and said,"Don't worry, just treat it as a fleet, with captains or something like that."

The girls breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't want to have other opposite sex creatures on the ship, which would make them uncomfortable.

Roland turned his head and asked,"Is it because of the Gold-Gold Fruit?"

Noah was a little surprised, but nodded and said,"The Gold-Gold Fruit is related to gold after all, I still like it very much."

Xibel was confused after hearing this

"Wouldn't it be better if Lord Noah just snatched it from us at the beginning?"

Noah glared at the busty lady and said,"No one here wants to eat it! It would be nice to find a subordinate to help us manage the finances, and collect gold and silver treasures for me when we have nothing to do."

The girls suddenly realized.

However, even if it was a slow walk, it would only take more than ten minutes, but from time to time, human traffickers would come out to rob people along the way.

The strange thing is that these people just didn't watch Noah's news, and they just happened to arrive on the island today.

Or they were face-blind and didn't recognize Noah.

Of course, there are also some pirates who dream of becoming famous overnight.

They walked and stopped along the way.

Noah suddenly stopped and said to the girls,"No need to go."

The girls looked at Noah in confusion, and killed the human traffickers who wanted to take the opportunity to attack.

Alyssa asked on behalf of the girls,"What's wrong, Lord Noah?"

Noah said helplessly,"It was there just now, but now it has reached the shore for some reason, and is sinking rapidly. It has already left."

Noah sighed that he was careless. He didn't know why he was distracted just now, and when he sensed again, the person had run away.

Bakara, who was diving on the coating boat at this moment, said to Tezoro with a sad face:

"Who did you offend? I have been accumulating luck for months and going to countless bars and casinos, and it is gone in an instant!"

Tesoro said awkwardly:"It shouldn't be, I have confirmed that Doflamingo is not in Shampoodi"

"All right, all right, we'll just find a few islands to replenish them. If that doesn't work, I'll go catch some pirates to replenish them for you."

Tesoro comforted Bakara in a gentle voice, and Bakara put away her sad face.

In fact, luck is one thing, but the most important thing is that the feeling of having your luck drained away in an instant is too scary.

Bakara has only encountered this once - the island she was on was swallowed by a super huge island-eating goldfish.

That is, she was suddenly tripped and almost rolled into the sea. If it weren't for a small boat that happened to rush out and catch her, she would have died.


""Eh? Did he run away?"

Michelle pouted and said a little dejectedly.

But Liya suddenly turned her head and asked:"Lord Noah should not want to recruit him just because of the Gold-Gold Fruit."

Noah stared at Liya in surprise, and finally smiled and said:"I didn't expect that the one who understands me the most is actually Sister Liya."

Noah nodded and said:"Yes, I am a little curious about him."

"What are you curious about?"

The girls were a little confused. Could it be that his soul also fascinated Noah?

The girls had been with Noah for quite some time, and they knew that Noah would be a little lenient to those with special souls, and would even be willing to lend a helping hand.


Noah said meaningfully:"He is a careless person!"


The girls looked at each other, what does"heartless" mean?

Noah smiled and said,"It's not that he has no heart, it's that his heart is dead. In my eyes, he stands there, his body exudes youthful vitality, but his soul has fallen into death. Only some obsessions are dragging this body, just like a walking corpse."

"So I'm very interested in his past."

Irene said with some enlightenment:"In other words, that man is actually a poor man!"

Noah touched his chin and said:"Poor man? Maybe! His obsession is still quite strong, and his strength should improve by leaps and bounds in the next period of time"

"But that's all."

Noah spread his hands, indicating that it didn't matter.


The girls looked at Noah in confusion.

Noah explained:"A person whose mind is so broken can never become a truly strong person."

"His strength is hopeless!"

"So that's it."


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