Noah ignored Shanks' unpredictable expression and said to himself,"I was originally planning to leave here with you, because I promised Kuina's grandfather that I would help him to see Wano Country, but unfortunately I don't have the permanent pointer of Wano Country."

Noah glanced at Kuina beside him.

Kuina was a little dazed, pointed at herself, and said,"Me? Grandpa? I am from Wano Country?"

Kuina was a little confused, she didn't know why she was from Wano Country.

But this is understandable, Kozaburo, the cowardly old man, didn't even dare to reveal the word"samurai", for fear that the navy would come to encircle and suppress him.

Noah sneered at this. It has been decades since he was put on the bounty list. Besides, even if the navy knew that there were samurai on this island, what would it matter?

Samurai are not pirates!

Although Wano Country is not a member country, the navy still has to have some shame, and they won't say that people who are not members of the member countries are pirates.

Noah also had to admire the old man Kozaburo, who was considered the king of pirates in the world. He was so cowardly that the navy forgot that there were samurai.���There are many people in the world, and they even established a village in the East China Sea.

Elena held Kuina's shoulder and nodded gently.

When they were maids in Shimotsuki Village, they were with Noah except for training, so they knew Kozaburo's identity very well.

Shanks looked at Kuina with surprise and said,"Huh?! Kuina is from Wano Country?"

No wonder Shanks was surprised, after all, Wano Country is famous for its isolation.

There are very few people going out to sea.

Noah chuckled and said,"Not only that! Kuina is from the nobility of Wano Country!"

Shanks asked Kuina curiously,"What's your last name?"

Kuina replied,"My father said that our family's last name is Shimotsuki!"


Shanks was even more surprised and said,"You are really from a noble family. More than a noble family, Shimotsuki is the surname of a daimyo family!"

Shanks had heard Kozuki Oden talk about the composition of Wano Country before.

There are six major families in Wano Country, namely Amatsuki, Kozuki, Ugetsuki, Shimotsuki, Fugetsuki and Kurotan.

Kozuki is the leader, but Amatsuki disappeared after Lady Toki died.

Shimotsuki was praised by Kozuki Oden, not only because her ancestor had the"dragon-slaying" swordsman Shimotsuki Ryoma, but also because of Shimotsuki's loyalty and strength, so that Shimotsuki is the only family with two daimyo leading Hakuma and Suzuko respectively at the same time. Of course, it is also because Kozuki Oden and Shimotsuki

Yasuie are close friends.

Kuina was even more surprised after hearing this. She didn't expect her family to be so noble. But why did her father and others end up in the East China Sea?


Shanks turned his head and looked at Noah and said,"Wano Country has been occupied by Kaido, and I don't know what happened to Mr. Oden."

Shanks' face looked a little ugly, because since Kaido has occupied Wano Country, then Mr. Oden must have had a problem, otherwise, based on Mr. Oden's feelings for Wano Country, he would definitely not allow this to happen.

"He was probably killed."

Noah guessed. He had long forgotten about Wano Country. The memories of the past twenty years were too far away.

Shanks shook his head decisively and said,"Impossible. Mr. Oden is very strong. Kaido can't kill Mr. Oden!"

Noah shook his head with amusement and said,"Although I have never encountered Kaido's strength, he is called the 'Three Emperors' by outsiders, so he should not be too bad. Moreover, masters often lose in one or two mistakes."

Noah felt that Shanks was deceiving himself.

Shanks shook his head and said,"Forget it, I will go and see it myself one day, but Noah, if you want to go, you can buy a pointer on the black market."

Noah sneered,"Do you need to tell me! I was wondering if you have a permanent pointer there!"

Shanks spread his hands and said,"I always travel based on my mood. It's not fun to know the destination. Only the unknown is the fun of adventure."

Noah didn't say anything. This was the only feeling of freedom that Shanks, a prodigal son, had.

He looked at the sky, which was as dark as ink. Thinking that the evening show was about to begin, he stood up and said goodbye.

Shanks didn't try to keep him. He knew that Noah's daily routine was still very regular, but what he didn't know was how crazy Noah was after he turned around.

Shanks grinned heartily, turned around and raised the bottle of rum to his brothers, and said with a smile,"Guys! We're saying goodbye to Uta tomorrow, let's have a farewell party!"


"Hush! Keep your voice down. More than a hundred people just died on the island!"

"What? We men of the sea always face death with a smile!"

"Okay, let's keep our voices down so that Uta won't be bullied because of this."

"All right……"


"How far is it to Elegia? Perori~"

Perospero licked his candy stick and turned to ask the navigator on his ship.

"Lord Perospero, we will arrive tomorrow morning!"

The navigator responded nervously.

Duke Dandan crossed his long legs and drank coffee elegantly, but his expression was extremely solemn."It seems that I will meet Noah tomorrow."


Charlotte Daifuku curled her lips in disdain and said,"What [Legendary Hunter]! It's just the Navy's flattery!"

But Baron Egg shook his head and said,"Don't be careless, Mom just asked us to send invitations to the tea party. If Noah is really that simple, we will send wedding invitations."

Yes, Big Mom woke up from her impulse before Perospero left. She felt that she was still a match for the old soldier Garp, so she should send out invitations to the tea party first.

When Noah arrives at his own territory, he will be at my disposal, mom!

Big Mom touched her belly with satisfaction.

Perospero nodded and said,"Duke Egg is right. Not to mention the Golden Lion, to be able to fight old man Garp like that, his strength must be stronger than Katakuri, even if he is not as good as mom, it is not far behind."

If possible, he really didn't want to send the invitations.

Charlotte Dave stubbornly stated that her mother was invincible, and said:"Even if he is stronger than us, how can his women compare with us? As long as mom stops him, won't his women be at our mercy?!"

Then he said with a sinister expression:"If he knows what's good for him, he will listen to us obediently. Otherwise, anyone who dares to refuse our mother's invitation will have his whole family killed! Hehehehehe!"

Perospero thought about it and felt that it was no problem. The Imperial Corps does not only have a general king, but also needs a group of capable subordinates, otherwise the former Red Earl is an example. So what if he can keep pace with Roger and the others alone? The first target of the navy will be him, because he is the only one who can go alone.

Baron Egg remained silent. Although it sounded like that, he didn't know why he was a little worried. He looked up at the dark night, as if the road ahead was like a bottomless black hole that was going to swallow them up.

He could only murmur,"I hope everything is safe!"

…… ps: Sorry, it should be"Egg Baron".

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