On Noah's side,

Shanks was chatting with his brothers, occasionally joking with each other, and one even punched his own boss.

These actions can only be seen in the Red Hair Pirates.

At first, Noah and others thought it was funny, but later they got used to it.

"Damn you Lakiru! How dare you hit your boss!"

Shanks was punched away by Lakiru, and then he stood up from the ground with an angry look on his face, rubbing his face, but it was obvious that except for a little redness, he was unharmed.

"Hehehe! Boss? Do you know what happens if you offend the chef on the ship in the sea?"

Laqilu smiled and touched his round belly, pretending to be threatening.

"You dare to say I'm fat? I'm plump, okay!"

"And you have to remember, boss, you are an ugly freak that even the colorful mist despises."

Lakiru smiled and pulled his eyelids at Shanks.

How could Shanks bear this? He rushed forward and wanted to teach Lakiru a lesson, let him see the majesty of the captain.

Noah looked at the scene in silence, but when he heard that Shanks couldn't get in, he remembered the reason.

If I remember correctly, Shanks seemed to be a descendant of the Celestial Dragons, and it seemed that there was even a scene in his previous life where Shanks met the Five Elders.

He couldn't remember what they said specifically.

The memory of the dead fat otaku in the previous life was too old, and the content was not suitable for the world of One Piece. It was too short in decades.

I knew about those twenty traitors when I was in self-exile, so how could I not be on guard?

What if they accidentally found my space one day?!

Although except for Im, the others were ants that could be killed with a wave of the hand, the price was that the magic power that I sealed to support that space was consumed, so of course I would reject the blood of those twenty traitors.

But Noah didn't explain to Shanks, after all, this kid was not honest and didn't even confess his identity.

Well, I didn't confess either, so it's fair.


Noah and the other girls saw the Dragon Palace soldiers running over in a hurry.

They thought that Neptune's banquet had already started and they hadn't arrived yet, so they sent people over to urge them.

Beckman thought the same thing, so he pressed the heads of the two men and pulled them apart.

"Stop it, Shanks! Lakiru! King Neptune's banquet is about to begin!"

Just as he finished speaking, the Dragon Palace soldiers arrived behind him. Before the soldiers could speak, Beckman said apologetically:

""I'm sorry, my captain is a little naughty and delayed us on the road. Please rest assured, King Neptune, we will be there soon."

Then he forcibly pressed Shanks' head and bowed to the soldier to express his apology.

His movements were skillful and his attitude was sincere. He was worthy of being a gentleman from the North Sea.

The soldier was shocked by Beckman's move. He was also a guard of the Dragon Palace. He was well-informed and had much more knowledge than those hooligans living in a dream in Fishman Street.

The one in front of him was the Red-Haired Shanks with a bounty of more than 1 billion!

How could he accept such a great gift!

Thinking of this, he quickly bowed 90 degrees and said,"You... You're welcome. I'm here to help King Neptune pass on the message."

Then he raised his head and said with a serious expression,"Captain Squard of the Great Whirlpool Spider Pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates is coming to cause trouble for His Excellency Red Hair!"

"We should have protected our distinguished guests from harm, but please understand the difficulties of our Fishman Island. After all, they are members of the Whitebeard Pirates, and our Fishman Island has been greatly favored by Whitebeard, so we cannot intervene to protect you."

The soldier said earnestly, bowed 180 degrees sincerely, and then hurriedly assured that Fishman Island would not help Squard in any form.

Shanks saw the soldier bowing and explaining with apology, and there was no spark in his heart. To be honest, Fishman Island was already kind.

Not helping to find him and others, and even secretly tipped him off.

Of course, he didn't know that Neptune only saw that it was Squard's private action and he didn't ask for help.

Otherwise, if Whitebeard gave the order, he would have to sell Shanks with tears. At most, he would burn more paper for Roger during the New Year and festivals to apologize.

As for other things?

I've apologized, what else do you want?

"It's all right, please help me go back and thank King Neptune for sending the message."

Shanks said solemnly.

At this moment, he was completely like a captain, in sharp contrast to his usual careless appearance.

The soldier bowed again and swam in the direction of the return. Before leaving, he did not forget to sincerely explain that Mr. Noah could come to the banquet at any time.

Noah also smiled and nodded.

After the fishman soldier left, Shanks' face immediately fell.

"What a trouble! The captain under the command of that monster old man Whitebeard!"

Roland nodded in agreement and said,"Indeed, even those of us who have never been to the Grand Line have heard of the reputation of the Whitebeard Pirates - as long as you dare to hurt their crew, they will chase you to the ends of the earth and never stop until you die."

Joanna curled her lips and said,"How overbearing! So they can hurt others, but others can't touch them!"

The other girls also nodded in agreement. This rule will give members of the Whitebeard Pirates a great sense of belonging, but anyone other than them will feel particularly dissatisfied.

This kind of overbearing makes people very unhappy!

""Huh? There is such a rule?"

Noah was upset when he heard it. His memories of his previous life were too vague. Whitebeard had become a concept. He only remembered that he was a dashing and heroic man, and the Battle of Marineford.

The only clear memories were -

Nami, Robin, Vivi, Hancock... cough, let's not talk about these for now.

Anyway, as the king of a huge kingdom, Noah felt that he was already overbearing enough when he was young, but today he was enlightened. How dare a pirate who huddled in one place set rules on the sea?

When he first crossed over, he didn't feel anything. He still had an impression of pirates, but after he inherited the throne, he hated pirates. They can't be killed!

No matter what, they are all"thieves"!

Noah couldn't imagine why he thought pirates were okay before.

The trouble caused by pirates to him was not reduced until he formed a huge kingdom.

"Yes, Lord Noah, haven’t you heard of it?"

It was Liya who was a little surprised to hear Noah's question.

Noah said unhappily:"What rubbish! A pirate, a mere cultivator dares to set rules? And this kind of rules!"

"If I'm not mistaken, there are probably all kinds of people on Whitebeard's ship."

Noah knew without thinking that after this rule was established, as long as the rule was recognized by the sea, there would definitely be many people on Whitebeard's ship who would become arrogant.

Even those who had a little conscience would be blinded by this false power.

"Ah, Noah is right!"

Shanks said solemnly,"Although it is not good to criticize your own pirate predecessors, there are really all kinds of people on his ship."

"Whitebeard has only two conditions for accepting a son: he likes his son and he is loyal to him."

"There is only one rule on the ship - brothers cannot kill each other, this is an iron rule!"

"Big Mom is a pirate group connected by blood, Kaido is a pirate group that values strength above all else and worships the strong, and Whitebeard is a pirate group connected by friendship."

Shanks briefly talked about the structure of Whitebeard and the other three emperors' pirate groups.

They are all different from Shanks' Red Hair Pirates. They are not like-minded partners and seem a bit loose.

Perhaps this is also the reason why the Red Hair Pirates can become the so-called Iron Wall Pirates in the future, not only because the individual strength of the crew members is generally high, but also because they have an extraordinary friendship with each other.

However, Shanks was a little hesitant at the moment.

He had never thought of touching Whitebeard's beard at this time.

Shanks could see the strength of that monster old man. He had fought hard with his own captain at the beginning.

With the ability to shake, he could easily cause earthquakes and tsunamis, and it was easy to split mountains and break rocks. If his small body took his punch, he might still look good on the outside, but he was already in a mess on the inside.


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