Liya felt the heat on her neck, and the blush quickly climbed from her neck to her pretty face. But who was she, Liya? She quickly returned to normal, and did not forget to joke:"Isn't she the singer you chose? If she stays here, it will be difficult to cultivate feelings!"

Noah was a little speechless. That was because he was young and ignorant before, but he had seen that Uta was very beautiful when she grew up in his previous life, and he would definitely not be willing to let her go, so he pretended to be cautious and said:"After all, we fought the Celestial Dragons. If the pursuers arrive, we will probably be in trouble. We may not be able to take care of Uta at that time."

Liya looked at Noah in surprise, but thinking of the previous fight between Noah and the hero Garp, it is estimated that one more general will be quickly defeated, so Liya believes that this is the reason. What surprised her was that her own Lord Noah would actually admit defeat?

It's incredible!

Liya said softly and comfortingly:"Don't worry, Lord Noah, we will always be with you."

Noah heard this tone of life and death, which made him a little amused and at the same time made his attention inadvertently drift to more than 800 years ago, when they also said the same thing.

"Lord Noah, will you die?"

"I won't die, believe me, Lopez! But I may be gone for a long time,……"

"That’s good, that’s good, as long as you are still alive, even if we reincarnate for a hundred times, we will come back to your side and become your strongest shield again!"

"Before that, we will definitely protect Uruk!"

"Sorry, Lopez, I have to temporarily seal your memory of me."

"Lord Noah, I don’t know if you believe it or not, but we all firmly believe that even if we lose our memories, the instinct engraved in our souls will guide us back to you!"

"I will definitely be back!"


Noah recalled this and saw the familiar face in front of him. He slightly tightened his arms around her waist and said softly,"Yes, of course I believe it!"

Because you are back to me as promised.

Liya felt that Noah's words seemed to have other meanings, and she felt that the man behind her seemed to be in a bad mood. Then she changed the subject and said,"Lord Noah, look, Shanks and the others are going far away."

Noah reluctantly let go and led the girls to follow.


"Shanks! Noah!

Gordon led everyone to the castle. Uta, who was playing various musical instruments, saw her father and best friends coming over, and immediately put down the instrument and ran over, saying with a smile:

"Gordon said, I am a musical genius! Sooner or later I will become the best singer in the world!"

The girl proudly raised her head to show off her achievements to her father and the ignorant object of her love. This scene made Noah and others feel very cute. Joanna picked up Uta and said fiercely:"You have no conscience. You don't even call your own good sister!"

Uta said with disdain:"Who is your sister? You don't even want to give me a piece of skin care products." Joanna blushed slightly when she heard it. She turned her head away unnaturally and said:"Didn't sister Vanessa say that this is not suitable for you? Even Guina doesn't have it!"

She broke out of the cocoon and became a butterfly overnight. How could she not understand what the so-called medicine is.

But there is nothing wrong with calling that thing a medicine.

But Uta obviously didn't buy it. She turned her face away with a look of being unable to be coaxed, and said:"But you don't even want to show me a look. You are so stingy!"

Joanna felt even worse. The thing was in her body, how could she show it to her!

No, even if it was there, she couldn't show these things to children, it would teach them bad things!

And if Shanks knew about it, he might kill her. If

I had known, I would have put on light makeup when I got off the boat today, so that Uta wouldn't ask me all kinds of questions.

Leah and Vanessa smiled at each other, and seeing Joanna was at a loss, they hurried forward to comfort her.

Finally, Vanessa agreed to make a customized skin care product for Uta, and Uta agreed with satisfaction.

Noah's brows jumped when he saw it. He could guarantee that Uta came here for Vanessa's compensation.

In fact, Uta did come here for Vanessa's compensation, and she originally wanted to get more I bought several sets of skin care products before, but I got a set tailor-made.

That's even better!

As for Joanna's so-called skin care products, Uta said that since even sister Vanessa asked for it, and even Kuina didn't use it, it should be true.

Although she was a little dissatisfied with Joanna for not even taking a look at it, now that she has this customized skin care product, what else can she do?

And it's probably more painful to see it but not use it.

Although Shanks was a little confused about such a young girl using skin care products, his little princess liked it, and Vanessa guaranteed that there would be no harm and it would be good for the body, so he followed Uta.

Gordon also stood up and said with a smile:"Uta, how do you feel here?"

Uta smiled and responded:"It feels like I'm in a paradise of music. There are all kinds of musical instruments!"

Gordon smiled proudly and said:"Of course! There are all kinds of musical instruments in the world here. You can learn as you like as long as you are interested.

I will take you to the library to study later. I will arrange someone to teach you, and of course I will also teach as your teacher."

Before Uta could respond, a group of ministers at the back pushed and shouted,"King Gordon, let me do it, please, at least let me teach one subject!"

Before he could finish, he was kicked aside by another minister, who said disdainfully,"With your little knowledge, I know everything you know, choose me!"

A minister who was dressed very artistically put his hand on his face and pushed him aside. He looked at him with disdain and said,"You know it, but do you have any particularly famous achievements?"

Then he turned to Uta with a slightly flattering smile and said,"Ms. Uta, you should have read"The Book of Music". I am the editor-in-chief of that book, and I have also published many papers on music and people's psychology."

Then a group of ministers behind him were unhappy. Who among the people here has not compiled a few books and published a few papers!

For a while, the whole hall was filled with noise. After seeing Uta's talent, these people threw their gentlemanly manners to Raftelu and shamelessly wanted to be Uta's teacher.

Liya said speechlessly:"It's outrageous."

Loran was also a little amazed and said:"Is Uta's musical talent so good?"

She studied physics and at most had some knowledge of biology, but she knew nothing about music.

Benk Punch nodded and said:"Uta's musical talent is unparalleled. I taught Uta's music enlightenment before. I can't teach anymore. Now I come here to make up for Uta's basics. If Uta stays here, she can broaden her knowledge."

He said the last words very quietly, for fear that Uta would hear.

As Benck Punch said, he had taught everything he could, but he was not a good teacher, so there were inevitably many omissions and unstable foundations, so Shanks sent Uta here.

Music is often based on talent, and knowledge only accounts for a small part of a musician, just like a mathematician.

Benck Punch and Mengshida are musical geniuses, and their inspiration is endless, but obviously this inspiration cannot be taught to Uta.


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