After hearing this, Otohime felt as if she had done something bad and was exposed. She blushed and bowed to apologize, saying,"I'm sorry, I just want to know what kind of person you are.""

"But Mr. Noah is amazing. I have rarely seen someone who can't feel anything."

Yes, Otohime didn't sense anything from Noah. She just sensed that this person was here, but she couldn't see his emotions, memories, thoughts, etc.

It was as if he was a living dead without any thoughts.

Noah smiled and said,"I hope Princess Otohime will put away your observation Haki and don't affect my beloved maid and swordsman."

Hearing this, the girls couldn't help but blush.

Neptune nodded with a tactful look and said,"I'm sorry, Your Excellency, my princess doesn't have any bad intentions. Don't worry, there will be no next time."

Otohime also bowed politely and apologized,"I'm sorry for being rude, Your Excellency. I won't release my observation Haki, but there are some abilities that I can't control."

Noah nodded, without doubting Otohime's words���Said:"Princess Otohime is a rare person who is born with the awakening of observation Haki, and her observation Haki is extremely special. She can see other people's thoughts and emotions, and can also infect other people's emotions and thoughts. So if it is not necessary, please do not express your opinions and views too much in public."

"Because many people who are convinced by your words are not willing to change through their own thinking, but their thinking is distorted by your ability."

"In other words, they are probably just brainwashed by you."


Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing this, and even Beckman was a little afraid of Otohime.

However, Noah quickly explained:"But don't worry, people with strong wills will not be affected by this power, well, at least not in the short term."

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after hearing this. For a group of strong men like them, the most feared and unbearable thing is to have their minds modified at will.

Neptune also breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that Noah and the others would turn their swords against them out of fear. At the same time, he was also glad that there were only confidants in the hall and no outsiders, otherwise Otohime's ability alone would make many people fear and covet it.

Noah looked at Otohime and said:"It is for her own good to let Princess Otohime use it less. Her body is very weak, but her observation Haki has surpassed many strong men. In this way, the spirit will constantly oppress her body, causing physical weakness. However, abilities are always used and wasted."

"In fact, for normal people, both physical strength and spirit complement each other. To a certain extent, when the physical strength is stronger than the spirit, the physical strength will drive the growth of the spirit, and vice versa."

"The reason for her congenital weakness is partly because Princess Otohime's innate spiritual talent is too strong, so she was born weak. If Princess Otohime was still young, I would definitely suggest that she practice as early as possible, but now……"

Noah gave them a look that showed he understood.

Not to mention that Otohime is old now, are you sure you can practice with a physique that can break bones if you hit someone?

Neptune's heart sank when he heard this, and he couldn't help but regret not forcing Otohime to practice before.

At that time, Otohime was not as fragile as she is now.

But he hadn't confessed his feelings at that time, and he loved Otohime too much before. Otohime was not keen on practicing, but liked to give speeches everywhere, and was determined to work hard for the peaceful coexistence of races. Neptune felt that he was capable of protecting his precious wife in the deep sea, so naturally he didn't want his baby to endure the pain of practicing.

"Then... can my wife still be saved?"

Neptune didn't notice that his voice was trembling. Noah waved his hand and said,"I'm not a doctor, don't worry, there are other reasons."

Noah signaled with his eyes.

Neptune immediately understood, and even the confidants around him retreated.

After they left, Noah said,"Princess Otohime is in poor health, in addition to her strong talent, she gave birth to a king!"

Noah smiled and turned his gaze to the mermaid princess——Shirahoshi


Shanks suddenly shouted, and even the people around him were startled by Shanks.

Neptune and Otohime were also a little surprised, even horrified.

""Hey, hey, hey!"

Shanks asked in surprise:"Noah, have you read the historical text?"

"Can you understand it?"

As a former eyewitness, he knew that the future Sea King would be the mermaid princess.

"No, the historical text only records that Poseidon, the king of the sea, will appear on the Mermaid Island, but it does not say that this Poseidon will be a mermaid princess."

Shanks instantly denied his initial guess, because the news about the king of the sea was divined by Charlie back then.

Noah shook his head and said,"I didn't read that thing, I just knew it."

Noah did not read the historical text. Although he could understand these words, he did not read it.

Because there was no need, he was an eyewitness to history.

As for Raftel, he was not in a hurry to go. Now was not the time to face Im.

That battle made him abandon his past arrogance and become a lot more calm.

Neptune stammered and argued,"No... impossible, Shirahoshi has never used any ability of the king of the sea, and is no different from an ordinary mermaid."

He really didn't want his precious daughter to be caught in the vortex of war.

Noah shook his head and said,"It's just that she hasn't awakened. Forget it, let's talk about the princess."

"It is the princess’ honor and misfortune to give birth to the king of your clan!"

The mother who gave birth to the Sea King was destined to be extraordinary, but unfortunately the mother was not strong, so Otohime's body, which would have been weak for a period of time at most, was directly dragged down.

Noah concluded that even if Otohime did not die from the gunshot in the future, she would continue to weaken her body, and in the end she would probably break bones when she stood up, and eventually die in pain.

Noah raised his hand and said,"Five years. If Princess Otohime continues to use her abilities wantonly, she can only live for another five years at most."


The four children exclaimed, and then looked at Otohime with tears in their eyes.

Shirahoshi buried her big head in Otohime's arms. Neptune tightly grasped the scepter in his hand and gently put his hand on Otohime's shoulder to comfort her.

On the contrary, Otohime looked calm after hearing this. She smiled and comforted the four children, and then gave her husband a look that it was okay.

Neptune felt sad and asked,"Is there no way?"

Noah spread his hands and shrugged.

Everyone's face darkened instantly, but Noah smiled and said:

"I am just a layman with a little knowledge of medicine. You should ask doctors about this kind of question. They are professionals."

Noah nodded to Vanessa.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Vanessa.

Vanessa nodded seriously and said,"I really don't know the reason that Lord Noah said. After all, this belongs to the spiritual level, which belongs to another field."

"However, since Lord Noah has said so, I also hope that you will not use this ability again."

"As for your current body, it is too weak to take a big tonic. I have a few suggestions."

Vanessa raised a slender finger and said:

"The first method……"

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