Noah saw Kuina's happy expression, which was a kind of joy that came across light after being immersed in darkness for a long time.

It was understandable that Koshiro's rough conclusion had been a problem for Kuina for a long time. She had been comforting herself before, and with the confidence accumulated in each battle, Kuina would have collapsed long ago.

But at this moment, Noah couldn't help but pour cold water on Kuina.

"Kuina, is your belief really to become the world's number one swordsman?"

Kuina felt a little strange when she heard Noah's question, and pouted with some dissatisfaction:"Of course, otherwise!"

On the contrary, Noah did not have a joking expression, but said seriously:"You must know, do you want to become the world's number one swordsman because you want to get the recognition of Master Geng, or do you want to become the world's number one swordsman for yourself?"

"If it is really for yourself, you don't need to care about your father's opinion. At the same time, you have to adjust your mentality. If your beliefs are shaken just by a few words from your father, then your beliefs are not solid, like castles in the air."

At this moment, Noah's words hit Kuina's heart like a heavy hammer, and then echoed in her mind like the echo of a valley.

Yes, why do I want to become the world's number one swordsman?

If it is for my father, then what is my belief?

If it is for myself, then this belief that is easily influenced by my father, isn't it a joke to say that I want to become the world's number one swordsman?

Kuina's face was uncertain at this moment, and thousands of thoughts flashed through her mind.

Noah materialized two treasures and threw one of them to Kuina.

Kuina felt a sword flash before her eyes, and subconsciously held the sword in her hand

""Huh? What's this? Where did you get this sword?"

Kuina clearly remembered that Noah didn't bring anything with him when he came, and this sword was exquisitely crafted, and its sharpness was not inferior to her own Wado Ichimonji.

"Come on, you should have used a real sword before, let's have another competition. Anyway, you are confused at the moment, so just use the competition to find your true self."

Noah did not answer Kuina's question, but invited her to compete together.

After that, Noah walked back and found a wider place.

Bow and salute, get ready!

Kuina understood what Noah meant and chased after him. After returning the salute, she held the sword and confronted him.

On the spacious grass, Noah and Kuina stood opposite each other, and their eyes revealed determination. Kuina threw away the distracting thoughts in her heart at this moment, and poured everything into the sword, and Noah also gave Kuina the corresponding respect at this moment.

A gust of wind blew, and Noah took the lead. His sword stabbed at Kuina like lightning.

Kuina did not take this move head-on, but chose to dodge the stab by turning sideways, and at the same time swung the sword to counterattack, but was blocked by Noah's urgent return to defense.

The two swords collided in the air, sparks flew, and the crisp sound of swords rang out..

Seeing this scene, Kuina couldn't help but feel an indescribable emotion. The crisp sound of the sword sounded so sweet in her ears.

She remembered that when she first started learning sword, it was because she liked it.

The collisions when sparring with others, the weight in her hands when fighting, the adrenaline bursts from dodging and counterattacking, the reflections after failures, and the joy of victory after challenging opponents again and again.

The sword in Kuina's hand swung faster and faster, like a bird escaping from a cage, and at the same time, there was a kind of joy in her heart that the night would end and the day would dawn.

Kendo competitions are also heart-to-heart. A person's mood and will will be revealed in the sword without reservation, and you can tell a person by looking at the sword.

Noah also deeply felt Kuina's transformation. Although he didn't know what Kuina had realized so quickly, Noah felt happy for her from the bottom of his heart.

"Kuina, I once said that swordsmanship is not only about the basic chopping and slashing, but also about skills. What you need to do now is to comprehend your own sword moves from the basics."

"Come and appreciate my sword moves, One Blade Style·Flowing Cloud Sword Shadow!"

The sword in Noah's hand suddenly felt ethereal and agile, and Noah's footsteps became light and ethereal.

Kuina's pupils shrank, and she felt her hair stand on end. Her whole body seemed to be enveloped by the oppressive air, making it difficult to breathe.

At the critical moment, Kuina remembered what Noah had just said, and she felt her own sword moves in the basics. She also remembered the joy of breaking out of the cage at the beginning, and a sword move naturally appeared in her mind.

""One-sword style: Returning Bird!"

This sword perfectly matched Kuina's state of mind - after living in a cage for a long time, the bird returns to its nest.

This sword did not have any special steps, but it locked onto Noah like a bird returning to its nest.

The two figures crossed, and the two stood there for a long time. The sword in Noah's hand turned into blue light particles and floated in the air.

"I lost!"

Kuina covered her clothes on her chest with one hand, her face slightly red and she said with relief.

"I didn't expect you to be so much stronger than me. Don't let me down in the next competition!"

"However, I didn't expect you to be such a bad guy!"

"Uh uh..., this is not my fault. How could I control where to cut at that time? I can only say that I tried not to hurt anyone. After all, I am not a swordsman yet."

Noah was a little overwhelmed and cried out for injustice. After all, Kuina's swordsmanship was really good. She was already a high-level swordsman in terms of swordsmanship. Now that she has suddenly realized and opened the shackles of her mind, she has broken through to the top level of swordsmanship. If her physique is stronger, she can try to comprehend the breathing of all things after fighting with others a few more times.

It was a bit difficult for Noah to hold back in this situation.

Kuina didn't really blame Noah. It was a bit interesting to see Noah's anxious denial.

""Hey?" Kuina found that the sword in her hand was turning into blue light particles and flying away with the breeze.

"What's going on?" Kuina tried to reach out and grab the light particles, but nothing came out.

"Um……"Noah thought for a moment and said,"Just think of it as my devil fruit ability."

Kuina was a little surprised, staring with wide eyes and feeling a little curious.

Noah took out a piece of clothing from the King's Treasure and put it on Kuina. Kuina was amazed to see a piece of clothing appear in Noah's hand after a flash of golden light.

""Have you figured it out?" Noah asked Kuina with a smile.

Kuina's eyes seemed to be filled with bright stars. She looked at Noah and nodded in response,"Yes, I figured it out! I like kendo, I like the pleasure of competing with others, I like the gains from every failure, and I like the joy of every victory.……"

Noah shook his head in amusement,"No, that's not what I'm talking about. I know this from the competition. Swords don't lie!"

"What is that?" This made Kuina a little confused.

Noah smiled slyly and said,"I laugh at you for being a big fool. How can you make progress if you fight with Zoro all day? Only by fighting with the strong can you find the flaws and shortcomings of your swordsmanship under oppression. So, all along, you have been just feeding Zoro with moves, but you still keep complaining that your strength improvement is far less than Zoro's. Hahahaha, it's really funny!" After hearing Noah's analysis, Kuina felt like waking up from a dream.

Yes, what progress can I make by fighting with Zoro all day, but I keep being a sparring partner for Zoro.

Just like now, after fighting two games with Noah, I feel that my swordsmanship has improved significantly. I have made a little modification in the style of my swordsmanship. My swordsmanship has improved rapidly. I have also comprehended a new sword move. I even think that if I practice for a while, I can comprehend more sword moves.

This comparison made Kuina feel that she had lost 100 million yuan and had been a sparring partner for Zoro for so long in vain. No wonder Zoro improved so fast.

"Damn it, I must have been influenced by my father's words, so I think about everything in this way."Guina wanted to beat her old father at this moment, so that he could feel his daughter's filial piety.

"I'm going to go back and change my clothes. I'll give it back to you next time!" Kuina trotted a few steps, turned around and waved to Noah, then ran briskly towards the backyard residence.

""Yeah!" Noah also nodded and waved in response.

Looking at the back of the ten-year-old girl walking away, Noah felt very good. After all, he had enlightened a girl and saved a girl's dream that was on the verge of being shattered.

"Little boy, what you just said is really inspiring! It's rare to see someone so young but so thorough in understanding the essence of domineering!"

The voice of an old man came from behind Noah. Even if you don't see the figure, you can imagine that this is a very free and easy person.

Noah turned around suddenly and saw an old man wearing a kimono, with a head full of white hair tied into a ponytail and holding a pipe in one hand.

""Huh?! You popped out from nowhere?"

Noah admitted that he was lax just now and didn't sense anyone approaching, but this was normal. People who sense all day long are either paranoid or insecure.

"I'm on the other side of the cape. I like to go fishing there every day."The old man calmly pointed to the cape next to him, and sure enough, there was a fishing rod fixed on it.

"Uh, sorry, I lost my composure just now. Grandpa, may I ask who you are?" Noah calmed down and politely asked the old man's identity.

""Huh... I am Kuina's grandfather. Huh! Koshiro has really grown wings. He actually caused such a big blow to my lovely granddaughter." The old man exhaled a long puff of smoke and stared at the direction of the dojo with a gloomy face.

"Thanks, kid! It's a pity that I don't have much time left to live, otherwise I would have forged a good sword for you. Now I'm old and don't have the strength to forge a sword!" Although the old man didn't have the fear of death on his face, he felt sorry that he couldn't forge swords anymore.

At this point, the old man's face changed again, and he cursed:"That guy Koshiro is unwilling to inherit my sword-forging skills, otherwise you can let him help you forge the sword. Unfortunately, I guess this skill will be lost after I die!"

"Uh, the old man just mentioned domineering, what is that?"Noah didn't bother about the knife. He had many knives. If a knife didn't have a legendary color, then the appeal of this knife to Noah would undoubtedly decrease a lot.

The old man exhaled a puff of smoke and smiled and glanced at Noah. It seemed that he was amused that Noah knew so much about domineering but didn't know the name of domineering.

"That's the kind of energy you mentioned, that kind of energy is called domineering!"

This time it was Noah's turn to be excited. He had been looking for this kind of energy for a long time, well, almost a month, and finally found it on this small island.

"Grandpa, can you tell me more about domineering things?"

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