At this time, Kuina was still immersed in Koshiro's words, unaware of the outside world. It was not until Koshiro called her several times that she came back to her senses as if she had just woken up from a dream.

""Okay, father!"

Kuina hurriedly took the bamboo sword and walked to Noah.

Noah also took out a bamboo sword from the bamboo tube next to him, waved it a few times to test the feel, and then walked onto the stage when he felt it was okay.

"Come on, Kuina!"

At this time, a green-haired disciple next to her shouted to Kuina.

Kuina did not respond, but saluted Noah.

Noah was a little surprised to hear Zoro's voice suddenly, but after seeing Kuina salute, he hurriedly learned to salute.

The two looked at each other with their knives for a moment, and both sides were observing each other's flaws.

After a while, Kuina took the lead in sliding to attack Noah's left side, holding the knife with both hands and slashing at Noah's left shoulder. Noah also immediately stood up to resist, and at the moment of collision, he exploded and bounced Kuina's bamboo sword, and took the opportunity to slash Kuina's head from top to bottom.

Kuina also hurried back to defend, holding the knife horizontally over her head to resist.

The two fell into a brief stalemate, but because Noah was slashing from top to bottom, and Kuina Ina was resisting from the bottom up, so Kuina was obviously struggling more.

So Kuina first breathed a sigh of relief, and then suddenly pushed away Noah's bamboo sword, ending this short stalemate.

Then the bamboo swords of the two people waved wildly and turned into countless phantoms, which made the disciples below dizzy and dazed.

They felt that if they were to go on the field, they would probably be defeated within three moves.

After a fierce battle, the bamboo swords in the hands of both sides bounced away again.

Kuina took the lead in holding the bamboo sword in her hand and used"Tangzhu" from top to bottom to chop at Noah, and Noah also instantly returned to defend with a horizontal sword.

It perfectly reproduced the battle scene between Noah and Kuina at the beginning, except that the two sides exchanged blows.

At this time, Noah smiled and said,"Little sister, swordsmanship is not only about strength, but also about skills!"

Noah took a step and the bamboo sword that was blocking him slipped away quickly. Noah took advantage of the situation and used a"left cut" move, and suddenly slashed upward to cut Kuina's right rib.

However, the sword stopped abruptly when it was about to hit, and it stuck steadily on Kuina's right rib.

The winner was decided!

"" Thank you!"

Noah took a deep breath, with a humble smile, but this expression made Kuina, who was mentally unstable at the beginning, feel that it was a bit like the mockery of the winner.

Kuina lowered her head, her shoulders kept shaking, and she choked a little and said:"Are you showing off?"

"Oh no……"

"Just because I'm a girl, I can never become the world's greatest swordsman?!"

Kuina couldn't hold it in any longer, she raised her head and revealed her red eyes, roaring angrily and unwillingly, then she dropped the bamboo sword in her hand, covered her mouth and ran out without looking back.

"Teeth white, the most unreasonable tears of girls."Noah covered his forehead and muttered to himself in distress, and could only chase after him to apologize

""Excuse me, Master Geng, please excuse me for a moment!" Noah nodded to Master Geng apologetically.

Koshiro sighed heavily as he looked at Kuina's crying and lost back, and naturally agreed to Noah's request.

""Noah, please comfort Kuina, please!"

Noah nodded and ran in the direction of Kuina, leaving Koshiro quietly looking at the direction of the gate.

As soon as Noah ran out, he found that Kuina had disappeared, and he muttered to himself, how could this little brat run so fast.

Seeing that he couldn't find anyone, Noah immediately used magic perception. Although magic power is not as accurate as Observation Haki, it is much stronger than Observation Haki in breadth. Of course, the Observation Haki of a certain person who can use Observation Haki to pull meteorites from outer space must be excluded.

Soon Noah found that he sensed Kuina's energy on the cape in front, and then ran in the direction he sensed.

The wind on the coast is strong. This cape is on the shore, and below is the rough sea.

The girl is at this moment. Sitting on the cape facing the sea, she hugged her legs tightly and buried her face between them. The sound of the waves covered the girl's sobs, but her body shook from time to time, which made the boy who ran over not far away feel pity.

A breeze with the breath of the sea blew over, and the flowers and plants on the ground fell down, taking away the girl's tears on the cliff.

Noah ran to a place not far from the cape, and saw the figure of Kuina not far away. He was about to shout, but the breeze blew her short hair and Kuina's rare weakness at the moment made Noah swallow his voice and gradually slowed down his pace.

Noah quietly and slowly came to Kuina's side, whistled, and pretended to sit beside Kuina as if nothing had happened:"Well, this place is so beautiful! It's a good place for people to relax."

Kuina paused at this time, but still didn't raise her head, just said in a tone with a bit of crying:"Are you here to laugh at me!"

Uh, how boring is it that someone would go to the trouble of finding you and laughing at you!"

Noah couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart, thinking that Kuina was still in the stage of being unreasonable as a girl.

I remember that it was written in the book that you should not reason with a girl in this situation, and you should admit your fault first, regardless of whether you are right or not.

"Uh, no, I came to apologize." Noah forced a smile on his face, his tone a little stiff

"……Oh? Then tell me what you did wrong?"Guina was a little surprised at first, and after a while she asked with some interest.


"I...I was wrong……"

Noah was stumped by the question and scratched his head in confusion.

This woman doesn't play by the rules!

""Puchi, hahaha!"

Kuina found it particularly interesting to hear that Noah couldn't explain it for a long time, and she couldn't help but chuckled. She raised her head and looked at Noah with red eyes.

The two laughed for a while and then calmed down. The atmosphere at this time was silent like a quagmire, and it was a little awkward.

Noah knew that this was not a good thing, so he took the lead in breaking the silence:"Your swordsmanship is very good! I guess all the children of this age in the whole East China Sea are not your opponents."

Noah was very tactful and didn't say words like"girls", and Noah felt that there should be no children in the East China Sea who could match Kuina in kendo.

"Oh? Then what are you?" Kuina stared blankly at the sea in front of her, her eyes full of confusion and sadness.

"I shouldn’t be considered as being from the East China Sea, although I have been in the East China Sea as long as I can remember, but I was definitely not born in the East China Sea."

Noah lowered his head to think for a while, and answered Kuina’s question seriously, then tilted his head to look at Kuina and continued:"I heard you say just now that you want to become the world’s greatest swordsman?"

"Ah, yes, but it's impossible now. I'm a girl, and my physical fitness is not as good as boys, so girls... can never become the world's number one swordsman in this life!"

Kuina's voice was a little low. She stared at the sparkling sea. The waves that rose from time to time cut the waves as if they were her broken dreams. At the end, her voice began to choke again.

"Before, I still had a dream.

Even though my father was not optimistic, I still defeated all the adults in the dojo.

I believed that as long as I worked hard, I would be able to become the world's number one swordsman.

For this reason, I practiced swordsmanship and exercised my body day and night.

But today, I learned for the first time that my father, who had always been low-key, was actually the great swordsman I had always admired.

Can you understand this despair of being told by a great swordsman that it was impossible to become the number one swordsman?"Noah!


Kuina screamed with her vocal cords, shouting out her unwillingness, and even pounced on Noah, pulling Noah's collar and asking desperately and helplessly.

Noah did not speak, but just stared blankly at the little girl crying in front of him, holding her in his arms and comforting her gently with some helplessness.

But soon Kuina let go of her hand holding Noah's collar. Her depressed mood made her too late to be shy. Or perhaps it was due to Noah's mysterious and comfortable temperament, or perhaps it was because she was eager to have someone to rely on at this moment, so she did not get up from Noah's arms.

"Noah, I feel like it's time to give up my dream.

Today I lost to you who is close to my age.

In the competition with Zoro, I can feel that he is constantly improving.

From being able to defeat him with a casual sword at the beginning, to now having to fight him seriously for dozens or even hundreds of moves to determine the winner, and I seem to have made no progress.

Perhaps what my father said is right, it is really impossible for a female swordsman to become the world's number one swordsman.

" Noah put his hands on Kuina's shoulders, pushed Kuina away with a little force, looked her straight in the eye and said,"Kuina, there is no rule in the world that a female swordsman cannot become the world's number one swordsman.

If a person with a good physique can become the world's number one swordsman, then the world's number one swordsman should be a giant, but it is obviously not the case!



Noah ignored Kuina's confusion and continued:

"When I was fighting you, I said that swordsmanship is not just about strength, but also about skills!

The reason why most of the world's greatest swordsmen are male swordsmen is that people in this world have good physiques, and swordsmanship generally emphasizes strength.

Since female swordsmen lack strength, they can make up for it with skills.

Instead of fighting a protracted battle like traditional swordsmen, they can use explosive power combined with skills.

When your skills are unbreakable and your explosive power is strong enough, fighting is just a matter of a moment.


The memory of the swordsmanship of the previous master of the inheritance of Frost and Snow contains scenes of fighting with other swordsmen. Noah found that most of these swordsmen had strange physiques. Their swordsmanship was powerful and strong, and it was common for them to fight for days and nights.

Although the skills of powerful swordsmen were not insufficient, they were just preventing themselves from being inferior to the strong men of the same level in terms of skills. In comparison, the swordsmen in this world did not like skills, but were keen on flying slashes and the combination of speed and force. Some also liked swordsmanship that was not up to standard. Most of these people were pirates who pursued rapid killing.

Even if there were some swordsmen with skills, most of them would be drowned in the torrent of mainstream swordsmanship because they had no reference and could only figure it out on their own.

"Of course, if you want to make up for the shortcomings of physical fitness, there is a way, that is to eat devil fruits. Animal-type devil fruits can greatly enhance the strength and recovery ability of the eater."

Noah turned to propose a solution to physical fitness. After all, he felt that the mainstream that has been circulating in this world for so many years probably has special meaning to Kuina.

As Noah spoke, Kuina's eyes went from dead silence at the beginning to gradually light up later, and at the end her eyes were even brighter.

"Devil Fruit? Is there such a magical thing in this world?"

Guina grabbed Noah's hand and asked impatiently. Obviously, Noah's guess was right. For Kuina, changing the kendo style that she had used for a long time was the last option.

"Ah, yes, the sea is very broad, Kuina! You have to remember! Everyone in this world has a kind of power in their body. Although I don't know what it is called, it is definitely a necessary condition for becoming a strong person. Although this power is related to physical strength, it is more important to have faith in your heart."

Noah pointed to Kuina's heart and said seriously.

"Belief?"Guina murmured to herself, covering her heart.

Noah's face was full of affirmation, and he continued:"Yes, the strength of this power depends on your belief. Just like the height of a fountain will never exceed its source, the strength of this power will never be higher than the belief in your heart!"

"Physical fitness determines a person's lower limit, but faith determines a person's upper limit. It is easy to improve the lower limit, but it is extremely difficult to improve the upper limit. Therefore, hold on to your inner faith, no matter how absurd it is. As long as you are firm in your heart, this power will respond to you and become your strongest helper to achieve it."

Noah returned to the physical fitness issue that Guina was most concerned about, and once again encouraged Guina's faith.

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