Liya glanced at Joanna and Michelle, who were unexpectedly quiet today, thinking that they were too young and not thick-skinned enough, so Liya smiled and bent down slightly and asked:

"What's wrong with you two? You haven't said a word today."

It would have been fine for Joanna and Michelle to act as if they were invisible, but when they heard Liya calling them, their heartbeats immediately jumped to around 180 per minute, and their faces became flushed like a volcano erupting.

Joanna stammered,"No...nothing, sister Liya knows that neither of us has any musical talent, so there's nothing fun for us here."

Michelle also nodded rapidly.

Michelle knew that when it came to making up lies, her good sisters were better, and if she had to say anything herself, she would only have a dry"nothing" or"nothing."

Liya smiled and nodded as if to see what was going on, and then suddenly asked,"Who fell down first last night?"

"Don't mention it, Michelle is useless.……"

Joanna started to speak, but her voice died down. Her pretty face, which had just faded a little red, turned red again, and even had a faint flame coming out.

Seeing this, Liya covered her mouth and laughed. The girls in front who knew what was going on also smiled knowingly. However, Vanessa and Luo Lan looked at Michelle with some sympathy.

"It turned out to be Michelle~"

Liya nodded meaningfully.

Michelle immediately grabbed Joanna's neck in a rage, and yelled:"You want to die! Say anything!"

Then she didn't care about anything, and yelled:"If you hadn't eaten the fantasy beast species, I would have only a natural system, and you would have been the one to fall down quickly. When I recovered, I would take your place as soon as possible, and you actually betrayed me!"

Joanna rolled her eyes because of being pinched.

Many people around looked over in confusion, and saw the two beautiful ladies, both showing the gentlemanly demeanor of tolerance for beautiful ladies, and smiled gently.

But gossip still has to be eaten, and they all stopped to see what happened. After all, for beautiful women, even a quarrel is a beautiful farce.

Joanna instantly noticed the convergence of thousands of eyes, and hurriedly grabbed Michelle's hand and whispered:"Don't make a fuss, we are on the street!"

Then she dragged Michelle to a few steps faster, and at the same time apologized to the people around her with a smile, pointing at Michelle and then at her own head.

Everyone understood immediately after hearing this, and looked at Michelle with some pity, secretly sighing that beauty is short-lived.

Seeing this scene, Liya couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle, while Noah and others stood a little further away, pretending not to know them.

Joanna pulled Michelle to the side and retorted in a low voice:"You still support me? You fell down after a few strokes, and you have to rest for a long time every time. I had cramps before you came, and you still feel wronged?!"


Michelle was a little embarrassed to say anything after hearing this. After all, a rookie is a rookie. If you are a rookie, just practice more and stop making excuses every time.

Joanna and Michelle agreed that no one would hurt each other. Joanna also knew that she was too talkative, so she agreed to some of Michelle's somewhat excessive conditions.

For example: take the bullet for her at the first opportunity, etc.

When the two women found Noah and the others, Noah wanted to make a few jokes, but was interrupted by a sudden urgent and excited voice.——

"It's wonderful! It's great! Ho ho ho ho!"

Gordon, whose hands and feet were as thin as a bamboo pole, ran quickly to Shanks who was not far from Noah.

He stopped in front of Shanks, put his hands on his knees, bent over and panted heavily.

Shanks smiled in confusion and said,"What's wrong, Gordon, have you composed any good songs again?

But you should go find Punch and the others. I remember they are……"

"No, I'm not looking for Mr. Punch and the others!"

Gordon held up his hand to deny, and said,"I'm talking about Uta, Shanks!

She's really a genius, let her stay, I can take her as my apprentice, and all the knowledge in the whole country can be opened to her!"

Gordon was very excited at the moment, and he didn't even notice that his saliva was about to splash on Shanks, completely losing his usual gentlemanly manners.

Seeing that Gordon was a little excited at the moment, Shanks spread his hands and gently pushed Gordon to indicate calm down, and said:

"I have no objection, but Uta only wants to study here for two or three months."

""Ha, how could this happen?"

Gordon looked a little distraught when he heard it. He was not a person who liked to force others, and his country had no military force, and he could not force Shanks' level.

Shanks felt a little bit sorry to see him distraught, and he would go to the New World to fight in the future, and it would always be inconvenient to take Uta with him. As for Noah...


Shanks couldn't help but sneer. Originally, Noah's side was a good place, but now it would be better to take Uta with him than to leave her there!

With his identity, he was not afraid that the people of the World Government would come to make trouble.

So Shanks called Gordon and said,"Wait a minute, Gordon!"

Hearing Shanks' call, Gordon's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself,"Could it be that I succeeded in pretending to be pitiful? It seems that my acting talent is not bad."

Gordon turned his head and asked,"What's wrong, Shanks? Don't worry, although Uta is unwilling to stay here for long, I will definitely teach her to the best of my ability."

Gordon showed a look of realization, and then said generously that he would do his best to teach her even if she didn't want to stay.

Shanks was really moved and said with a smile:"I plan to conquer the New World in the near future. It just so happens that the current situation in the New World is still unstable. I am worried about taking Uta with me, so I want to keep her. I know Uta has always wanted to have a stage to hold a unique concert, so……"

Shanks looked at Gordon sincerely and said,"Please let Uta enjoy the charm of the stage. This should make her stay.

Besides, this is the New World. If we are free, we can come here often."���Look at her."

The truth is out!

One of the reasons why Shanks didn't want to hand Uta over to Noah was that Noah was a street wanderer in the sea. He usually ran around in the sea. Who knows when he will settle down!

He was drifting around in the sea, so he had to see where Uta should go to find her!

Gordon felt that his back was very heavy after hearing this. He was carrying the future of a future star in the music industry, so he promised with some chicken blood:"This is too easy. I will hold concerts here every once in a while, so I can arrange for her to appear and guarantee that she will have a good experience."

Shanks smiled and waved his hand and said:"Don't worry, don't worry, learn first. Only when you learn well can the performance be more touching and give Uta more confidence."

Gordon clapped his hands and laughed, and said:"Yes, yes, yes, I am too impatient."

Leah heard the whole"dirty" deal of the two people nearby, and said to Noah with a smile:"Lord Noah, Shanks seems to have sold Uta!"

Noah hugged Liya's slender waist, leaned him on her shoulder, took a deep breath of the fragrance of her hair and smiled:"Shanks has considered it very comprehensively. There is really no benefit for Uta to follow him."

Uta's strength is too weak. Although the fruit ability is abnormal, it is also a big mana consumer. He faints at any time, which is even more outrageous than the surgery fruit. At least Luo just looks a little weak at ordinary times.


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