"It's obvious that Master Noah is too impatient. Besides, he's teaching nine of us at once. Even if we correct the movements at the beginning, it's normal for us to forget them later!"

Michelle was as outspoken as ever, pouting and complaining that Noah was too impatient.


Liya saw that Michelle was a little over the top, and was about to scold her.

Noah raised his hand to interrupt her. Noah took a deep breath and found that he was indeed impulsive:"Private Marseille, sisters, Miss Michelle is right, I am a little impetuous"

"No, no, no, Master Noah, it's Michelle, the naughty girl, who is too unruly."

The other maids waved their hands quickly, and even Vanessa, who always had a good temper, did not speak for Michelle, but joined the team to"attack" her.

"All right, a king must have the courage to admit his mistakes, stop arguing, now sister Liya, you come first, I will teach you first!"

If Gilgamesh grows up, he will definitely not admit that a king can make mistakes, because a king can't make mistakes!

At this moment, Noah is more like a young Gil, of course, he may also have the template of Shirou Emiya.

Noah began to patiently teach Liya from how to hold a sword, to how to sheath a sword, and then to some basic sword techniques.

After a process, Noah felt a little tired, but he felt a little proud to see Liya swinging the sword in a proper manner.

Of course, if Koshiro saw Noah's teaching, he would definitely think it was terrible and extremely inefficient.

Noah saw that there were still eight maids behind him, and he thought that he should just hand over this heavy responsibility to Koshiro.

"Captain! We have arrived at Seymour Village!"

Fortunately, the navigator's notification came from outside, which made Noah feel relieved. Otherwise, Noah would be bored to death if he had to teach eight more people.

At this time, Noah realized that it was already dusk outside. He had missed the meal after training, which made Noah feel that he had missed 100 million yuan. At the same time, he was more determined to leave the teaching to professionals.

""Okay, we'll be out right away!"

Noah shouted loudly to the outside, and then urged the maids to take a bath and change clothes, because Noah just realized that he was already starving.

When the ship docked, Noah explained his purpose to a villager who was on guard at the shore at night.

These villages would arrange people to watch the coast at night to prevent pirates from landing on the island and causing trouble.

Fortunately, the ship of Noah and others did not fly the pirate flag, so the villager on guard did not immediately go to gather people.

"Uncle! We are not pirates. We came here to learn from Master Koshiro.

Although it was getting dark, Noah still saw the villagers hiding behind the trees with the help of the barely perceptible light and his inherent skill - Clairvoyance.


The villagers saw that they were discovered and the other party didn't seem to be a pirate, but a child's voice, so their vigilance was instantly reduced.

"I see, you are here to pay a visit to Master Koshiro, then please come in, I have a place to stay."

Noah waved his hands and refused:"Thank you, uncle! There are too many people here, so we won't go to your place, we can just rest on the boat, if you trust us, we can help you guard the beach."

""Okay, I'm fine. I'm used to it."

Obviously, although the villagers felt that Noah and his friends had no ill intentions, it was their first meeting after all, and it was related to the life and death of the village, so the villagers did not accept Noah's kindness.

Noah expressed his understanding for this, but did not say much.

The next morning.

After Noah had breakfast, he asked the maids to change into casual clothes and prepare to go to pay a visit to Koshiro together.

Noah brought a group of beautiful women to the island and came to Isshin Dojo.

On the way here, the villagers saw Noah and others wearing bright clothes, and Noah was surrounded by beauties, and they all wondered which young master was out with his maids.

However, Noah and the maids were accustomed to these looks, and did not care about the villagers' pointing and talking at all.

On the Isshin Dojo side

"Hey! Did you hear that a young nobleman came to our Yixin Dojo? It is said that this young master brought a group of beautiful and lovely maids with him."

"Yes, I heard that these maids are all very beautiful and have good figures. It's a foul!"

The disciples in the dojo rushed to tell each other. For this group of young men with vigorous blood, the most beautiful girl in the village is Koshiro's daughter, Kuina, but Kuina is too strong. No man can be her opponent, so they can't even raise their heads in front of Kuina.

Now there is a group of beauties from overseas, which of course arouses their impulse.

On the Isshin Dojo side, Noah and others have arrived at the entrance of the dojo.

Koshiro knelt in the middle of two rows of disciples, and a short-haired girl dressed like a boy knelt beside her.

There was also a little boy with green hair among the disciples who was particularly conspicuous among the group of disciples.

The two rows of disciples saw Noah and others coming and were whispering to each other.

From time to time, they squinted at the faces of Liya and others, and quickly pretended to be indifferent and avoided them, but their faces showed the shyness of teenagers.

"Sir, what business have you come from afar to see me for?"

Obviously, Koshiro already knew that Noah and the others were looking for him, but Koshiro was calm at this moment, and he was not startled. It was clearly a question, but it didn't seem to be very important in Koshiro's mouth. There was a light and calm feeling in his tone, which made people feel good about him.

If Noah had the memory of Blue Star at this moment, he would definitely complain: Those with squinty eyes are monsters!

Just like Hawkeye said-if you are really a first-class swordsman, you would understand the difference between our strength even if you haven't fought with me.

Unlike the ignorant Zoro, Noah, who has felt the great swordsman, can clearly feel the oppression of Koshiro in the field of kendo. This oppression is comparable to the oppression of the great swordsman in his memory. Obviously, the Koshiro in front of him is a great swordsman!

This made Noah's heart beat faster. He was afraid. After all, although he was a king, he was also a human being. He had joy and anger, and naturally he was afraid.

"Oh? Boy, why are you afraid of me?"

Koshiro was a little surprised by Noah's change. His observation Haki clearly sensed some of Noah's emotions.

"Oh, I thought that Master Koshiro would be a swordsman, even a top swordsman, but I never thought that Master Koshiro would be a great swordsman. As for being afraid? I am somewhat afraid. Although I have no ill intentions, I will feel uneasy when facing someone who can easily kill me. This is respect for a strong man!"

Noah smiled calmly and responded to his inner fear in a loud and honest voice.


Koshiro felt that the noble young man in front of him was not the kind of noble son who would eat and drink and wait for death, and Noah's answer also made him feel particularly interesting.


At this time, Kuina next to him suddenly cried out in surprise:"Dad, you are actually a great swordsman!!!"

Kuina never knew how strong her gentle and elegant father was. She only knew that he was very powerful, but she had never thought that her father would be a great swordsman.

Unlike the other disciples, Kuina, who was from the"Frost Moon" samurai family, understood the value of a great swordsman.

Kuina was delighted at first that her father was a great swordsman, but in a flash, Kuina's heart fell into endless despair.

Because her father once said: A woman can't become the world's number one swordsman.

Originally, Kuina could use her father's lack of knowledge to convince herself, but the father who said this was a great swordsman. Is it true that a woman can't be the best in the world?

Thinking of this, Kuina became confused again. Even when Zoro asked her what a great swordsman was, she didn't respond. Koshiro didn't care about his daughter's surprise. His state of mind had become indifferent to fame and fortune with his seclusion over the years, and he had the charm of the Sword Saint Dugu in The Legend of Sword and Fairy, who was as kind as water.

"It seems that you are also a very capable swordsman."

Noah scratched his head awkwardly and waved his hand,"No, no, no, it's just that I have felt the pressure of a great swordsman before."


Koshiro was a little surprised. After all, he didn't know that Noah had the foul skill of projection magic. He could feel the pressure of the great swordsman and find out that he was a great swordsman. This undoubtedly showed that Noah's talent in the field of kendo was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Ordinary people can't comprehend the mystery of the great swordsman's power. They can only feel the power of the great swordsman, but they can't find it at all for the great swordsman who has restrained the pressure.

Of course, Noah's talent in the field of kendo is also at the level of a genius and evildoer, just like the chanting-this body is made of swords!

In the fantasy world, Noah is born with sword bones!

In the fairy world, Noah is born with sword heart!

Born for the sword.

But it is precisely because of this that Noah can feel the power from the kendo masters more clearly.

Noah straightened his face, forced himself to stare into Koshiro's eyes and said:"This time I came to Master Geng to become his apprentice, well, I'm waiting for all!"

Koshiro smiled and nodded and said:"Of course, Yixin Dojo will not refuse anyone who sincerely learns swordsmanship!"

Noah was delighted when he heard Koshiro's agreement, and then he quickly took out the apprenticeship gift - five boxes of Bailey, each containing 100 million Baileys, which he had exchanged for gold coins on the island before.

"This is our tuition for one year, please accept it, Master Geng!"

Koshiro accepted it without any hesitation. Although 500 million is a lot, it is not new to him. He often helps the revolutionary army collect food. Moreover, although this village is called Seymour Shiki Village, it also has another name - Shimotsuki Village.

"Student Masefield Noah, please give me more guidance!"

"Teacher, my name is Liya, please give me your guidance!"

"Teacher, my name is Irene……"

"Teacher, my name is Xibel.……"

"Teacher, my name is Vanessa……"

"Teacher, my name is Elena……"

"Teacher, my name is Rosalind……"

"Teacher, my name is Joanna……"

"Teacher, my name is Michelle……"

"Teacher, my name is Alyssa.……"

"Teacher, my name is Lorraine.……"

Koshiro smiled and squinted his eyes, nodding to the maids.

Suddenly, Koshiro didn't know what he thought of, and said to the maids a little embarrassedly:"I'm sorry, please change into simpler training clothes, mainly……"

Koshiro was a little hesitant at the end of his speech, but Liya understood Koshiro's difficulty.

They were wearing too bright clothes, but except for Kuina, there were only boys in the gym, and their hot blood inevitably affected their concentration on sword practice.

Liya nodded sensibly.

Koshiro was relieved to see that Liya understood what he meant, and turned to Noah and said,"You are new here, I will find someone to compete with you and see how you are progressing?"

Noah had no objection and even wanted to practice with Koshiro.

Seeing Noah nod, Koshiro said,"Kuina, go and compete with Noah."

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