"Speaking of which, Shanks."

Joanna leaned over with a curious look on her face.


Shanks looked at Joanna in confusion.

Joanna asked,"How did you get involved with the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates?""

Well, they were no longer sleepy after hearing this.

Not only the girls, but also the rest of the companions leaned over and gave him a questioning look.

Could it be that his boss stole his woman?

Seeing everyone's gossiping looks, Shanks replied speechlessly:

"What are you thinking about! Clear your mind!"

"Women will only affect my speed of drawing my sword!"

For some reason, he thought of Makino from Windmill Village, and felt a little regretful.

"I have a very good impression of Squard. It must be Captain Roger's fault.

Shanks pinched his chin and made a gesture of reminiscence.

"At that time, Captain Roger killed all the crew members except him, and this is probably why he holds a grudge against him."

He still has some impression of Squard. After all, in his impression, Roger rarely gets angry and generally does not take the enemy's life directly.

"Because Squard and their companions were pirates who burned, killed and looted, and they also ambushed and killed one of our companions during the battle, so Captain Roger rarely killed everyone on their ship except him, and he escaped by luck."

Joanna curled her lips and said,"What! I thought there was some good gossip to listen to, but I didn't expect it to be a coward!"

Of course he is not a coward, if he was really brave, he would have directly confronted Roger's pirate group.

The girls nodded in agreement after hearing this.

Even if it is an assassination, all kinds of low-level means are fine. After all, revenge does not care about the means?

But it is indeed not very glorious to pinch a"soft persimmon".

What's more, Shanks is not a"soft persimmon"."

"Well, forget it, just hold back for a while, if Whitebeard dares to come for revenge, let him come!"

Shanks simply stopped thinking about it, and said with a smile while holding his straw hat. He had some of the domineering aura of the future Four Emperors Red Hair Shanks.

He did not take Squard seriously at all, his opponent had always been Whitebeard.

If it was not for Whitebeard, he would have killed Squard with a"God Avoidance" sword for his provocation.

How dare this little jerk touch the porcelain of the future Four Emperors?


The companions smiled at each other and raised their weapons in response to their captain's determination.

Noah smiled and said,"Really? He's just a kid who didn't know where he came from. Is it necessary to be so grand?"

The girls shook their heads and sighed. Lord Noah was still so arrogant. He obviously liked the atmosphere of unity in the Red Hair Pirates.

They really wronged Noah. Noah really thought it was an exaggeration.

With Shanks' strength, even the captains of the previous squads would not be afraid.

Shanks' strength can be simply summarized as- under the emperor, I am the king! Above the emperor, I flee.

If Whitebeard comes to settle accounts, he can just run to the first half of the Grand Line.

Can he, Whitebeard, run to the first half?

That depends on whether the navy agrees.

And once he moves, Kaido and Big Mom will also move.

They are coveting Whitebeard's territory. It's been a long time. As long as the navy hasn't set foot in the New World, they don't mind Whitebeard being at a disadvantage. They can also shave off two pieces of meat from Whitebeard. But Noah just shook his head and didn't mean to explain.

Soon Shanks and others came to the busiest shopping street, intending to lure out Squard and others.

Sure enough, a few pirates saw the figures of Shanks and others, immediately looked at each other for a few seconds and then quietly retreated.

In a few minutes, Squard came over with a group of people.

Compared with the mighty appearance of hundreds of people, the dozens of people around Shanks were a bit shabby.

There were even a dozen women mixed behind him.

Squard said:"Red-haired kid! I recognize you! You are the brat next to Roger, that bastard!"

Squard took the lead and first used age attack on Shanks, implying that he and Roger were of the same generation, and Shanks was just a junior.

Shanks said with a smile:"Oh, what is the matter that senior is trying so hard to find me?"

"Are you going to treat me, your junior, to a drink?"

Shanks didn't care about seniors or juniors at all.

What a joke! You're already a pirate and you still care about seniors or juniors. Do you think you're a marine?

When Squard saw that Shanks didn't take the bait, he felt like he was punching cotton. It was very uncomfortable!

"I will never forget the pain that bastard Roger brought me!"

""It's been more than ten years, almost twenty years, and I have nightmares every night, dreaming about the pain that bastard Roger inflicted on me, and my dead companions."

Scuyard said, holding the machete behind him tightly.

"Ten years? Twenty years? How long is it?"

Shanks shook his head in boredom and said,"How can you be sad when you have forgotten how long your partner has been dead?"

As he said that, Shanks' pupils shrank, and he stared at Squard fiercely, and said word by word in a stern voice:

"If it were me, I would remember to record the time in days, and every day would be a shame for my incompetence!"

He didn't care about the reason why Squard came to him. As a pirate, he had already put everything aside.

Hatred, greed, rage... none of these were important!

Shanks only knew: since he had drawn his gun, he had to gamble his life. This was not a toy to scare people!

Pirates should be aware of this!


Shanks slowly pulled out the Griffin from his waist, and at the same time, a domineering color burst out from his body.

In an instant, the sky and the earth seemed to turn into black and white, and a mysterious wave rushed towards Squard.���

Squard's eyes were filled with horror:"This... This is Conqueror's Haki!"

A little bit of sweat appeared on his forehead, not because he was suppressed, but because he was frightened by this unexpected domineering power. After all, he was the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates and had the strength of a vice admiral of the headquarters, but his own brothers did not have that.

Sure enough, when Squard turned around, he saw that most of the brothers behind him rolled their eyes and fainted on the ground in an instant.

The remaining few left-arm crew members were also frightened by this scene, and even one or two of the weaker ones were affected by the Conqueror's Haki and their hands were shaking, unable to hold their swords or guns.

"Damn it! You actually have Conqueror Haki!"

Squard was unwilling to accept it. How could such a little kid have Conqueror Haki!

Numbers are useless in front of Conqueror Haki.

"Squard, give Whitebeard some face and step back!"

Shanks pointed his sword to the ground, staring at Squard with a cold expression.

He was unwilling to kill Squard, otherwise Whitebeard's unusual behavior would cause many people to die.

Many people may think that Shanks is free, but Shanks is actually the least free person in the pirate world.

After Roger's death, his life was to support the king and for the balance of the sea.

Little did they know that he didn't like to support the king, and he also wanted to carry the whole world on his back, but he couldn't.

He also wanted to be as wanton as Luffy, breaking into a judicial island here, and then breaking into an impel down city, and he could declare war on Big Mom casually, and even hit the lair of the Four Emperors Kaido.

He can't do it!

In terms of background, he is much better than Luffy, a top celestial dragon, just ask you if you are afraid; in terms of strength, he is stronger than Luffy, and he is the well-deserved number one in the future pirate world; in terms of talent, isn't the youngest of the Four Emperors in history also very valuable?

But if Noah hadn't come, the chess players in this world would ultimately be Joy Boy and Im, and the rest would be their pawns


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