Noah and his companions had only taken a few steps when the soldiers of the Dragon Palace came out to lead the way.

It was obvious that they had been watching the battle for a long time.

When Shanks saw this, he was a little worried that Neptune would send someone to take Scuad back, but now he was completely relieved.

Someone from Neptune had already gone back to report.

"Really? Shanks is so strong!"

Neptune secretly sighed, Roger is so lucky, he has such a crew member to carry on his legacy after his death.

He was a little surprised that the move described by his own soldiers defeated Squard.

It's just that these trusted soldiers have little experience and don't know the trick of that attack, otherwise Neptune would be even more surprised.

"Squard is so badly injured, will Whitebeard be angry with us?"

Otohime beside him was a little worried about this, after all, the rare peace of Fishman Island was brought by Whitebeard.

On the contrary, Neptune waved his hand and said:

"It's okay, as long as Squard is alive, we can also give an explanation to Newgate."

Then he smiled and said to Yiji:"You, you have too little experience in the sea all day, and you don't know the cruelty of the sea."

"It is a blessing to be able to save your life when encountering a strong enemy on the sea. If you really want to be serious, Newgate will have to give Shanks a big gift!"

But this is based on the premise that Whitebeard and Shanks are equal in strength.

That being said, if Otohime is allowed to venture out on the sea, he, a wife slave, will not be at ease. After all, Otohime is like a porcelain doll, which will break if touched.

Otohime was dissatisfied when she heard it:"Yes, yes, she is not as knowledgeable as you, the 'Great Knight of the Sea', okay." Neptune turned into a wife slave when he heard it, smiling and whispering comfort and apology.


Not long after,

Noah and the others arrived at the Dragon Palace.

The Dragon Palace was very large, and was even called"Dragon Palace City" to the outside world.

It was called a city, which showed how much land it covered.

The soldiers led Noah and the others to the entrance of the hall and stopped, bowed and withdrew.

Joanna and Michelle marveled at the size and magnificence of the Dragon Palace along the way.

Alyssa and Vanessa saw that there was no decoration in it, and it was all supported by the building itself, and they had some impression of King Neptune in their hearts.

The soldiers pushed open the heavy door, and Neptune immediately greeted them with a smile.

"Lord Noah is here. I am really sorry for the trouble you have just had. The banquet is ready. Let's put aside the unhappiness and enjoy the banquet. How about that?"

Noah nodded secretly.

Neptune is a very honest guy. He took everything into his arms.

"No, this is all Shanks' business. If he is defeated and beaten half to death, I will not make a move."

Noah responded politely. As a king for decades, he had long thrown away the temperament of an ordinary fat otaku in his previous life, and spoke beautifully.

Neptune understood what Noah meant. He glanced at Shanks and smiled,"Just let Shanks drink a few more glasses of wine when the time comes!" Shanks was no longer sleepy after hearing this, and said with a smile,"King Neptune, then you have to take out your collection."

Neptune said unhappily,"Of course, don't worry!" Shanks laughed a few times, then grinned and said in a deep voice,"Thank you for the tip-off."

Tip-off is just a small matter, and the meaning contained in it is very precious. Neptune stated his position and honesty. Neptune waved his hand and smiled,"After all, you are a guest of my Fishman Island. I am very sorry that I can't help you. Come on, take a seat!"

Shanks didn't hesitate and took his seat as he was led.

During the banquet, Neptune introduced his wife, three sons, and daughter Shirahoshi to everyone.

Shanks stared at Shirahoshi with a thoughtful expression on his face.

The girls were particularly fond of Shirahoshi. Shirahoshi, who was only four or five years old, looked a little chubby, but her height was already a glimpse of her future.

Shirahoshi seemed a little uneasy about the girls' friendly kneading and hugging. Her face was flushed and she didn't know what to say.

Joanna and Michelle tilted their heads slightly and murmured,"She's so tall, how can she be so tall?"

Roland's eyes moved back and forth between Otohime and Neptune, secretly wondering:

How do Neptune and Otohime usually have sex?

How did Shirahoshi develop from Otohime's belly?

Vanessa, on the other hand, flashed a doctor's serious look and said to Neptune,"I guess the madam is very weak."

After hearing this, Neptune looked at Shanks in surprise, intending to ask if it was Shanks who revealed it.

Shanks had been toasting with his friends, and when he saw Neptune's look, he was puzzled. He even raised the wine in his glass and toasted Neptune with a smile.

Vanessa replied on behalf of Shanks:"It wasn't Shanks who said it, I saw it."

Neptune realized that Vanessa was a top doctor, and asked quickly:"Miss Vanessa, do you have any treatment?"

"How can I be considered a princess with a fragile body? Even if I hit someone, I would break my bones."

After hearing this, Otohime blushed and glared at Neptune, and then looked at Vanessa with hope.

She was also dissatisfied with her body, which prevented her from going out to sea to find ways for fishmen and mermen to coexist with humans on the ground.

The three princes and princesses had heard about their mother's illness a long time ago, and they looked at Vanessa with hope.

Because Otohime was weak, they had never enjoyed the feeling of being held by their mother since they were very young.

Vanessa came over, felt Otohime's pulse, then glared at Neptune with an ugly face and scolded:"Her body is so weak, she was not in good health to begin with, and you actually let her give birth to so many children!"

Seeing the stern look on the face of the originally gentle and elegant Vanessa, Neptune smiled embarrassedly and scratched his head, and did not dare to talk back.

At this time Noah said:"Although it is partly related to this, it is not the main reason."


Hearing this, the girls' eyes instantly shifted to Noah.

On Shanks' side, except for Beckman who paid attention to what Noah and the others said, the others were busy drinking and grabbing food.

Noah did not react much to the chaos at the table. He smiled and said to Otohime:"From the time I came in until now, Princess Otohime's observation Haki has swept over me fifteen times."

"Isn't this a bit too rude?!"

Suddenly the whole place was silent, and you could hear a pin drop!

The atmosphere instantly became tense.


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