When they arrived at the meeting place at the pier, Noah and his group saw Liya and her group waiting there.

The youngest Joanna was standing on tiptoe and looking around. When she saw Noah and his group, she waved to them with joy and made trumpet-like gestures with her hands.

"Hey~, Lord Noah, here!"

"Yes, yes, our little Miss Joanna, I saw it, you yelled and we all became the focus"、

Noah saw Joanna jumping up and down, looking like she couldn't calm down at all, and shook his head helplessly and dotingly.

Joanna stuck out her tongue, and didn't dare to look back at Liya's face at this time. Instead, she held Noah's hand and buried it in her arms, hoping that Noah would help her say something good.

After eating a lot during this period of time and because his physique was in line with this world, Noah's height has grown a lot. He was a little over 1.4 meters before, but now he has reached 1.6 meters.

At first, Noah was afraid that Lina and the other girls would worry about his abnormal growth. As a result, the strange thing was that Lina and the others were just a little surprised about his height surge, but they were not too touched.

However, it was precisely because Noah grew so fast that he bought a lot of clothes of different sizes to avoid having no clothes to wear when the clothes were not suitable. Fortunately, it can be clearly felt that the growth rate has slowed down recently. In a few months, it is estimated that it will fall into a low growth trend. After all, boys grow taller at around 13 to 15 years old, and Noah is only a little over 11 years old now.

Although it can't compare with the monsters in this world, after all, the time is too short. Otherwise, it would probably grow to two meters in a few years.

Noah doesn't like the height of three meters. A little more than two meters is more than enough.

Fortunately, he has grown a lot during this period, otherwise Noah's arm would probably not be so lucky.

"Well, all the problems that need to be solved have been solved. Sister Liya, how are the things you bought?"

Noah naturally felt sorry for this little lady who was five years older than him, so he changed the subject to divert Liya's attention.

"Lord Noah, we have already bought the supplies, enough for us to eat and drink for a month. As for Den Den Mushi, we bought more than a dozen of them according to your instructions. We also found some very interesting Den Den Mushi - video Den Den Mushi and camera Den Den Mushi. The former can be used to record and play some videos, and the latter can be used to take pictures."

Lea asked the sailors to lay out the various Den Den Mushi and introduce their functions to Noah.


Finally, Liya pointed to the last two Den Den Mushi, one black and one white, and introduced them in a somewhat solemn tone:"Master Noah, these are contraband items that the merchants deliberately released because they saw that we bought so many Den Den Mushi.

Generally speaking, they are prohibited from being sold and are mainly circulated in the underground world.

This white Den Den Mushi can attach to the communication Den Den Mushi and emit interference waves to prevent eavesdropping.

It is very rare!

This black Den Den Mushi likes to exchange information with its own kind, so it is often used as a bug.


"Oh~, so interesting, it's actually a biological telephone with quite comprehensive functions."

Noah thought these Den Den Mushi were particularly interesting, and he reached out to poke them, then felt a little embarrassed, after all, Liya's focus was not on whether the Den Den Mushi were cute or not, and coughed lightly:"Well, Sister Liya did a good job!"

Liya covered her head and sighed.

She knew that although her Lord Noah was very reliable in big things, he was still a child after all.

Children have a strong desire to play, and have no resistance to magical and interesting things, so there was nothing she could do, but continued to report:"This time, the consumption was 37.

834 million Baileys, mainly because the Den Den Mushi cost a little more.

As for the income, the previous pirate Hank and other crew members were exchanged for bounties, in exchange for 23 million Baileys"

"Yeah, yeah, got it. If you don't have enough money, just ask me, and you can just keep the banknotes from now on."

When Noah heard the word"consumption", he knew it was about money, so he just ignored it and bent down to play with the Den Den Mushi, not paying any attention to what Liya reported. After Liya finished her report, she turned around and saw Noah playing with the Den Den Mushi like a yes-man, with a few tic-tac-toes popping up on her forehead.

In a rage, Liya put away all the Den Den Mushi while Noah was reluctant to part with them, and said she would only give them to Noah when she needed them, because Den Den Mushi are very delicate creatures and need special breeding methods. It is impossible to keep the Den Den Mushi alive, otherwise it will die easily.

Obviously, the Den Den Mushi will not last more than three days if Noah teases it like this.

Noah knew that Liya would not return the Den Den Mushi to him. Money is a small matter, but if the Den Den Mushi died at an important time and there is no place to buy a new one, it will be a headache when he needs to use it.

Noah simply put away his pitiful expression and asked about the dojo.

Liya turned around when Noah heard that he was asking about the business, and said while flipping through the small notebook:"I asked the merchant ships around here, and they said that there are three dojos around here, in three directions respectively."

"One is Hongye Dojo. I heard that Qiu Ming Hongye's family is a famous swordsman family in the East China Sea. His ancestors once had a swordsman."

"Oh, that means your ancestors were very powerful, but they don't have many achievements now, right?"

"The second is the Qingfeng Dojo, whose owner is Qingfeng Ichiro. The family tradition is to draw the sword and slash with the sword. It is said that the sword is like a breeze blowing, and the dead don't even feel the pain."

"Oh? A fast sword? Just barely."

"The third is Isshin Dojo.

Unlike the other two dojos, it is located in a small village called Seimojiki Village on a relatively poor island.

Unlike the other two dojos, it is located in a small village called Seimojiki Village.

It is not located in a downtown area.

It recruits students at will.

Basically, anyone who wants to learn can be taught.

Moreover, many of them are children of villagers on the island, so the fees are also very random.

If you have money, you can give more.

If you don’t have money, sometimes you can just give some food.

The owner of this dojo is called Koshiro.

It is said that he is very popular among the locals because he often helps the islanders drive away the pirates who come to the island to do evil.


"Oh? Indifferent to fame and fortune? Isn't this the style of a hermit? Sister Liya, let's go there!"

Noah found the name"Yixin Dojo" very interesting. He wanted fame, but he lived in a poor village. He wanted money, but he charged very little. If he didn't want fame or money, why did he open a dojo?

"Okay, Lord Noah, I have already bought the map of Seymour Village. If we set out tomorrow, we will probably arrive in the evening."

It can be seen that Liya has gradually replaced the position of the navigator and has done her homework.

That night, Noah and others rested on the boat.

The next morning, the boat slowly sailed towards Seymour Village.

""Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Noah was practicing swinging with the genuine Frost and Snow in the training room. This action requires the integration of spirit, energy and soul.

Where the mind goes, the sword goes.

Most people will practice this when they start learning, but many people have not practiced it to the point where they will accidentally hurt others with the sword.

Soon, Noah was sweating profusely, and his eyes revealed fatigue.

Sure enough, Noah quickly got ready and put away the sword, and started a day of sword meditation.

Sword meditation can not only make you familiar with the sword, but also restore the spirit of the swordsman and comprehend the realm of kendo.

A group of maids were also wearing training clothes and doing hot exercises at this moment.

They took turns to rest, some went to watch the boat and serve Noah, the other part is trained here.

As Noah continued to practice sword Zen these days, he found that his mind's eye became clearer.

Originally, Noah had an inherent skill - the mind's eye. This mind's eye was very similar to the mind's eye of kendo, which was to find the enemy's weak points in attack during the battle, or to find a way out of disadvantage with one's rich combat experience.

Simply put, the insight is very sharp.

But Noah found that his mind's eye had changed. Sometimes he would inexplicably feel everything around him, feel the maids' every move, and occasionally even feel the presence of the sailors on the deck.

This phenomenon is not the first time it has happened. When he was on the island before, he was very sensitive to the malice of the people around him, but at that time he could not feel how many people there were, he just knew that there were many people.

Moreover, he only felt the single emotion of malice, probably because the emotion of malice is particularly strong.

If there is a master of Haki present, he will definitely find that this is a sign of the awakening of Observation Haki, and it is some special Observation Haki, which is good at sensing the emotions of living things. This is similar to the Observation Haki of Luffy and Coby in the future.

When Rayleigh was training Luffy, he keenly discovered that Luffy was very talented in sensing the emotions of living things, and Coby was very talented in sensing the emotions of living things during the Battle of Marineford because of his awakened Observation Haki. Wen Se is good at sensing emotions, so he could relate to the cries of the people on the battlefield, so much so that even when he had the advantage in the navy, he still chose to stand up and mediate the war.

At this moment, Noah felt very novel about his state, but he exited this state as soon as his emotions fluctuated, which inevitably made Noah a little discouraged.

Later, Noah tried repeatedly to enter that state again, but the result was not ideal.

He found that this state was like running water in the hands, which could not be obtained when both hands were clenched, and would only stay in your hands when they were open.

Thinking of this, Noah did not force it, ended the sword meditation, and turned to physical training.


When Noah stood up, he found that Irene was holding a standard long sword and practicing basic sword techniques in a serious manner.

""Hey, wow!"

With the powerful voice, Irene waved the long sword in her hand and practiced the basic swordsmanship.

Stab, chop, point, lift, pick, collapse, cut, chop, wipe, cut, cloud, hang, block, press...

Although there were some unsmooth connections and wrong angles between each move, the basic swordsmanship was still performed.

"Sister Irene, your basic sword skills are really good!"

Noah praised beside her. After all, he had never taught Irene before.

""Eh? Really? I watched Noah practice swordplay several times before and I felt like I had memorized everything, so I thought about practicing with the sword myself, but it felt a little wrong." Irene was originally happy about Noah's praise, but she was a little frustrated when she talked about her own practice progress.

"Dumb tape (It's okay), you just didn't get the guidance of a good teacher, and even without a teacher, I feel that you are correcting your mistakes little by little, and sooner or later you will succeed, it's just that it will take more time."

Noah saw that Irene was a little frustrated about her talent in kendo, and couldn't help but comfort her.

Yes, there are many people with good kendo talents in this sea who have been buried.

Many people have not met a good teacher, so they have not even practiced the basic swordsmanship.

Even many famous strong men in the sea have only learned how to chop, and then relied on their talents to embark on the path of swordsmanship.

Although some people have made up for their deficiencies in kendo after becoming strong and in life-and-death battles, more of them are unable to correct their mistakes in kendo because it is too late and they miss the chance to become great swordsmen.

If Zoro hadn't been taught by Koshiro If he were to do that, then he would be nothing more than a small-time thug who is always kicking around.

Noah stretched out his hand and corrected a few of Irene's sword movements.

Irene tried it and found it was unexpectedly smooth. The sword technique that was a little sluggish became as smooth as flowing water.

And Irene practiced the corrected movements over and over again until she became proficient.

This made Noah wonder if his teaching level was good?

But when he tried to teach other people later, as they made mistakes again and again, Noah corrected and encouraged them in a soft voice at first, then his voice became normal, then stiff, and finally he turned into a sharp-tongued person.

"A rotten tree cannot be carved!"

It only took Noah one hour to go from a nice guy to a grumpy old man.

"Private Marseille, Lord Noah!"

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